72-command instruction repetoire, and a 4096-word memory capacity expand- able to 32,768 words. Honeywell Com- puter Control Division, Old Connecti- ...
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New liquid chromatography columns Better in five ways: 1




Sharper separations. Thin Teflon bed supports at top and bottom fan out and collect stream with minimal mixing. All types of separa­ tions. Same column will do ion exchange, gel permeation, and adsorption chromatography-with down­ ward or upward flow and recycling.

3 Chemically inert. " Only glass and Teflon touch the stream. 4 Pressurized opera1 tion. Resilient end seals won't leak at pressures up to burst­ ing point of glass col­ umn itself. 5 Automatic sample " injection. Cheminert™ valves will inject sam­ ples while solvent flows continuously. Valves can be actu­ ated by automatically controlled air lines for unattended opera­ tion. ^M*A*

These columns are the latest addition to our expanding line of improved chromatog­ raphy equipment. Like Chromatronix valves and fittings, they are chemically inert and designed without mix­ ing cavities. One-inch columns are adjust­ able from 12 to 22 inches, half-inch col­ umns from 6 to 12 inches. Cooling jack­ ets are available.

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I N C O R P O R A T E D 2743-8th St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710 Phone (415) 841-7221 Circle No. 112 on Readers' Service Card 162 A



High Temperature Ovens. A line of 1200° F cabinet ovens designed for use in air-conditioned areas is described in Bulletin 121-124. Illustrations and specifications are included. Gruenberg Electric Co., Inc., 9 Commercial Ave., Garden City, Ν. Υ. 11533 607 Controlled



X-Ray Diffraction. A new 128-page illustrated catalog details accessories for film and direct reading x-ray diffrac­ tion systems. Cameras, sample holders, goniometer heads, monochromators, and diffraction tubes are included with their applications, specifications, and prices. General Electric, 4855 Electric Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53201 613


16-page illustrated brochure, Bulletin 6615, describes heat-, cold-, and hu­ midity-controlled test chambers. Op­ erating data, specifications, and appli­ cations are given. Blue M Engineering Co., 138th Chatham St., Blue Island, 111. 60406 608 Temperature Control. Bulletin 60A presents specifications for the Model 60 full wave SCR Precision Temperature Controller. The instrument uses a platinum resistance temperature detec­ tor, 10-turn counting dial calibrated in ° C or ° F, and feedback stabilizing network to maintain an accurate tem­ perature by controlling electrical heat. Athena Controls Inc., 314 W. Ridge Pike, Conshohocken, Pa. 19428 609

Computer. The design and operation of a general purpose 16-bit digital com­ puter is described in a 21-page bro­ chure. Features of the DDP-516 in­ clude compact size, integrated circuit logic modules, 0.96-ju.sec cycle time, 72-command instruction repetoire, and a 4096-word memory capacity expand­ able to 32,768 words. Honeywell Com­ puter Control Division, Old Connecti­ cut Path, Framingham, Mass. 01701 610

Epoxy Resins. A 36-page bulletin, Form No. 170-141C, describes the com­ position, characteristics, and uses of this company's liquid epoxy resins. Also discussed are curing agents, reac­ tive diluents, modifiers, fillers, and for­ mulation-processing techniques. Com­ prehensive data on resin performance and information on storage and han­ dling are included. Dow Chemical Co., 433 Building, Midland, Mich. 48640 611

Radiography. A self-contained diag­ nostic x-ray system, the Faxitron 804, is designed for table-top use and is simple to operate. Radiographs made with both standard wet films and Polaroid type films are reproduced in actual size in the 16-page application guide, which suggests many uses for this instrument. Field Emission Corp., McMinnville, Oregon 92801 612

Recorder. Illustrated Data Sheet 101.00 gives specifications for the Model RLS11B, one pen, and Model RLD11B, two pen, rack or panel mounting laboratory recorders. The most desirable features of the table top recorders have been retained in these models. Disc integrators for both pens are available for continuous inte­ gration in the chart margin. Westronics, Inc., P. O. Box 11250, Fort Worth, Texas 76110 614 Organic Chemicals. Catalog No. 5 contains 700 organic compounds. An alphabetical section includes the struc­ ture of each chemical. Listed separate­ ly are compounds offered in quantity, group classifications, an empirical index, and information on custom syn­ theses. Prices are listed in two package sizes. Frinton Laboratories, P. O. Box 301, South Vineland, N. J. 08360 615 Laboratory Furniture. Catalog AL643, 92 pages, includes illustrations and specifications for a variety of metal laboratory equipment and furniture. Tables, desks, benches, hoods, cabinets, and sinks are among the items de­ scribed. Planning and layout assist­ ance is available. Hamilton Manufac­ turing Co., Two Rivers, Wis. 54241 616

Atomic Absorption. A 4-page bro­ chure describes the Model 303 doublebeam atomic absorption spectro­ photometer. Detection limits for met­ als at specific wavelengths are listed. This instrument reads out in percent absorption. With the DCR-1 acces­ sory, direct concentration readings in desired units can be obtained. PerkinElmer Corp., Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 617 Mass Flow Measurement. Bulletin 91-10A-04 describes how an ordinary rotameter can indicate flow directly in mass units. No temperature compen­ sation is required and fluid density may vary as much as ±10% from the mean. Fischer & Porter Co., 109 Jacksonville Rd., Warminster, Pa. 18974 618