Stereoscopic *. Student. Used in leading universi- ties. industrial ard govern- ment laboratories. FREE 10-DAY TRIAL let these instruments prove their...
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Stillman N e w C h a i r m a n of A n a l y t i c a l Division J. M . Stillman, E . I . d u P o n t de N e m o u r s & Co., I n c . , h a s been appointed chairman of t h e Division of Analytical Chem­ istry, ACS, t o fill the vacancy created by the r e s i g n a t i o n of I. M . Kolthoff, which w a s m a d e necessary by t h e ^^^^tej'jlS^^e pressure of other s^^^^ft^jlJ^^^B duties. Kolthoff is chairman of t h e Analytical Section of t h e International Union of Pure a n d Applied Chemistry, a position t h a t requires much attention and traveling, particularly in view of t h e international meeting t o b e held in Lisbon in September.

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A group of selected brushes is supplied with each washer. Additional brushes of all shapes and sizes may be obtained and all are interchangeable. ^Cl has accessories for this complete unît that will take care of your every need. As illustrated. $563.00 Call your