Chicago meeting - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

$274.55. The following report of the Treasurer was presented. Check returned for bank holiday. 4.00 and approved, and held for final action at the Bus...
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Present: Owen L. Shinn, Norris W. Rakestraw, Otto Reinmuth, Miss Virginia Bartow, W~lhelmSegerblom (by invitation). The following report of the Treasurer was presented and approved, and held for final action at the Business Session of the Division: REPORT OP THE TREASURER OP THB DIVISION OP CHEMICAL EDUCATION PROM MARCH 20, 1933, TO SEFTEMBER 1,1933

Sept. 1, 1933--Cash in bank March 20,1933-Cash in bank ReceiptsSecond Assessment-March 23 April 8 April 26

$124.63 $384.36 12.00 5.00 2.00


Total W3.36 ExpendituresV. Bartow, postage and sending s-nd assessment 13.29 R. E. Bowman for committee on noncollegiate type working fund 6.75 R. A. Baker, expenses incurred in the transfer of the office of secretary 37.13 L. C. Newell, transfer of the journal to Mack Printing Co. 123.20 R. E. Rose, meeting in New York on Oct. 10, 1932 16.10 W. Segerblom, meeting in New York on Oct. 10. 1932 27.12




CHICAGO, SEPT. 11, 1933 L. C. Newell, a5ce expenses N. W. Rakestraw, office expenses

25.96 25.00


Total $274.55 Check returned for bank holiday 4.00 Tax on checks (includes one previous check in March) .18 Expenditures plus returned check and tax Receipts less total expenses Cash in bank, September 1. 1933 Respectfully submitted, VIROINKA BARTOW Treasurer

Attention was then given to the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Division. Two changes were proposed: one to Art. 11, Sec. 4,to state more clearly the privileges of associate members; and one to Art. 111, Sec. 2, to provide for one member-atlarge to be elected to the Executive Committee. With these changes, the amendments were approved and held for the Business Session of the Division. Adjournment. NORRISW. RAKESTRAW, Secretary




About fifty members were in attendance. The read- of several amendments to the Constitution, which had ing of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed been duly sent to all active members two months in with in view of their publication in the JOLTRNAL.The advance. The most important changes proposed in treasurer's report was presented with its approval by these amendments were the establishment of a Board of the Executive Committee, and was adopted without Publication, to have charge of the publication of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION; provision for regucomment. I A summary of the report of the Committee on Chemi- lar dues from both active and associate members; and cal Libraries was read by Professor Noyes. There was provision for a member-at-large on the Executive Comdiscussion concerning its publication and distribution. mittee. To be in keeping with other rules of the Society The Committee was commended for its excellent work, the name "Constitution" was changed to "By-Laws." The proposed amendments were adopted, and the Byand it was moved, seconded, and carried that the Committee be discharged as soon as its report is published. Laws, as amended, are included as a separate part of this A brief report was read from the Committee on report. (See pp. 7534.) The following officerswere elected : Clsainnan, R. A. Mathematics for Chemists and the Committee discharged. The Committee on Correlation of High- Baker; Vice-Chawman,M. J. Ahern; Secretary, N. W. School and College Chemistry reported that it was still Rakestraw; Member-at-large of the Executine Committee, making progress. A short account of the recent work W. Segerblom. The term of the present treasurer still of the Committee on Minimum Equipment was given has two years to run. Adjournment by the Chairman, A. C. Jensen, and the cobperation NORRISW. RAKESTRAW, of the members of the Division asked. Secretary An important item of business was the consideration 752

BY-LAWS O F THE DIVISION O F CHEMICAL EDUCATION OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Approved by the Council of the American Chemical Society at Its Chicago Meeting, September 13, 1933 ARTICLE I-NAME


Section 1.-This Division shall be known as the Iivision of Chemical Education of the American hemical Society. Section 2.-The chief object of this Division shall 5 to offer a common meeting ground for those in!rested in different branches of chemical education, ~d to cooperate with other divisions and organizaons, particularly with state or regional associations i chemistry teachers. The Division may, through special committees, conu d investigations and studies relating to any phase of hemical education. The Division may, a t its discretion, publish a journal dled the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, which d l be the official organ of the Division. The entire ianagement of this Journal, including the appointlent and replacement of the Editor, shall he in the ands of a Board of Publication, consisting of the !hairman and Secretary of the Division and three other iembers to be chosen by the Executive Committee for ~ r m sof three years. ARTICLE 11-MEMBERSHIP

