Chemistry, Second Edition (Zumdahl, Steven S.)

This general chemistry text contains 24 chapters whose topics are arranged in about the same order as the more recently pub- lished general chemistry ...
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Chemistry, S e c o n d Ednlon Steven S. Zumdahl. D. C. Heath: Lexinc1186 pp. Figs. arid ton, MA, 1989. xxv tables. 21 X 26 cm.


This general chemistry text contains 24 chapters whose topics are arranged in about the same order as the more recently published general chemistry texthwks. The text is complete enough to work well in a one-year general chemistry program geared to students in amedium to high level course. The order of the topics provides a flexibility that will accommodate a variety of instructors. Various sections of some of the chapters, for example, Chapters 18, 19, 22, 23, and 24, which cover topics on descriptive and organic chemistry, biochemistry, and industrial chemistry, can he used as appropriate. The topics are presented in a clear, detailed fashion at a level that most students should find very readable. There are a number of changes in the second edition, the most significant being the addition of 45% more exercises and the increase in the number of prohlem-solving strategies. The chapter on types of cbemical reactions and solution stoichiometry (Chapter 4) has been rewritten, and the material on rate laws (Chapter 12) and huffers (Chapter 15) has been revised. Of special interest is the Chemical Impact features found s t the end of most of the chapters. These practical applications of chemistry are very informative, and, as stated by Zundahl in the preface, "Chemistry is a human activity carried out by real people." The example problems are numerous and excellent in quality. They are presented in considerable detail witheach step completely explained. Problem-solving orientation is indicated in the sample exercises by explaining to the student the strategy to the solution, ratber than the memorization of a procedure. The exercises a t the end of the chapters are grouped hy subtopic with answers to selected exercises a t the end of the chanter. A Solutions Guide and a Com~lete ~01;tions Guide are available that contain, solutions to two-thirds of the exercises and solutions to all of the end-of-the chapter exercises, respectively. There are numerous study aids in the hook that include a listing of the chapter's contents on the first page of each chapter; a


purpose is given for each subtopic in achapter, and a summary and key terms are given a t the end of each chapter. The use of color has been increased in this edition, and it is not offensive as it is in some textbooks. The figures that I found to give a distrading reflection under a fluorescent desk lamp were those having a bright yellow color; for example, the figures on pages 373,390,391, 435,478,753,1026,and 1027.A glossary and tables of data are collected a t the end of the hook. The thermodynamic data table includes a good representation of both inorganicandorganic compounds as wellas ions. There are several items that the author may wish to consider in the next edition. The equations giving the relationship hetween vapor pressure and temperature (Eq 10.5)and the variation of the rate constant with temperature (Eq 12.11) should he rearranged to a chain calculation, rather than the calculation of the reciprocals of temperature. Complex ion equilibria (section 15.8) should be included in the coordination chemistry (Chapter 20), and the biological importance of coordination complexes (section 20.8) should he moved to Chapter 23Biochemistry. The improvements in this edition have added to a generally attractive layout of the book. Students will find this b w k interesting and readable. While opinions may differ on the order of the treatment and depth of topics, the author has constructed a h w k that orovides for such a flexihilitv. Instructom kill want to consider this book and its supplements for adoption in order toaatisfy their general chemistry eourre needs. Daniel T. Hawo* Marqueue Unlmlty

Milwaukee. W153233

Chemical a n d Englneerlng Thermodynamlcs, S e c o n d Ednlon Stanley I. Sandler. Wiley: New Yo*, NY. 1989. uiii 622 pp. Figs. and tables. 18.2 X 26 cm. 554.92.


This thermodynamics text is a fine book from which to learn some lmic thermodynamics. It differs from many other thermodynamics texts in its emphasis on engineer-

ing, and while the science is the same, that viewpoint is different from, say, the Pitzer and Brewernewis and Randall thermodynamics text. As such, chemists and cbemical engineers alike will find it worthwhile. Chapter 1 is an Introduction to the subject and is, in my opinion, a little slippery in its delivery. Many terms are introduced and discussed, including the idea of conservation of energy, but the feeling I get is that many of them are presented like "pulling a rabbit out of a hat." This chapter sets the tone for the book as being less concerned about developing a solid theoretical basis (indeed, the three laws of thermodynamics aren't even mentioned as such, and the third law isn't evenmentioned in any form!); rather, the emphasis is an the application of accepted facts. The second and third chapters introduce the concepts of mass, energy, and entropy balances. Here the text becomes more quantitative and exact as systems under discussion become mare detailed, i.e. turbines and engines. Examples are many and well chosen; systems tend more toward real-life examples rather than ideal gases acting upon frictionless pistons. Chanter 4 deals with the themodvnamic pmprrtirs of real systems, and it is here that one grts first the idea [hat the real world isn't composed of an ideal gas.There isquite a bit of discussion based on parametric equations of state and the use of experimental tables, charts, and graphs in solving problems. Chapter 5 ia a relatively short (40 pp.) chanter on eauilibrium in sinele-comoonent sysirms. In'this chapter t i e con&pt of G ~ h h sfree energy 18 emphasved and developed further. Fugaclty rs introduced, contrnuing the hook's stress on real systems. Phase changes are also introduced. Chapter 6 ronrludea the hasic theory of thermodynamics by developingthe eq&tions ing to mixtures, including chemical reactions, multicamponent mixtures, and multiohase mixtures. -Chapter~7 , R. and 9 are long chapters that addrers rralsituations: thedeterminationof thermodynamic parameters, phase equilihria, and chemical equilibriaof real mixtures. Chapter 8 is especially instructive, discussing the problems of solubilities of differing phases, immiscible liquids, freezing point (Continued on page A232) r

In This Issue Revlewer

Steven S. Zurndahl, Chemistry, Second Edition Stanley I. Sandler, Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics, Second Edition Roger D. Griffin, Principles of Hazardous Waste Management Textbook Announcements Continuing Series

Volume 66

Daniel T. Haworth David W. Ball

A231 A231

Malcolm M. Renfrew

A232 A232 A232

Number 9

September 1989
