CLARK BROS. CO. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

May 18, 2012 - First gene-edited babies born, scientist claimsFirst gene-edited babies ... When the powerful and simple-to-use CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editin...
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This Clark development eliminates outboard bearings

In 10 years, in hundreds of installations, NEVER a motor end-bearing failure! Since Clark introduced overhung rotor construction in its Balanced/Opposed compressors a decade ago, hundreds of these air compressors have been built. Proof of the dependability of this design feature is the fact that not one motor end-bearing failure has occurred in over ten years. Heavy duty crankcases and generously proportioned crankshafts and main bearings are the main reasons for this proved dependability. Here are additional advantages of Clark overhung rotor design: E A S I E R I N S T A L L A T I O N - M o u n t i n g the rotor directly on the crankshaft simplifies installation. J u s t align the stator to the rotor —that's all. L E S S M A I N T E N A N C E - T h e r e is no outboard bearing to be knocked out of alignment. Motor bearing is integral with crankcase, lubrication is automatic. Selfcentering of the rotor within the stator removes rotor weight from the bearing during operation.

S I M P L E R D E S I G N - O n e piece collector rings. Flywheel effect in most instances is completely built into the rotor thereby eliminating the flywheel. L E S S FLOOR S P A C E - C l o s e coupling reduces foundation requirements. Overhung rotor construction is only one of many features found in Clark Balanced/Opposed Compressors. Review your requirements with your Clark representative for all the facts.




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