chromate or red lead, they can be formulated to give metal protective ... 108 Shades & Types of Iron Oxide Pigments, Chromium Oxides & Hydrates. For f...
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NEW B O O K S ally finds the application of these topics difficult would d o well to study this excellent exposition. T h e subject of nomography is also well treated from a general a n d practical viewpoint, with numerous exemplary problems from fields of interest to chemists a n d engineers. However, the subject matter ex­ pounded in the book requires that the practitioner substitute a system of unfamiliar parallel coordinates for concepts of Cartesian coordi­ nates and determinants, which prob­ ably are more familiar to the en­ gineer. For this reason the practic­ ing engineer or novice in n o m o g r a m construction might find it easier to use the familiar principles in a system of nomography, as expounded by Allcock a n d Jones, rather than trying first to assimilate a new system of parallel coordinates as used in this book. However, the system of parallel coordinates is of considerable prac­ tical value if the student is willing to develop a comprehension for it. If he is able to study its relatively simple theory a n d its practical a p ­ plications, the effort will definitely help in extending the versatility of his mathematical tools, as parallel coordinates have, in m a n y cases, distinct advantages for the presenta­ tion a n d use of data.

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Chemical Engineering Kinetics J.








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McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, Ν. Υ. 1956. 18.00. Reviewed by MICHAEL BOUDART,



versity, Princeton, N. J. I his is a book which fills a real need and will be extremely useful to chemical engineering students a n d process design engineers alike. U n ­ doubtedly this work will stimulate the writing of better books, however, because " C h e m i c a l Engineering K i ­ netics" has its defects, most of which arc clearly on the side of chemical kinetics. This regrettable situation is not entirely the fault of the author. Indeed there is more t h a n one ex­ cellent text in chemical engineering thermodynamics, which is hardly surprising since there exist so m a n y good books on chemical thermody­ namics. But a n engineer writing a book on chemical engineering ki-

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108 Shades & Types of Iron Oxide Pigments, Chromium Oxides & Hydrates For further information, circle number 115 A on Readers' Service Card, page 139 A

VOL. 49, NO. 1