chlorides - ACS Publications

June, 1917. 1 HE JO C R N A L 0 F IiV D US T RI A L A N D E nTGI LV E E RI llr G C H E MIS T R Y. 585. Then,. S + Y = C- Cl in KC1 (I). and. 1.6486X +...
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June, 1917

1 H E J O C R N A L 0F IiV D U S T RI A L A N D E nTGILVE E RI llr G C H E M I S T R Y

+ +

S Y = C - Cl in KC1 (I). Then, 1.6486X I . I g j 7 Y = W - KC1 ( 2 ) . and Solving for Y find weight of LiCl (1.1957Y) in getting t h e weight of LiCl from Y a constant factor occurs, v i e . , I .192-_ or 2.64, a n d as in t h e case of strontium 1.6486- 1.1957 it is not necessary t o solve t h e equations. T h e weight of LiCl is obtained as follows: The NaCl equivalent of C - CZ in KC1 - ( W KC1) multiplied b y 2 . 6 4 = LiCl (3). I n order t o test the accuracy of t h e method, 0.5000 g. NaC1, 0.1000 KC1 a n d 0.0100 LiCl were dissolved i n water a n d diluted t o I O O cc. Spectroscopic tests showed a small quantity of potassium in t h e sodium chloride and a trace of sodium in t h e potassium chloride. This was immaterial since no lithium was shown in either t h e sodium chloride or potassium chloride nor was there a n y lithium in t h e calcium and magnesium chlorides used, b u t a small quantity of sodium a n d a trace of potassium were indicated in both. The results appear in Table 11.

TABLE11-DETERMINATION OF LITHILW(RESULTS IN GRAMS) Lrtxrm Expt. KCI h-aC1 LiCl LiCl NO. Present Found Present Found 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6100 0.6098 0.0101) 0.0106 2 ( a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.1525 0.1569 0,0023 0,0025 ( a ) Determination in a solution containing calcium and magnesium chlorides



The determination of lithium by this method is based upon two other definite determinations, potassium a n d chlorine, t h a n which, in t h e hands of a skilful analyst a n d under t h e conditions of this method, no determinations are more accurate. T h e only other factor affecting t h e accuracy of t h e method is a n impurity in t h e weighed chlorides and under ordinary conditions this can result only from careless work or inexperience. KENTUCKYAGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY



Received February 2, 1917

T h e presence of chlorides in solutions on which nitrate determinations are t o be made by t h e colorimetric method has long been a source of trouble t o t h e analytical chemist. When nitrates are present in large amounts in solutions containing chlorides, determinations can very easily be made b y t h e use of some of t h e reduction methods. Since, however, determinations for nitrates are often called for in solutions i n which t h e amounts present are small, the quantity of ammonia produced by t h e reduction of t h e nitrates is of such magnitude as t o often introduce It is a considerable error due t o manipulation. under such conditions t h a t t h e phenoldisulfonic acid method for nitrate determination is often employed, a n d in t h e absence of chlorides has been found t o be sufficiently accurate a n d expeditious. T h e effect of chlorides on nitrate determinations has been t h e subject of some s t u d y a n d has been duly reported in chemical papers. It is not deemed necessary t o review here t h e literature on t h e subject. Suffice


