Chrompack, Inc

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News REACCS, a data-base management system for storage, search, and retrieval of chemical reaction information.

For Your Information Digital Equipment Corporation and Molecular Design Limited (MDL) have announced a cooperative marketing agreement to promote use of the MDL application software packages on Digital's VAX superminicomputer systems. Initial products covered by the agreement include MAACS, a graphical data-base management system for molecular information, and

The "Federal Technology Catalog— 1982" describes practical technology selected for commercial potential and/ or promising applications in the physical sciences, computer technology, testing and instrumentation, and seven other fields. It includes 1100 summaries of new processes, inventions, equipment, and techniques de-

From non polar to extremely polar, we make the capillary column you need. For delivery when you need. When it c o m e s to capillary g a s chromatography, c o m e to the pioneer in the field — Chrompack. Our long experience in glass capillaries is reflected in the unsurpassed quality of our fused silica capillaries, constant film thicknesses and the widest selection of liquid p h a s e s and chemically bonded (crosslinked) p h a s e s available anywhere. We have many different liquid and b o n d e d p h a s e c o l u m n s in stock in our U.S. warehouse for immediate delivery. Need a column that's a bit out of the ordinary? Select the liquid phase, length and diameter from our wide range of standard columns. Have a special n e e d ? Let our experience work for you. Our experts will consult with you and custom fabricate to your specifications. If you need capillary columns, we m a k e what you need. Write or call today, for our new fused silica capillary column selection guide.

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veloped by and for federal agencies during 1982. Orders (accompanied by a check for $19.50) should be addressed to U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, Va. 22161. Specify NTIS Order No. PB83-121533/TAR "Federal Technology Catalog—1982." The Regional Laser and Biotechnology Laboratories is soliciting users for the facility, which is associated with the University of Pennsylvania. Laser experiments, including but not limited to, transient absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence and fluorescence excitation spectroscopy, and kinetics measurements over a wide range of time scales can be performed. All experiments are subject to a short review process to establish scientific interest and feasibility. For more information contact Gary Holtom, Regional Laser and Biotechnology Laboratories, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104; 215-898-5891. Chemical Abstracts Service's CAS ONLINE search service now includes abstracts of over 3.6 million scientific papers and patents and Chemical Abstracts index entries for more than 5.7 million documents. Abstracts available for display include essentially all those published in Chemical Abstracts since mid-1975 plus a limited number of those published between 1967 and mid-1975. All bibliographic citations, keyword index terms from the weekly Chemical Abstracts issue indexes, and subject and substance index entries from the semiannual volume indexes since 1967 are currently available for retrieval and display. Later this year CAS ONLINE will be expanded to make the bibliographic references and index entries searchable. The Department of Energy and eight industrial firms are sponsoring a project at the NBS laboratories in Boulder, Colo., to provide improved thermophysical property data for supercritical extraction processes. Objectives include development of a mathematical model for carbon dioxide mixtures in the near-critical and supercritical regions and development of an equation of state for carbon dioxide. The project will also include research on potential extracting fluids and development of phase equilibria measurements for solvent-hydrocarbon systems. For more information contact Neil A. Olien, Division 773, NBS, Boulder, Colo. 80303; 303-4973257.