1989. The chapters are organized in six categories: computers in the labo ratory; expert systems; experimental design and optimization; signal pro cessing, time series, and continuous processes; multivariate and related methods; a n d fuzzy methods. The book provides background material for c h e m o m e t r i c s a n d l a b o r a t o r y computing courses.
Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Frozen Solutions. Attila Vertes and Denes L. Nagy, Eds. 303 pp. Akademiai Kiado, Publishing House of the Hun garian Academy of Sciences, Prielle Kornelia u. 1 9 - 3 5 , H-1117 Buda pest, Hungary. 1990. $36 The purpose of this volume is to demonstrate the application of Moss bauer spectroscopy to structure in vestigations of solutions. Techniques for obtaining Mossbauer spectra from frozen and room-temperature solu tions, relaxation phenomena, deter m i n a t i o n of t h e c h e m i c a l a n d geometric environments of the Moss bauer-active ion, and studies of vari ous isotopes are discussed. A subject index is included.
Safe Storage of Laboratory Chemi cals, 2nd ed. David A. Pipitone, Ed. xvi + 297 pp. John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10158. 1991. $95 This 12-chapter volume is divided into two p a r t s : storage guidelines a n d case h i s t o r i e s . T h e c h a p t e r s comprising t h e storage guidelines discuss federal regulations, storage requirements (including compatibil ity of stored chemicals and labeling), emergency responses to chemical re leases, and computer applications for regulatory compliance. Case histories include industrial and academic fa cilities as well as a database system for warehouse and inventory man agement. The five appendices include chemical purchase planning, a stor age checklist, a glossary of word pro cessing and microcomputing terms, a list of on-line database sources, and tables of flash points of common flammable liquids. A subject index is also included.
Spreadsheet Chemistry. O. Jerry Parker and Gary L. Breneman. xi + 282 pp. Prentice Hall, Route 9W, Englewood Cliffs, N J 07632. 1991. $26 This paperback is designed to be used with general chemistry texts to show students how to use available s p r e a d s h e e t software for solving c o m p u t a t i o n a l p r o b l e m s . T h e 23 chapters cover atomic and molecular phenomena, thermodynamics, kinet
ics, gas laws, spectra, experimental data, and other general chemistry topics. Seven appendices provide ex amples of problem solving using a commercial spreadsheet system. A subject index is also included. G a s - L i q u i d - S o l i d Chromatogra phy. V. G. Berezkin. viii + 231 pp. Marcel Dekker, 2700 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1991. $100 Volume 56 of the Chromatography Science Series of monographs, this book contains nine chapters, a conclu sion, and a subject index. Beginning with an introduction to g a s - l i q u i d solid chromatography and the current terminology, the discussion progresses to the influence of adsorption on re tention times, solid-support effects on separation efficiency, separation fea tures, effects of the solid support on quantitative data analysis, determi nation of equilibrium and physicochemical parameters, and the influ ence of the solid support on column conditioning and aging. Developments in the field of gas-liquid-solid chro matography are summarized. Biosensor Technology: Fundamen tals and Applications. Richard P. Buck, William E. Hatfield, Mirtha U m a n a , a n d Edmond F. Bowden, Eds. χ + 419 pp. Marcel Dekker, 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1990. $100 The 29 chapters of this reference book cover microelectrodes and micro electronic devices; modified electrodes; amperometric and potentiometric sen sors; and optical and acoustic wavebased sensors for physics, engineer ing, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry.
. . . One of the best condensed technical news sources I get. . . Outstanding melding of social, political, and scientific literature . . . The fresh glibness and tonguein-cheek style are unique and welcomed . . . I am impressed with the quality, scope and personal touch of the articles . . . I almost dread it when each issue arrives because I know I will take the time, whether I have it t o spare or not, t o read it from cover to cover.
Analytical Applications of Spectros copy II. A.M.C. Davies and C. S. Creaser, Eds. ix + 323 pp. Royal So ciety of Chemistry, Distribution Cen ter, B l a c k h o r s e Rd., L e t c h w o r t h , Herts SG6 1HN, U.K. 1991. $140 This book was developed from the proceedings of the Second Interna tional Conference on Spectroscopy across the Spectrum: Techniques and Applications of Analytical Spectros copy, held in England in July 1990. The volume is divided into six sec tions: applications of spectroscopy to scientific problems; vibrational spec troscopy; microscopy; MS; combined techniques such as capillary electro phoresis and electrospray ionization MS, plasma atomic emission spectros copy, and inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy; and chemo metrics and data handling. Author and subject indexes are also included. CHEMIS ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 10, MAY 15, 1992 · 587 A