i t t o mention some of t h e results of the more important investigations. ( I ) Chlorides cause losses of nitrates in determinations made b y t h e phenoldisulfonic acid method. ( 2 ) The loss of nitrates is not occasioned b y t h e evaporation of t h e aqueous solution t o dryness prior t o t h e addition of t h e phenoldisulfonic acid. (3) The loss of nitrates occurs when t h e phenoldisulfonic acid is added t o t h e residue from t h e evaporated solution. (4) T h e use of precipitants t o remove t h e chlorides prior t o t h e evaporation of t h e aqueous extract is recommended for accurate determinations. ( 5 ) T h e use of calcium oxide a n d also calcium carbonate for t h e clarification of aqueous extracts, especially from soils, is recommended as a precipitant t h a t is both efficient a n d non-interfering in t h e nitrate determinations. The result of investigations, t h e conclusions of which have been briefly stated above, indicates t h a t t h e presence of chlorides interferes with t h e reactions a t a certain point in t h e process of the determinationsnamely, when t h e acid a n d dry salt containing t h e nitrates a n d chlorides come into contact. This results in t h e production of heat with t h e liberation of both chlorine a n d nitric acid, a n d t h u s interferes with t h e proper reaction of t h e latter with t h e phenoldisulfonic acid. Working on the principles enunciated by the investigators studying t h e colorimetric method of nitrate determinations, i t occurred t o me t o t r y a method b y which total evaporation of t h e nitratebearing solution t o dryness could be obviated together with t h e necessity of adding t h e acid t o t h e dry residue. Since t h e phenoldisulfonic acid reagent is a mixture of sulfuric acid and phenoldisulfonic acid i t seems t h a t t h e proper condition for t h e reaction of t h e phenoldisulfonic acid a n d t h e nitrates is in a sulfuric acid solution. By t h e addition of sulfuric acid t o t h e nitratecontaining solution, a condition is brought about by which t h e complete evaporation t o dryness of t h e aqueous solution may be obviated. When t h e phenoldisulfonic acid is then added t o t h e acid-treated nitrate solutions some nitrophenoldisulfonic acid is formed. T h e complete reaction, however, will t a k e place when t h e proper concentration of t h e solution has been attained. T o attain this concentration a n d t o employ temperature t o accelerate t h e reaction of t h e nitrates a n d t h e phenoldisulfonic acid is t h e purpose of t h e partial evaporation t o which t h e samples are subjected. I n making nitrate determinations one must remember t h a t t h e theoretical reaction t h a t elucidates t h e principle of t h e method goes t o completion for quantitative determination only when a n excess of phenoldisulfonic acid is used. Therefore, proper care should be taken in t h e preparation of t h e sample t h a t t h e amount of nitrate present in t h e sample be neither too large nor too small t o introduce measurable error due t o t h e excessive or insufficient use of a given measure of t h e required acid reagents. Too much acid may seriously affect t h e accuracy of t h e determinations of samples in which t h e nitrate content is small.



because of t h e action of t h e acid on t h e salts, and t h e increase in temperature involved. The phenoldisulfonic acid reagent, as used in t h e laboratory, was prepared according t o t h e Chamot method, i. e., a n addition of fuming sulfuric acid is employed t o insure pure phenoldisulfonic acid, free f r o m all traces of phenolmonosulfonic acid. T h e quantity of t h e sample used for analysis must be determined by t h e amount of nitrates in t h e aqueous solution. If t h e nitrate content is from I t o j parts per million, a sample of a t least j o cc. should be used. To t h e sample, placed in a casserole or beaker, 1 . j cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid are added with constant stirring, then z cc. of phenoldisulfonic acid reagent. T h e casserole is then placed on a water b a t h , a n d most of the solution evaporated a t t h e ordinary temperature of t h e steam bath. The last part of t h e evaporation, however, should be performed at a temperature preferably not over 7 0 ' C. T h e evaporation should proceed until t h e original solution is concentrated t o a quantity varying from 6 or 7 t o 1 2 or 14 cc. The point t o which evaporation must be continued is determined b y t h e amount of nitrates in t h e original solution; for a low nitrate cont e n t a greater concentration of t h e original solution will be necessary. T h e proper concentration is determined by t h e color of t h e solution, which resembles t h a t of phenoldisulfonic acid, slightly tinged with yellow. This condition will come, and final evaporation be attained a t about t h e time t h a t acid, due t o t h e presence of chlorine, can be detected in t h e evaporating vapors. T h e important thing t o observe in this modification is t o bring about t h e final evaporation a t a relatively low temperature. I n no case should t h e solution be materially colored and turbid, although i t may be somewhat darkened. X colored solution will result in a n off tint when t h e alkali is added a n d will necessarily interfere with t h e accuracy of the determination. When t h e evaporation of t h e solution t o its proper concentration has been accomplished, about 50 cc. or more of mater are added; t h e solution is t h e n neutralized with a n alkali, care being taken t o avoid t h e formation of excessive temperature when t h e acid is neutralized. T h e solution is then placed in t h e colorimeter a n d compared with a standard previously prepared, which may be made up according t o t h e old method of total evaporation t o dryness before adding t h e reagents, or according t o t h e modification here reported, either of which will give t h e proper tint. R E S U L T S OBTAIKED

