Chemistry of Thorium-Quantitative Estimation of Thorium by

oxalate medium (g) man- shift the iron half-wave so that it would no longer interfere, this phase of the problem was of minor importance in this labor...
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V O L U M E 20, NO. 12, D E C E M B E R 1 9 4 8 2.35 nig. of folic acid instead of the 1.0 taken. This interference is slio~vnas a direct enhancement of the folic acid wave and is caused by the direct superimposition of the iron wave onto that of folic. acid. .4s found in this laboratory, the half-wive potential of thc ferric-ferrous reduction v a s -0.94 volt with the tetramethyl aninn~niumhj-tlroxide solution used. This was to be expected, since half-Ivave potent,ial for ferric-ferrous iron in potassiuni hydroside and mannitol has bcrn reported as -0.9 volt (J). Although it is possible that use of au oxalate medium ( 8 ) may shift the iron half-wave so that i t ~vouldno longer interfere. this of the problem was of minor importance in this laboratory and sufficient t i n e could not br devoted to its solution. Ttilizirig higher instrument sensitivit,y with correspondingly lon-er radmium ion concentratioris, it was found feasible to test for COIIrenti,atiorir oi’ folic acid a‘ low as 1 mg. per liter. This sensitivity is not LO great as with the turbidimetric microbial method of Rohcrts and Snell (6, 10 micrograms per liter). The latter nitathod, however, required a minimum of 16 hours per aqzaj- as ronip:wed to 10 to 15 minutes for the polarographic, 1~roc~diire. In thr. rcrcwt study of drgradation prodncts of rhiztq)tmin by


Rickes et al. (6) polarographic studies indicated a general pterin class reduction at approximately 0.8 volt in 0.1 JP lithium borate ( p l l 9.12) buffer. Thus, in a study of folic acid of presumably high purity pterin contaminants should be considered as likelv to intei fere with polarographic assays. LITERATURE CITED

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CHEMISTRY OF THORIUM Quantitative Estimation of Thorium by Precipitation with Radioactive Pyrophosphate ‘I’lIEKILI) TIOELLEK
