Chromite in Canada - ACS Publications

Obonga Lake district of Northern Ontario, is attracting attention. It was found in a peridotyte dyke, extending several thousand feet. The chromium co...
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VOL. 7, No. 5



be about equally successful whether there were used commercial wood alcohol and U. S. P. ether or acetone-free methyl alcohol and anhydrous ether. Ethyl alcohol was used in one trial, and without noticeable change in results. Handsome crystals, whose length was apparently limited by the size of the container, were obtained by use of acetamide, methyl alcohol, and ether in the proportion of 1: 1: 13, i. e., more alcohol than specified above. Somewhat larger yields were obtained when the proportion of the three substances was 1:0.5: 10. The quantities of acetamide taken for the experimental trials ranged from 10 to 500 grams. The method described has been uniformly successful in the hands of students during several years, and its use has been responsible for a marked improvement in the quality of acetamide prepared. It appears to be much the easiest and most satisfactory procedure available for the purification of acetamide.

FOR THE NEW YEAR. A DECALOGUE OF AIMS 1. To be independent and non-partisan.

2. To stress the importance of background and perspective in the discussion of public problems. 3. To help cultivate habits of thought and action which will make well-earned leisure enjoyable and not a burden. 4. To illustrate the evils that arise through rkliance upon the theory of "manifest e destiny." 5. To resist the belief that machinery, whether physical machinery or the machinery of organization, is our salvation. 6. To point out the possibilities and the Limitations of the scientific method in the regulation of society. 7 . To insist that good tade is the essence of ~ o v djudment. 8. To contend that cconomic world leadership is a mrans, not an end. 9. To suggest standards t o which aspiring youth can rally. 10. T o be a t once aitical and constructive. -An address by Harold de Wolf Fuller, editor of New York, delivered a t a dinner given him by his friends, quoted fromEducation

Chromite in Canada. The discovery of chromite on the Wigwam River, in the Obonga Lake district of Northern Ontario, is attracting attention. It was found in a peridotyte dyke, extending several thousand feet. The chromium content varies between 7 and 27%. A series of massive chramite veins has been found a t some distance from the contact. Four of these veins have widths of 10 in. t o 2 ft., and have been uncovered over a considerable length. These veins average 34% content. Further development will be required t o determine whether these deposits are of commercial value. The only chrome iron ore mined in Canada was located in the Eastern Townships, south of the City of Quebec, hut these mines have not been operated for some & ind. years.-Chem.