Table I indicates t h e feasibility of adding t h e phenoldisulfonic acid reagent before evaporation t o dryness. Table I1 indicates t h e practicability of t h e method even if relatively large amounts of sodium chloride are present. If t h e nitrate content is very low and t h e salt very high, for instance, I part per million of nitrate and I per cent NaC1, determinations were subject t o serious errors, due t o loss of nitrates a n d discoloration of t h e solution. I n cases of very low nitrate and high salt content, evaporation of t h e solution t o its proper concentration should be performed a t a much reduced

Vol. 9, NO. 6

TABLE I 5 0 cc. Solution in Sample 1.5 cc. Sulfuric Acid Added 2 cc. Phenoldisulfonic Acid Added liimrc Theoretical ACTUAL READING CHANGE NITROGENAmount in cc. in cc. of IN P . p. m. of Standard Standard TINT 1 50 49 None 1 50 50 None 2 100 100 None 2 100 98 None 5 500 500 None 5 5 00 500 None 20 1000 1000 None 20 1000 1020 None TABLEI1 50 cc. Solution in Sample Theoret- Amount NITRIC ical Re. h-ITROSaCl Per cent Amount covered GEN Added in Cc. of NaCl (CC. of P. p. m. mg. Standard Present Stan.) 1 100 0.1 50 50 100 0.1 1 50 50 I

I I 1 1 1

1 1 5 5 IO 10

250 250 500 500 750 i50

1000 1000 500 500

1000 1000

0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 1 .oo 1 .oo 0.50

0.50 1.00 1.00

50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 250 250 500 500

50 48 49 50 50 46 35 30 250 250 500 500



None Slightly colored Colored Badly colored Badly colored None None . .-. None None

temperature and preferably under partial vacuum, in order t o reduce t h e action of acids on t h e salts. SUMMARY

I--\ satisfactory modification of t h e phenoldisulfonic acid method of nitrate determination in presence of chloride salts has been found. 11-Total evaporation of t h e solution t o dryness can be obviated by t h e use of concentrated sulfuric acid, which is added t o t h e aqueous extract. 111-The addition of sulfuric acid a n d phenoldisulfonic acid t o t h e aqueous solution prevents t h e loss of nitrates, which in t h e old method was due t o t h e action of acid added t o t h e dry salt after evaporation t o dryness had been accomplished. IY-The temperature at which t h e final evaporation and concentration of t h e aqueous solution is performed should not exceed 70' C. SOILCHEMISTRY LABORATORY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY UXIVERSITY


I n t h e phenolsulfonic acid method for t h e determination of nitrates in water supplies, as given in t h e "Standard Methods of Water Analysis of t h e American Public Health ,ksociation," no provision is made for t h e removal of t h e hydroxides of magnesium a n d iron which may form on t h e addition of t h e alkali hydroxide used t o neutralize t h e excess phenolsulfonic acid. I n this laboratory. until recently, t h e colored solution containing t h e nitrated sulfonic acid has been filtered t o remove these hydroxides a n d t h e filter paper subsequently washed. I n t h e absence of t h e hydroxide of iron, t h e filtration may be dispensed with a n d t h e color read immediately if a quantity of a n ammonium salt is added t o hold t h e magnesium in solution. There are two