CHLORÎNE shipped best in special
GATX pressure tank cars
G A T X pressure cars for chlorine do double d u t y . They n o t only serve as t h e shipping container, b u t as t h e storage t a n k as well. Accurate controls built into these cars permit users to unload t h e chlorine a s it's needed. For greater flexibility, General American offers four sizes of cars—55-ton, 30-ton, 16-ton a n d multiple-unit cars carrying fifteen one-ton containers. There's a G A T X t a n k car t h a t ' s built or can be built t o meet your bulk liquid shipping needs. You can choose from over 200 types in t h e fleet of 48,000 cars designed, built and operated by General American. General American's 38 repair shops service these cars quickly a n d efficiently for you. F o r t h e right t a n k car for your product, write or call your n e a r b y General American district office.
typical p r o d u c t s s u c c e s s f u l l y s h i p p e d in G A T X p r e s s u r e tank c a r s • Anhydrous Ammonia • Butane • Propane • Ethylene Oxide • Propylene Oxide • Vinyl Chloride • Methyl Chloride • Ethyl Chloride • Chlorine • Carbon Dioxide features o fGATX p r e s s u r e tank cars* All-Welded Tank, Jacket and Underframe • Flued-Dome Construction** • Safety Dome Platform (Available) • Painting to Specification (Available) • Insulation • Specially Designed Fittings (Available) *Standard equipment unless otherwise noted. **The one-piece flued-dome saddle was designed and pioneered b y General American as early as 1938.
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GENERAL AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION 135 South La Salle Street • Chicago 90, Illinois