Section 1.-There shall be two classes of members: ctive and associate. Section 2.-Active membership shall be open only to embers of the American Chemical Society. Section 3.-Associate membership shall be open to ny person who is interested in the objects of the Iivision and who is not a member of the American !hemical Society. Section 4.-Associate members shall he entitled to ttend the meetings of the Division and take part in the Escussion of the papers only under the conditions esablished by the rules of the Society for non-members. Cbey shall not have the power of voting, holding office, tr reading papers before the Division. They shall have .ccess to all committee reports and other investigations wried out by the Division hut shall not be entitled to my other privileges of the American Chemical Society. Section 5.-Annual dues for active members shall )e one dollar; for associate members, two dollars. Sation 6.-Any person qualified under these By-aws may become an active or an associate member of he Division by formally announcing his intention in vritiig to the Secretary and indicating his willingness o abide by the rules of the Division. The Secretary ;hall thereupon notify him of his enrolment as a mem,er. ARTICLE 111--OFFICERS

Seclion 1.-The officers of the Division shall be a Ihairman, a Vice-chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer,

and Executive Committee, and the Editor of the CEEMICAL EDUCATION. Section 2.-The Executive Committee shall consist of the other officers, the two immediate past Chairmen of the Division, and one member-at-large, to be elected by ballot a t the annual meeting. Section 3.-At the first session of the Division during the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, the Chairman shall appoint, from the members present at the meeting, a committee of three to nominate officers, except the Editor of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, for the ensuing year. At the last business meeting of the Division this committee shall present its list of nominations. Section 4.-All officers, except the Editor of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, shall be elected by ballot of the active members present a t the last session of the Division during the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, and shall take office a t the close of the meeting a t which they were elected. They shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected, except the Secretary and Treasurer, who, if reelected, shall hold officefor three years. Section 5.-Vacancies in any office, except that of Editor of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICALEDUCATION. which may occur between meetings, shall be filled by the Executive Committee, but only for the unexpired terms. Se~tion6.-It shall he the duty of the Chairman to represent the Division in the Council of the American Chemical Society, to preside a t the meetings of the Division and of its Executive Committee, and to execute their decisions and recommendations. Section 7.-In the absence of the Chairman, his duties, except that of representing the Division in the Council, shall be performed by the Vice-chairman. Section 8.-It shall be the duty of the Secretary to arrange the program for the meetings, to record and preserve the minutes and proceedings of the Division and of the Executive Committee, to keep a list of the active and associate members, to send members such notices as may be required, to transmit to the Secretary of the American Chemical Society the names of all officers and committees of the Division within three weeks of their election or appointment, and to notify the Secretary of the American Chemical Society of any changes in officers and committees during the Year. Section 9.-It shall he the duty of the Treasurer to receive all contributions and collect all dues from members, to have charge of the funds of the Division, and to make such disbursements therefrom as may be authorized by the Executive Committee and formally approved by the Chairman and Secretary. JOURNAL OF

Section 10.-The Executive Committee s h d manage the affairs of the Division and perform any other work delegated by the Division. Funds of the Division shall not be spent nor expense incurred by any officer or committee unless the money is appropriated or the expense authorized in advance by the Executive Committee. Requests for such appropriation or authorization must be made to the Executive Committee in time to permit necessary action.

made only at the annual meeting of the Division by a two-thirds vote of the active members present, provided one month's notice of the proposed amendment has been given, either by publication in the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION or in writing to the active members of the Division. Section 2.-Amendments to the By-Laws to be effective must he approved by the Council of the American Chemical Society.


Sation 1.-There shall be a meeting of the Division at each general meeting of the American Chemical Society. The reading of papers and discussions shall constitute the major part of the program. Section 2.-The business meetings of the Division shall come at such times as the Chairman and Seaetary shall select, and the order of business shall he substantiallv as follows: Reading of Minutes Report of Secretary Report of Treasurer Report of E~ecutiveCommittee Reports of special committees and discussion Miscellaneous business



Section 1.-Amendments

to these By-Laws shall he

The Section of Chemical Education was organized September 8, 1921, at the New York meeting of the A. C . S. The Section became a Division of the A. C. S. September 8,1924, a t the Ithaca meeting of the Society.

Chairmen Edgar F. Smith Neil E. Gordon W. A. Noyes Wilhelm Segerblom Bryant S. Hopkins WiIliam McPherson J. N. Swan Owen L. Shim Lyman C. Newell ROSS A. ~~k~~

Sept.. 1921-Apr.. 1924 Apr., 1924-Sept., 1924 Sept.. 192PAug.. 1925 Aug.. 1925Sept., 1926 Sept., 1926-Apr., 1928 Apr.. 1928Sept.. 1929 Sept., 1929Sept.. 1931 Sept., 1931-Sept.. 1932 Sept.. 1932Sept.. 1933 Sept., 1933-