Chromatography and Separation Chemistry - American Chemical

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6 Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers on Rationally Designed Chiral Stationary Phases

Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 27, 1986 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1986-0297.ch006

William H . Pirkle School of Chemical Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801

The separation of enantiomers by liquid chromato­ graphy is now feasible on both analytical and preparative scales. Recent developments in chiral stationary phase (CSP) design have extended the scope of enantiomer separations to a point unimagined a few years ago. The enantiomers of l i t e r erally tens of thousands of compounds can now be separated chromatographically, often with consid­ erable understanding of the mechanism of the sep­ aration process. Such understanding enhances one's ability to design improved CSPs and to assign ab­ solute configurations from observed elution orders. It has long been understood that chromatography of racemates on c h i r a l adsorbents might r e s u l t i n enantiomer separation. Initial e f f o r t s to use convenient c h i r a l adsorbents ( c e l l u l o s e , starch, wool) usually met with scant success. With the advent of more sophisticated techniques, i t has become possible to separate the enantiomers of a large number, l i t e r a l l y tens of thousands, of compounds by l i q u i d chromatography. Because of the close t i e s between l i f e and c h i r a l i t y , the a b i l i t y to separate enantiomers by HPLC has an eager audience of potential users. Since enantiomer separation requires the intervention of some c h i r a l agent, one may u t i l i z e either c h i r a l mobile phase additives (CMPA) or c h i r a l stationary phases (CSPs). While the requirement that one add a c h i r a l substance to the mobile phase has obvious l i m i t a t i o n s for preparative separations, i t i s not a serious problem for a n a l y t i c a l separations. Indeed, for some types of compounds (e.g. amino acids) t h i s approach may be preferred. Quite an extensive l i t e r a t u r e exists for the use of mobile phases containing c h i r a l bidentate ligands and copper ions for the "ligand exchange" resolution of underivatized amino acids (1,2) and for N-dansyl derivatives of amino acids ( 3 , ^ 0 . T a r t a r i c acid derivatives have also been used as CMPAs ( 5 ) . When one uses CMPAs, there i s always as question as to why enantiomer separation occurs ( i f i t does). The same i s true for those CSAs that we may term "biopolymers". This constitutes a 0097-6156/ 86/ 0297-0101 $06.00/ 0

© 1986 American Chemical Society

In Chromatography and Separation Chemistry; Ahuja, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 27, 1986 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1986-0297.ch006



problem of sorts although one needn't understand why a separation occurs in order to use the separation. Once enantiomers are caused to give r i s e to separate chromatographic peaks, area measurement affords the enantiomeric purity of the sample. However, i f one doesn't understand why a separation should occur, then one i s reduced to a " t r i a l and error" search for a system capable of producing the desired r e s u l t . A great many interesting and useful enantiomer separations have been performed on "biopolymer" CSPs, several of which w i l l be mentioned for they are commercially available. Columns containing swollen t r i a c e t y l a t e d microcrystalline c e l l u l o s e , available from Merck, have been extensively investigated by Mannschrek (6^,7) and used in both a n a l y t i c a l and preparative modes. Although there i s l i t t l e detailed understanding as to how and why this CSP works, i t is thought that the laminar nature of the swollen crystals offers c h i r a l c a v i t i e s into which enantiomers must intercalate. The recent cyclodextrin CSPs, available from Advanced Separations Technology, c l e a r l y require i n t e r c a l a t i o n into the hole in the c h i r a l cyclodextrin (8). Beyond t h i s , understanding i s dim. S t i l l less well defined i s the mode of action of various c e l l u l o s e derivatives coated onto diphenyl-silanized s i l i c a ( 9 , 1 0 ) . Daicel markets columns made from actylated, benzoylated, cinnamoylated, phenyl carbamoylated and benzylated c e l l u l o s e s . While these columns afford a number of interesting enantiomer separations, there i s no clear pattern as to what w i l l resolve on which column nor i n what order the enantiomers w i l l elute. Consequently, the design of these CSPs i s approached empirically and their use i s on a t r i a l and error basis. A variety of polysaccharides has been so investigated. Again, no clear pattern of performance i s evident ( 1 0 ) . Columns packed with silica-bound proteins have been devised; bovine serum albumin-derived columns ( 1 J _ ) are available from Macherey Nagel. These CSPs show a f a i r l y extensive scope of action, although the nature of the c h i r a l recognition processes employed i s s t i l l vague. Owing to the low concentration of active s i t e s , these columns require quite small samples ( 0 . 5 - 5 nmol). Mobile phase variation i s possible (over a limited range) and a l t e r s the chromatographic behavior of the enantiomers markedly. The columns must be treated c a r e f u l l y so as to not destroy the protein CSP. The biopolymer CSPs are a t t r a c t i v e owing to the ready a v a i l a b i l i t y of the c h i r a l precursors. Offsetting this advantage is an innate complexity that more or less baffles one*s a b i l i t y to deduce the d e t a i l s of the operative c h i r a l recognition processes. Moreover, one cannot easily a l t e r or " f i n e tune" the structure of the CSP to enhance s e l e c t i v e l y . F i n a l l y , there may well be l i m i t a t i o n s as to the mobile phases which can be used owing to possible swelling, shrinking, denaturation, or dissolution. A great deal of the complexity of polymeric CSPs stems from the analyte perceiving the CSP as a c h i r a l array of subunits (monomers) which may themselves be c h i r a l . Unless one knows the structure of the array, one w i l l have d i f f i c u l t y i n specifying a possible c h i r a l recognition mechanism. Even then, an abundance of closely spaced potential interaction s i t e s can preclude mechanistic understanding. This i s also true for the synthetic

