
Varian's 3700 is designed to give you the efficiency and flexibility to build the precise gas chromatography system you need to meet changing analytic...
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How Varian's 3700 series takes the risk out of buying a gas chromatograph Varian's 3700 is designed to give you the efficiency and flexibility to build the precise gas chromatography system you need to meet changing analytical requirements. There is no risk because the 3700 can change as your needs change. It is completely modular and upgradeable, and it continues to grow. In addition, the 3700 system is unique in that the major components— (1) chromatograph, (2) data system, and (3) AutoSampler®—can be purchased and used separately or they can be combined in many different configurations to meet specific needs. Result: You can start your GC system wherever you want to. And you don't have to buy anything that you don't need.

Choose a 3700foryour application TCD, FID, ECD, FPD.TSDandmuIti detector models are offered tailored to handle.any GC analysis Major features include: highest sensitivity detectors, the first easy-to-use capillary system, large dual-column oven and separate pneumatics compartment for versatility and convenience. You can begin with a basic dual-column unit and add capability as you need it. Or you can start right now with the world's most powerful and fully automatic GC system by combining the 3700 with the CDS-111 data system and the 8000 AutoSampler.

For automatic daté handling, add the CDS-111 The CDS-111 is by far the mos powerful chromatography date system available. It is designed to mate with and control the 3700 but it will auto matically quantitate the output from mos' any gas Or liquid chromatograph. You car switch it from one instrument to another for mos efficient use of capital equipment. And the CDS-111 costs less and is easier to use. It is preset to autc matically quantitate most chromatograms entirely on its own It holds up to nine analysis methods in memory, each methoc tailored to control a complex analysis from start to finish

For total automation, add the AutoSamplei The reliable, proven Model 8000 AutoSampler obtains injection repro ducibility that sets the standard for automatic gas chromatography. Sample cross contamination is virtually eliminated. It will handle up to 60 samples in a single unattended run. Model 8000 can be used with any gas chromatc graph. Or it can be microproccesor controlled by the CDS-111 in a completely automatic fail-safe system with the Model 3700 Gas Chromatograph


Let us help you select a gas chromatography system that wil meet.your changing analytical needs

For detailed information circle the indicated Reader Service Numbers: 226 CDS-111 Chromatography Data System, 227 Model 800C AutoSampler, 228 Model 3700 Gas Chromatographs, 229 Model 3711 Automatic Gas Chromatographs, 230 Have a representative cal