classified section • positions open - ACS Publications - American

mond A. Ferrara, Director, Water Resources Pro- gram ... Teaching duties include areas of specialty ... Additional duties include advisement, committe...
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CLASSIFIED SECTION • POSITIONS OPEN The Water Resources Program in the Department of Civil Engineering at Princeton University invites applications for an appointment to the professional research staff at the rank of Research Associate. The position reqiures extensive laboratory experimental analyses in connection with our toxic and hazardous waste research particularly dealing with aspects of biodégradation of organic chemicals in aquifers and subsurface soil systems. The applicant must have a doctoral degree with demonstrated research scholarship in biochemistry, engineering with emphasis in biochemistry and biological systems, or a related discipline. Submit resume and three references to Raymond A. Ferrara, Director, Water Resources Program, Department of Civil Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544. Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

DEPARTMENT OP CHEMISTRY FACULTY POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70813, Dr. Wilbur B. Clark, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Telephone (504) 771-3990. Applications are invited for the following position at the Assistant Professor level beginning August, 1984. Doctorate required. Environmental chemist with a strong background in organic chemistry and instrumentation. Teaching duties include areas of specialty as well as gênerai chemistry. Applicants must have the potential and determination to establish a strong and productive research program for graduate and undergraduate students. The proposed research should deal with problems of air/water pollution and related environmental topics. Additional duties include advisement, committee assignments, and developing activities in the area of community service. Applicants should submit a resume, transcript, a brief description of their research plans, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to the Chairman. Salary will be commensurate with educational background and experience. Closing date is April 25, 1984.

Faculty Position, Tenure Track, Environmental Chemistry. The Raymond Walters General and Technical College, a 2-year suburban campus of the University of Cincinnati, solicits applications to fill the position of instructor or assistant professor of Chemistry. Rank commensurate with education and experience. Minimal qualifications include advanced degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or Environmentally related program, with recent experience and/or graduate training specifically in chemistry of the environment. Teaching responsibilities in chemical analysis of environmental pollutants and in introductory chemistry courses. Forward complete curriculum vita including the names and phone numbers of three references to: Dr. Robert Thomas, Chemistry Department, 9555 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236. RWC/UC is an Affirmative Action-Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing date: April 16, 1984.

ATTENTION ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS O W N A COMPANY IN FLORIDA Due to the death of a partner, a nationally known engineering/science consulting firm in Florida is seeking a qualified. • Water Quality Modeler • Water Supply and Treatment Engineer • Environmental Engineer • Environmental Scientist To assume an ownership position. Respond in confidence to:

OPPORTUNITY 1 1 0 1 1 N.W. 12th P l a c e Gainesville, F L 3 2 6 0 6

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMIST Aquatic Chemistry Section, seeks a senior level (Ph.D. experienced) candidate to actively pursue research in the chemistry of natural waters. Prefer strong analytical background environmental engineering or experience in investigating metal—natural ligand interactions in water/ sediment or gound-water systems. Strong communication skills and drive to establish an active research group are essential. Resume and three letters of reference should be sent to Dr. Michael J. Barcelona, Aquatic Chemistry Section, State Water Survey, Box 5050, Station A, Champaign, IL 61820. The State of Illinois is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer.


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Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 18, No. 4 , 1984

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