NEW B O O K S ally finds the application of these topics difficult would d o well to study this excellent exposition. T h e subject of nomography is also well treated from a general a n d practical viewpoint, with numerous exemplary problems from fields of interest to chemists a n d engineers. However, the subject matter ex pounded in the book requires that the practitioner substitute a system of unfamiliar parallel coordinates for concepts of Cartesian coordi nates and determinants, which prob ably are more familiar to the en gineer. For this reason the practic ing engineer or novice in n o m o g r a m construction might find it easier to use the familiar principles in a system of nomography, as expounded by Allcock a n d Jones, rather than trying first to assimilate a new system of parallel coordinates as used in this book. However, the system of parallel coordinates is of considerable prac tical value if the student is willing to develop a comprehension for it. If he is able to study its relatively simple theory a n d its practical a p plications, the effort will definitely help in extending the versatility of his mathematical tools, as parallel coordinates have, in m a n y cases, distinct advantages for the presenta tion a n d use of data.
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McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, Ν. Υ. 1956. 18.00. Reviewed by MICHAEL BOUDART,
versity, Princeton, N. J. I his is a book which fills a real need and will be extremely useful to chemical engineering students a n d process design engineers alike. U n doubtedly this work will stimulate the writing of better books, however, because " C h e m i c a l Engineering K i netics" has its defects, most of which arc clearly on the side of chemical kinetics. This regrettable situation is not entirely the fault of the author. Indeed there is more t h a n one ex cellent text in chemical engineering thermodynamics, which is hardly surprising since there exist so m a n y good books on chemical thermody namics. But a n engineer writing a book on chemical engineering ki-
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VOL. 49, NO. 1