Nov 4, 2010 - Above. Synthetic resin kettles at the Brighton Copper Works which specializes in equipment designed by its staff and user's engineering ...
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Above. Synthetic resin kettle» at the Brighton Copper Works which specialize* in equipment designed by i t · staff and user9» engineering department. Below. Assembly bay of the Vulcan Copper and Supply Co., which fabricates equipment for distillation and evaporation processes.

Above. Plant of the Wm, Powell Co., which has specialized to a great extent in material· aud désigne for manufacturing valve· for the chemical process industries. Right. Building of the Palmer Co., which manufactures the "Red-Rcading-Mercury" industrial and laboratory thermometer.

Above. Eaglc-Pichcr Lead Co. manufactures zinc and lead pigment» for paint, varnish, storage battery, rubber, ceramics, and ltnolcum industries. Among its 100 products are red lead, litharge, sublimed litharge, leaded sine oxides, lithopone, and orange m i n e r a l .


Top corner. The J. II. Day Co., manufacturers of kneading and mixing machinery for all purposes, as well as package-filling, sifting, blending, elevat­ ing, and conveying machinery. Above. A corner in the plant of American Laundry Machinery Co., which, through its Rochester Division, is developing many new lines of centrifugal equipment. Left above. Felt machines at the Philip Carey Co., manufactur­ ers of roofing and building materials and heat-in­ sulation products for a great variety of chemical process and power-plant requirements· Left. Dis­ tillation column at the American Copper and Brass Works, Inc., founded in 1830, which supplies m o d ­ ern beverage and industrial alcohol distilleries.

Right. Plant of The Orviilc Simpson Co M pioneers and builder» of R o t e s icrecncrs which are produced in more than 25 standsud and seniistandard models with one to five screen surfaces.