for unattended opera- tion. These columns are the latest addition to our expanding line of. Improved chromatog- raphy equipment. Like. Chromatronix va...
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New liquid chromatography columns Better in five ways: 2 Sharper separations. " Thin Teflon bed supports at top and bottom fan out and collect stream with minimal mixing. 2 All types of separa" tiorts. Same column will do ion exchange, gel permeation, and adsorption chroma­ tography—with down­ ward or upward flow and recycling. 3 Chemically inert. ' Only glass and Teflon touch the stream. 4 Pressurized opera" tion. Resilient end seals won't leak at pressures up to burst­ ing point of glass colurrn itself. j-j Automatic sample ' injection. Cheminert™ valves will inject sam­ ples while solvent flows continuously. Valves can be actu­ ated by automatically controlled airlines for unattended opera­ tion. These columns are the latest addition to our expanding line of improved chromatog­ raphy equipment. Like Chromatronix valves and fittings, they are chemically inert and designed without mix­ ing cavities. One-inch columns are adjust­ able from 12 to 22 inches, half-inch col­ umns from 6 to 12 inches. Cooling jack­ ets are available.

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CHROMATRONIX I N C O R P O R A T E D 2743-8th St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710 Phone (415)841-7221 Circle No. 17 on Readers' Service Card

Chromatographic process analyzer, Model 26-039, automates the peri­ odic injection of gas or liquid samples into a column chromatograph. Com­ pletely insulated, the instrument per­ mits temperature and flow rate adjustment without disturbing the thermal equilibrium of the oven, and features transistorized hermeticallysealed temperature control. Process Analyzers, Inc., 5405 Griggs Rd., Houston, Texas 77021 421

Image Converter Camera The X500 image converter camera records exposure times from 5 to 1000 nanoseconds, using biplanar image tulips for distortion-free photographs. The system features three interchange­ able camera heads, two controls for single or multiframe operation, and ac­ commodates Polaroid or standard film. Beckman & Whitley, Inc., 441 Whisman lid., Mountain View, Calif. 94040 422 Gas Chromatography The EA-1 electrometer amplifier for GC features low noise and drift (to 0.01 picoamp), built-in polarizing voltage from ±60 to ±400 volts, and a sensi­ tivity of 0.1 mV/picoamp. The unit may be used with either single- or dualcolumn detectors, and measures elec­ tron or ion currents from —20 to 10,000 picoamps. Infotronics Corp., 7800 Westglcn Dr., Houston, Texas 77042 423 Electronic


A 12.5-MHz compact electronic counter, Model 3735A, combines 6-digit readout, automatic decimal point indi­ cator, and five counting functions (fre­ quency, time interval, period and mul­ tiple period averaging, ratio, and total­ izing.) It can count pulses of 100-mV peak amplitude as well as pulses of 50-nanoseconds duration. An input se­ lector switch provides for optimum pulse or sine wave response. HewlettPackard, 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 424

SPEED UP YOUR RESEARCH Just drop L/I Automatic REPIPETS* and Automatic Dilutors into your re­ agent bottles. They'll dispense, trans­ fer, mix, aspirate and dilute with a guaranteed accuracy of 1% and 0 . 1 % reproducibility. Because these two automatic L/I instruments complete any operation in only a few seconds, you cut your analysis time 50-95%. And you eliminate the hazards of mouth pipetting and transfer of reagent from bottle to bottle. L/Fs versatile instruments handle any liquid—acids, alkalies, solvents and volatiles included—with viscosities as high as 45 centipoises. Because there's no drainage error, you'll get 1 % ac­ curacy and 0.1 % reproducibility even with viscous liquids. L/I instruments give you complete freedom from contamination, require no change in your methods, and never need cleaning. Integral air filters keep re­ agents pure. Volumes? From micro­ liters to deciliters. Dilutors $89.50, including complete set of tips for highest precision in all ranges. REPIPETS $47.50. Immedi­ ate delivery in 1, 10, 20, and 50 ml sizes. Please write for details. •Trademark—(REpetitive PII'ETS) See us at the Pittsburgh Conference, Booth 39-40

LABINDUSTRIES 1802-A Second Street Berkeley, California 94710 TH 3-0220, Cable LABIND Circle Να. 122 an Readers' Service Card

VOL 39, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1967


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