In Chromatography and Separation Chemistry; Ahuja, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 27, 1986 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1986-0297.ch006

6. P I R K L E

Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers

polymeric CSPs which have been devised. The more noteworthy of these i s that of Blaske, derived from the acrylamide of ot-phenylethylamine (^2) and the c h i r a l polymer of Okamoto, derived from the triphenylmethyl ester of methacrylic acid ( 1_3). The l a t t e r i s available from D a i c e l . Both phases perform useful separations and are thought to work by i n c l u s i o n - l i k e processes. An alternative approach (and one we have favored) i s to consider c h i r a l recognition as i t might occur between small c h i r a l molecules i n s o l u t i o n . C h i r a l recognition cannot occur unless there are at least three simultaneous interactions, at least one of which i s stereochemically dependent, between a c h i r a l "recognizer" and one of the enantiomers whose configuration i s to be "recognized." The interactions so employed are the usual intermolecular interactions which occur in s o l u t i o n . One simply engineers a c h i r a l molecule that contains functional groups capable of undergoing these interactions, anchors i t to a support, packs a column, and chromatographs a racemate which contains appropriate f u n c t i o n a l i t y . Complimentary f u n c t i o n a l i t y must be present i f the analyte i s to undergo the required multiple simultaneous i n t e r a c t i o n s . This simple rationale has great value and far-reaching implications. It provides an a p r i o r i basis for CSP design and i t provides a means of understanding the subsequently observed chromatographic behavior of assorted racemates on that CSP. It provides a means for r a t i o n a l l y improving the performance of a given CSP. F i n a l l y and importantly, the CSP i s synthetic and i t s structure can be altered and controlled at w i l l . For example, our f i r s t CSP was 9-anthryl trifluoromethyl c a r b i n o l , linked at the 10-position to s i l i c a through a six atom connecting arm. This CSP was intended to u t i l i z e π-π interactions, hydrogen bonding interactions, and s t e r i c interactions to separate the enantiomers of compounds containing π-acidic and basic s i t e s (14). Among the analytes which are part of this c l i e n t e l e are N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) derivatives of amines and amino a c i d s . Chiral recognition i s reciprocal i n that i f a CSP derived from (+)-A s e l e c t i v e l y retains (+)-B, then a CSP derived from (+)-B should s e l e c t i v e l y r e t a i n (+)-A. On t h i s basis, CSPs derived from N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) amino acids were prepared and evaluated (147l 5). The N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) amino acid-derived CSPs show extraordinary scope and follow readily understandable patterns of behavior. These CSPs have been commercialized; a n a l y t i c a l and preparative columns and packings are available from the Regis, J . T. Baker, and Sumitomo companies. The s t r u c t u r a l requirements these CSPs exact from resolvable analytes are s t i p u l a t a b l e , a l b e i t s t i l l in imprecise terms. For example, the N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) amino acid columns u t i l i z e combinations of π-ττ; hydrogen bonding, d i p o l e - d i p o l e , and s t e r i c interactions to achieve c h i r a l recognition. Thus, the analyte must contain a combination of ir-basic, basic or a c i d i c " s i t e s , " possibly have a strong dipole, or perhaps contain a bulky s t e r i c interaction s i t e . These interaction s i t e s must be arranged so as to act i n concert. Generalized (16,1_7) and s p e c i f i c c h i r a l recognition models have been presented (1_8) for a variety of analyte types.

In Chromatography and Separation Chemistry; Ahuja, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.


Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 27, 1986 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1986-0297.ch006



Large columns of the N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) amino acid CSPs have been prepared and multigram quantities of racemates have been separated automatically (19.). F i f t y grams of racemic methyl N-(2-naphthyl) alaninate have been resolved per pass on a 6" X 1' column containing 13 kg of c h i r a l packing. Among the analyte enantiomers separable on the N - 3 , 5 - d i n i t r o benzoylphenylglycine CSPs are N-acylated a-arylalkylamines (20,21_). After a study of the r e l a t i o n between analyte structure, chromatographic s e p a r a b i l i t y , and operative c h i r a l recognition mechanism(s), several reciprocal α-arylalkylamine-derived CSPs were designed and constructed (22). These CSPs afford excellent s e l e c t i v i t y for the N-3,5-dinitrobenzoyl derivatives of amines, α-amino esters, amino alcohols and α-aminophosphonates. From systematic study of such analytes, a deeper understanding of c h i r a l recognition processes has been attained and employed to further improve the design of the a^arylalkylamine-derived CSPs. As a consequence, unusually large s e p a r a b i l i t y factors are noted; values ranging between 2 and 8 are considered t y p i c a l (16,17). Large s e p a r a b i l i t y factors f a c i l i t a t e preparative separations. These CSPs are not yet commercially a v a i l a b l e . Somewhat similar but less optimized (hence, less selective) CSPs are available from Sumitomo. These CSPs stem from the work of Ôi et a l and have many p r a c t i c a l applications ( 2 3 ) . They are derived from N-acylated 1-(a-naphthyl)ethylamine, commercially available from several sources. Similar CSPs derived from l i n k i n g a-arylalkylamines to s i l i c a through urea functionality have been prepared by Ôi (23,25) and by ourselves (26). These CSPs are workable but usually i n f e r i o r to the corresponding amide-linked CSPs. A commercial urea-linked α-phenylethylamine CSP column i s available from Supelco but w i l l almost always show considerably less s e l e c t i v i t y and narrower scope than the more sophisticated amide-linked CSPs derived from more "optimized" a-arylalkylamines. One important aspect of the α-arylalkylamine CSPs, both amide and u r e a - l i n k e d , i s that they often have more than one c h i r a l recognition process available to them. It was recently shown that these CSPs u t i l i z e two competing processes of opposite e n a n t i o s e l e c t i v i t i e s (16,1_7). Optimization e n t a i l s not only a l t e r i n g the structure of the c h i r a l entity so as to maximize the strengths of essential interactions, i t also e n t a i l s the manner in which the c h i r a l entity i s connected to the s i l i c a support and the spacing between adjacent strands of bonded phase (27). In simple terms, one process i s more i n t e r c a l a t i v e than the other. Densely packed strands disfavor the i n t e r c a l a t i v e process, thereby enhancing the contribution of the nonintercalative process. S i m i l a r l y , the orientation of the c h i r a l entity with respect to the s i l i c a surface determines whether, using a given combination of analyte-CSP interactions, a portion of the analyte i s intercalated between adjacent strands. In organic mobile phases, i n t e r c a l a t i o n can lead to s t e r i c repulsion. Thus, different orientations of the c h i r a l entity with respect to the s i l i c a w i l l a l t e r the r e l a t i v e contributions of the two competing processes. By largely suppressing one process, rather high s e l e c t i v i t y may be obtained from the other. In aqueous mobile phases, l i p o p h i l i c interaction begins to compensate for the s t e r i c repulsion which

In Chromatography and Separation Chemistry; Ahuja, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.

Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 27, 1986 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1986-0297.ch006



Chromatographic Separation of Enantiomers

attends i n t e r c a l a t i o n . Although m e c h a n i s t i c a l l y r a t h e r i n t e r e s t i n g , the p r a c t i c a l consequence o f use o f aqueous m o b i l e phases i s u s u a l l y a r e d u c t i o n i n s e l e c t i v i t y . However, s e l e c t i v i t y i s s t i l l g r e a t enough f o r h i g h q u a l i t y a n a l y s i s of enantiomeric p u r i t y . I n the a r e a o f enantiomer s e p a r a t i o n , t h e number o f a v a i l a b l e CSPs i s r a p i d l y p r o l i f e r a t i n g . W h i l e t h i s may be c o n f u s i n g , i t does o f f e r the r e s e a r c h e r an o p p o r t u n i t y t o p e r f o r m a number o f " t r i a l and e r r o r " experiments t o e f f e c t the d e s i r e d r e s o l u t i o n . Among t h e s e p r o l i f e r a t i n g CSPs a r e some whose mode o f i n t e r a c t i o n i s r e l a t i v e l y w e l l u n d e r s t o o d . T h i s o f f e r s t h e r e s e a r c h e r a way to r a t i o n a l l y match a CSP t o h i s a n a l y t e so as t o maximize the p r o b a b i l i t y of success.

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In Chromatography and Separation Chemistry; Ahuja, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.


Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: January 27, 1986 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1986-0297.ch006



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RECEIVED May 6, 1985

In Chromatography and Separation Chemistry; Ahuja, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1986.