CHN Analyzer proves its performance 100 times every day - Chemical

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CHN Analyzer

proves its performance 100 times everyJay

Every day, more than 100 microchemists use the F & M Model 185 Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Analyzer to perform elemental analyses whose accuracy is well within the accepted allowable error of ± 0 . 3 % . Some have reported a distinct improvement in the reliability of their CHN analyses since they have turned to the 185. Others have already paid the 185 the ultimate compliment by sending us a repeat order. An important reason why the 185 is beginning to make a deep impression among microchemists is its performance under difficult circumstances in the past year. At the recent International Symposium on Microchemical Techniques, for instance, F & M gave a live demonstration of the 185 and promptly calculated results as follows: 0.01% error for Carbon, 0.3% error for Hydrogen, 0.04% error for Nitrogen. At the 1965 Pittsburgh Conference, in a room filled with as many as 15 visitors, F & M performed on-the-spot analyses of 18 samples submitted by the visitors . . . with results within the microchemist's 0.3% allowable error for all three elements. In a series of 52 samples of all types, submitted "blind" by interested microchemists across the country, the overall standard deviation (a) of duplicate analyses performed on the 185 was 0.15% for Carbon, 0.12% for Hydrogen and

0.19% for Nitrogen. Some of the credit for the remarkable performance capability of the second-generation F & M Model 185 CHN Analyzer is due to recent design improvements: a two-stage furnace for optimum sample combustion and reduction temperatures, an improved single-column gas chromatographic system and an automatically timed combustion cycle . . . all of which result in even more reliable analytical data than with its predecessor . . . at the same speed advantage of 4 to 8 times over classical methods. Not the least amazing part of the 185 story is its price: $6,000.00 including balance and recorder (f.o.b. Avondale, Pa., U.S.A.) For full information, call the Chemical Instrumentation Sales Representative at one of the 41 HewlettPackard sales offices in the U. S. Hewlett-Packard, F & M Scientific Division, Route 41, Avondale, Pennsylvania, 19311. In Europe: F & M Scientific Europa N.V., Basisweg (Sloterdijk), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.