CHP unique solvet - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

DOI: 10.1021/cen-v059n050.obc. Publication Date: December 14, 1981. Copyright © 1981 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives...
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CHP unique solvent

Here's a reaction solvent with a difference—and it's a difference that can save you money by saving energy and processing steps. Below50°C, CHP" N-cyclohexyl2-pyrrolidone is miscible in water at all concentrations. At higher temperatures, the miscibility is a function of concentration. For instance, a 25% concentration of CHP sol vent in water is not miscible at temperatures above 50°C; a 10% concentration is not miscible at temperatures above 60°C. (See Figure 1.) Figure 2 shows the effect of adding 2% NaCI to the mixture: it g Two-Phaee increases the range of tern- ï peratures and concentraI tions where CHP solvent I is immiscible with water. Ont P h — This means you can create a 2-phase system— 30 or an "insolubility zone"CHP° « /obyWe(ght » simply by adjusting the Figure 1. The effect of temperature on solubility of CHP in water.


temperature or adding salts. And that's an energy saver, because it lets you separate water from a system without distillation. Moreover CHP N-cyclohexyl-2pyrrolidone is an excellent solvent for a wide range of hydrocarbons, polar compounds and polymers. And its high boiling point (284°C at 760 mm) gives it a distinct advantage over such conventional solvents as DMF- DMAC, DMSO, THF; acetonithle and sulfolane. Information and free samples. CHP solvent is available TWo-Phaee in commercial quantities for immediate delivery. Call (212) 621-5900 or write to GAF Corporation, Commercial Development OfM-PttM· , Department, 90 140 West 51st Street, New York, N.Y 10020. Figure 2. The effect of temperature on solubility of CHP in 2.0% NaCI solution.

Commercial Development ™


© 1981 GAF Corporation 1Qft1 ftAF {Virnoratirm