CHLORAMINE-B - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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o { — N C I -1JH 2 0

6 Na Sodjum Nchlorobenzenesulfonamide

PROPERTIES: White flat glistening p l a t e s , free flowing, and containing 29+% available chlorine. T h e solid material is stable t o light, air, and moderate heat. T h e water solubility at 20°C. is 20%, and solutions are stable if protected against direct sunlight. Chloramine-B is almost neutral in character, but is compatible with alkalies, b o t h a s solid mixtures and in solution. H i g h l y effective as a germicide, but n o t appreciably toxic or irritating to living tissue. Adapted for use in aqueous solutions, particularly a t temperatures above 45°C.

AVAILABILITY: At t h e present t i m e Chloramine-B can be furnished from our pilot plant in small quantities for use in research and development work. C o m m e r c i a l q u a n t i t i e s are expected t o be available in the future.

SAMPLES AND We will welcome the opportunity to furnish samples and additional information. Write t o :

T H E SO LVAY P R O C E S S C O M P A N Y Product Development Section 40 Rector Street, New York, N. Y.






Advance Aluminum Castings $ 102,727 Air Reduction Co. 6,446,680 Allegheny L u d l u m Steel Corp. 3,722,107 A m e r i c a n C o m m e r c i a l Alcohol C o r p . 57.847 American C y a n a m i d Co. 6,629,729 American H a r d Rubber Co. 456.457 A m e r i c a n Rolling Mill C o . 7,642,714 A m e r i c a n Smelting & Refining Co. 12,735,204 American Zinc, Lead & Smelting C o . 596,305 Basic Refractories, Inc. 445,890 Bristol-Myers Co. 2,523,642 Callite Tungsten Corp. 145,352 C a n a d i a n Celanese, Ltd. 1,341,429 C a n a d i a n Westinghouse Co., Ltd. 1,203.382 Climax Molybdenum Co. 6,039,373 Columbian C a r b o n Co. 3.068,799 Eastman Kodak Co. 20,076,739 Fansteel Metallurgical Corp 215,540 International Nickel Co. 35.544.772 J o n e s & Laughlin Steel C o r p . 10,277,029 K o p p e r s Co. 3,934,832 Link-Belt Co. 2,514,380 M a g m a Copper Co. 1,132,908 Merck & Co., Inc. 2,463,683 N a t i o n a l Refining C o . 227,804° N e w p o r t Industries* 311,230 North American Rayon Corp. 1,781,426 Parke, Davis & Co. 8,187,712 Pittsburgh P l a t e Glass Co. 13,793,937 P r a t t & Lambert, Inc. 444,925 Revere Copper & Brass, Inc. 2.916,001 Union Carbide & Carbon Corp. 42,247,274 U . S. G r a p h i t e C o . 184.652 U . S. S m e l t i n g , R e f i n i n g & M i n i n g C o . 5,950,175 Vulcan Detinning Co. 504,592 Weston Electric I n s t r u m e n t Corp. 734,842 ° Loss.

The Air Reduction Co. reports the large s t sales in its history, amounting t o S53,566,687 and a 47 per cent increase over 1940. Federal, state, and local taxes aggregated $8,923,715 ($3.29 per share), compared w i t h $3,607,861 ($1.33 a share) i n 1940. I n March 1941 the company and the U . S. Industrial Alcohol Co. joined with the Continental Oil Co. in forming Petroleum Chemicals, Inc., which has erected a research and development plant in Baltimore. In view of the large cash requirements for the company's expanding volume of business, on February 10, 1942, the companv borrowed from four banks a total of'$10,000,000, of which $2,500,030 is payable in four annual installments, and the remaining $7,500,000 i s due at the expiration of the fifth year. Sales of t h e American Rolling Mill Co. for 1941 amounted t o $169,178,239, the largest in t h e company's history. Sales in 1940 totaled SI 12,363,529. Shipments of steel were 44.5 per cent above 1940. Cost of enlargements and new plants financed by Armco and the Defense Plant Corporation -for war production will be $51,000,000. The Blaw-Knox Co. reported a new high record in sales, mostly to meet demands of t h e war effort. N e t sales were §30,799,560 in 1941, compared with $ 18,481,802 in 1940. Working capital was C H E M I C A L


103,146 7,116,677 5,062,709 1,052,122 6,766,292 495,087 11,228,475 15,742,662 766,500 450,592 2,377,860 205.208 1,853,039 1,418,312 8,954,104 3,529,159 21,588,790 363,154 34.356,401 16,274,983 6,656,860 2,913,059 1,492.255 3,155,538 596,329 707,895 1,832,831 8,006,462 14,989,178 567,173 4,066,616 42,041,624 269,744 4,916,260 559,688 937,638



1940 $0.64 2.38 2.78 0.22 2.44 4.73 1.96 4.21 0.38 1.27 3.73 0.36 2.21 2.20 2.40 5.71 7.96 0.86 2.30 2.73 3.37 2.78 7.28

1941 SO. 6 4 2.62 3.86 4.03 2.42 5.50 3.21 5.59 0.63 1.29 3.56 0.51 3.99 2.60 3 55 6.57 8.57 1.58 2.22

0.50 3.18 1.67 6.30 2.29 2.52 4.55 1.15 8.16

5.46 3.95 3.66 2.88 0.40 1.14 3.34 1.64 6.82 2.92 2.64 4.53 1.69 6.20



increased during the year b y $1,229,355 to a total of $6,376,153, while t h e funded debt was reduced by $283,000, leaving a total of $2,717,000. Sales of the Columbian Carbon Co. for 1941 established a new high record, an increase of 30.8 per cent over 1940. Earnings before taxes were at a peak, b u t there was a 146 per cent increase in federal taxes. Total sales for the first two months of 1942 have exceeded t h e corresponding months of 1941. Capital expenditures of $4,555,441 in 1941 exceeded those of any previous year except 1929. T h e net sales of the Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. increased 216 per cent over 1940, while the sales of the Vascoloy-Ramet Corp. rose 368 per cent over the same period. Merck & Co., Inc., during 1941 split stock 3 for 1. Production at all t h e company's plants reached an all-time peak b y the end of the year. Consolidated net sales amounted to $39,615,121, compared to $23,766,375 the previous year. In June 100,000 shares and in December 53,690 shares of 4.5 per cent preferred stock were sold; company used $3,000,000 of proceeds to pay off bank loans. A N D