CHEMTECH - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 31, 2012 - DOI: 10.1021/ac00034a730. Publication Date: May 1992. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1992, 64, 10, 587 A-587 A. Note: In lie...
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1989. The chapters are organized in six categories: computers in the labo­ ratory; expert systems; experimental design and optimization; signal pro­ cessing, time series, and continuous processes; multivariate and related methods; a n d fuzzy methods. The book provides background material for c h e m o m e t r i c s a n d l a b o r a t o r y computing courses.

Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Frozen Solutions. Attila Vertes and Denes L. Nagy, Eds. 303 pp. Akademiai Kiado, Publishing House of the Hun­ garian Academy of Sciences, Prielle Kornelia u. 1 9 - 3 5 , H-1117 Buda­ pest, Hungary. 1990. $36 The purpose of this volume is to demonstrate the application of Moss­ bauer spectroscopy to structure in­ vestigations of solutions. Techniques for obtaining Mossbauer spectra from frozen and room-temperature solu­ tions, relaxation phenomena, deter­ m i n a t i o n of t h e c h e m i c a l a n d geometric environments of the Moss­ bauer-active ion, and studies of vari­ ous isotopes are discussed. A subject index is included.

Safe Storage of Laboratory Chemi­ cals, 2nd ed. David A. Pipitone, Ed. xvi + 297 pp. John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10158. 1991. $95 This 12-chapter volume is divided into two p a r t s : storage guidelines a n d case h i s t o r i e s . T h e c h a p t e r s comprising t h e storage guidelines discuss federal regulations, storage requirements (including compatibil­ ity of stored chemicals and labeling), emergency responses to chemical re­ leases, and computer applications for regulatory compliance. Case histories include industrial and academic fa­ cilities as well as a database system for warehouse and inventory man­ agement. The five appendices include chemical purchase planning, a stor­ age checklist, a glossary of word pro­ cessing and microcomputing terms, a list of on-line database sources, and tables of flash points of common flammable liquids. A subject index is also included.

Spreadsheet Chemistry. O. Jerry Parker and Gary L. Breneman. xi + 282 pp. Prentice Hall, Route 9W, Englewood Cliffs, N J 07632. 1991. $26 This paperback is designed to be used with general chemistry texts to show students how to use available s p r e a d s h e e t software for solving c o m p u t a t i o n a l p r o b l e m s . T h e 23 chapters cover atomic and molecular phenomena, thermodynamics, kinet­

ics, gas laws, spectra, experimental data, and other general chemistry topics. Seven appendices provide ex­ amples of problem solving using a commercial spreadsheet system. A subject index is also included. G a s - L i q u i d - S o l i d Chromatogra­ phy. V. G. Berezkin. viii + 231 pp. Marcel Dekker, 2700 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1991. $100 Volume 56 of the Chromatography Science Series of monographs, this book contains nine chapters, a conclu­ sion, and a subject index. Beginning with an introduction to g a s - l i q u i d solid chromatography and the current terminology, the discussion progresses to the influence of adsorption on re­ tention times, solid-support effects on separation efficiency, separation fea­ tures, effects of the solid support on quantitative data analysis, determi­ nation of equilibrium and physicochemical parameters, and the influ­ ence of the solid support on column conditioning and aging. Developments in the field of gas-liquid-solid chro­ matography are summarized. Biosensor Technology: Fundamen­ tals and Applications. Richard P. Buck, William E. Hatfield, Mirtha U m a n a , a n d Edmond F. Bowden, Eds. χ + 419 pp. Marcel Dekker, 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1990. $100 The 29 chapters of this reference book cover microelectrodes and micro­ electronic devices; modified electrodes; amperometric and potentiometric sen­ sors; and optical and acoustic wavebased sensors for physics, engineer­ ing, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry.


. . . One of the best condensed technical news sources I get. . . Outstanding melding of social, political, and scientific literature . . . The fresh glibness and tonguein-cheek style are unique and welcomed . . . I am impressed with the quality, scope and personal touch of the articles . . . I almost dread it when each issue arrives because I know I will take the time, whether I have it t o spare or not, t o read it from cover to cover.

Analytical Applications of Spectros­ copy II. A.M.C. Davies and C. S. Creaser, Eds. ix + 323 pp. Royal So­ ciety of Chemistry, Distribution Cen­ ter, B l a c k h o r s e Rd., L e t c h w o r t h , Herts SG6 1HN, U.K. 1991. $140 This book was developed from the proceedings of the Second Interna­ tional Conference on Spectroscopy across the Spectrum: Techniques and Applications of Analytical Spectros­ copy, held in England in July 1990. The volume is divided into six sec­ tions: applications of spectroscopy to scientific problems; vibrational spec­ troscopy; microscopy; MS; combined techniques such as capillary electro­ phoresis and electrospray ionization MS, plasma atomic emission spectros­ copy, and inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy; and chemo­ metrics and data handling. Author and subject indexes are also included. CHEMIS ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 10, MAY 15, 1992 · 587 A