Chemists and Policy—Bridging the Gap

science with state and re- gional concerns; as a scientist, my data eval- uation ... helped each of us understand the policy world and the best wa...
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shortages for nuclear magnetic resonance the role of science in American life has spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, and changed rapidly. Many chemists struggle to halting the federal supply would have furmeet shifting expectations about how our ther disrupted the academic, industrial, and science should be applied to global chalgovernment R&D communities. lenges. The disorientation is particularly Working beside senior committee staff, pronounced when chemists interact with Vickie helped draft, introduce, and later government policymakers amend S. 783. Her scientific to bring insights to national background was an asset and global questions. in meetings with helium As Johann Wolfgang von producers, suppliers, and Goethe pointed out, “Everyusers, as well as with White one hears only what he unHouse and other federal ofderstands.” For scientists, ficials, national laboratory learning the differences representatives, scientific between the culture of the societies, and academics. chemical science and engiAfter planning and exeneering professions and the cuting a legislative hearing, world of legislative and govVickie worked to secure ernment officials is critical legislative cosponsors and to bridging what may seem to draft press releases and like an impassable gap. committee reports for the Our training in The process of integratbill. She simultaneously ing expert information into tracked the companion research, analysis, policy and political decision and communication House of Representatives making can be frustrating legislation (H.R. 527) and makes scientists for all involved. As chemengaged in bicameral, uniquely qualified ists, we expect decisions bipartisan meetings to to contribute to to be made based on scienensure that the legislatific data and often assign a tion advanced before the public policy. lower priority to economic helium reserve closed. To and political considerations. the scientific community’s Scientists who wish to influrelief, the bill was signed ence policy decisions need to understand into law in September 2013. issues from myriad perspectives. In contrast to Vickie’s committee expeThis reality is one of many insights rience, I worked in the personal office of shared by American Chemical Society PubSen. Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.), where lic Policy Fellows, who spend either one I applied my analytical and research skills year working on Capitol Hill or one to two to a bill on water policy. Water Resources years in the ACS Office of Public Affairs. I Reform & Development Act bills are adminwas recently honored to join their ranks, istered by the Army Corps of Engineers and and I share insights here from my experiwere originally intended to be passed every ence and that of my fellow 2012–13 ACS two to five years. But since 2007, gridlock Congressional Fellow, Vickie Gunderson. and an earmark ban had retarded considerVickie spent her fellowship year supportation of this normally earmark-laden bill. ing Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), then chairI began by researching water projects in man of the Senate Committee on Energy & Colorado that might fit in the bill and inNatural Resources. One of Vickie’s most sigteracting with state and local stakeholders nificant projects involved legislation, S. 783, and with the Army Corps. I analyzed each to preserve access to the Federal Helium Redraft of the bill to identify provisions that serve. The reserve, which provides 40% of might benefit my adopted state and lanthe domestic and 30% of the global helium guage tweaks that could aid multiple parties. supply, was set to close in September 2013. Working with other staff, I coordinated a Chemists had already experienced helium joint letter from the Colorado congressional LIFE TOUCH STU DIOS

SINCE THE MIDDLE OF the 20th century,



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delegation in support of specific provisions. When the bill was debated on the Senate floor, I was responsible for tracking, researching, and proposing positions on amendments. Those recommendations required balancing science with state and regional concerns; as a scientist, my data evaluation skills uniquely suited the challenge. The bill passed the Senate in May 2013, and in June 2014, it was signed into law. WHEN WE FINISHED our fellowships in

August 2013, Vickie moved to an American Association for the Advancement of Science fellowship working on energy policy at the State Department’s China desk, and I returned to the University of Hartford and resumed my leadership of the ACS Committee on Environmental Improvement. Looking back, it is clear that our experiences shared many elements. Great mentors helped each of us understand the policy world and the best ways to apply our scientific insights and skills. Going well beyond our assigned issues, we used our knowledge and experience to develop relationships and help others meet goals. We also became adept at meeting diverse stakeholders, understanding their perspectives and concerns, and integrating this information into analyses that were informed, but not controlled, by our science. Our training in research, analysis, and communication makes scientists uniquely qualified to contribute to public policy both on issues of particular interest to science and on those more broadly relevant to society. However, to apply that insight and experience, we must understand the nuances of the policy process that empower us to deliver our contributions to those with different perspectives. Scientists’ success in influencing the policy world can be informed by this simple wisdom from Charles Darwin: “In the long history of humankind ... those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” More information about the ACS Public Policy Fellowships, including how to apply, can be found at Views expressed on this page are those of the author and not necessarily those of ACS.