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The University of Oklahoma invites applications and nominations for the MAPCO ... located approximately 20 miles south of Oklahoma City in the city of...
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CLASSIFIED SECTION MAPCO Professorship of Environmental Quality * * A Position Linking Energy And The Environment * * The University of Oklahoma The University of O k l a h o m a invites applications and nominations for the M A P C O Professorship of Environmental Quality. The University is seeking an individual with vision, commitment, and icadership abilities to establish a program of interdisciplinary teaching, research, and service in a field that involves environmental analysis and quality, particularly in relationship to the energy industry. The individual selected to fill this position will be jointly appointed to the Sarkeys Energy Center and to a home academic program in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering, or the College of Geosciences, as appropriate to his/her area of expertise. The individual filling this position will be awarded tenure and an academic rank commensurate with his/her qualifications. Salary and benefits will be commensurate with experience and are negotiable. Starting dale is also negotiable, however, the position is available as early as I January 1995.

services directory GERAGHTY & MILLER, INC. Environmental Services Call (303)391-8758 A Heidemij Company

One of the nation's "flagship universities", the University of O k l a h o m a is a major, comprehensive, state-supported university located approximately 20 miles south of Oklahoma City in the city of Norman. The campus contains a wide range of state-ofthe-art facilities supporting teaching and research in energy and environment. The Sarkeys Energy Center, which houses the College of Geosciences and part of the College of Engineering, is a premier 350,000 square foot academic facility with 200 teaching and research laboratories located on the Norman C a m p u s . It is the focus of much of the University's energy and environmental research and the program center for key energy research growth areas of strategic importance to the University. Qualifications • A reputation for excellence in teaching in a field involving environmental assessment and quality, particulairy in relationship to the energy industry; • Demonstrated ability and desire to work effectively beyond the academic realm with regional, national and international business and professional leaders in the energy and related industries; • A national reputation for research excellence in a field invoiving environmental assessment and quality, especially in regard to the impact of the production and use of energy on the environment, in general, and on air and water, in particular; • Demonstrated capability to build and work effectively with multidisicplinary academic research teams and programs: and • Meet the qualifications for appropriate academic rank and tenure in the home academic program. An earned doctorate is preferred. Candidates without the doctorate will be considered if they meet the staled qualifications and additionally have distinguished academic backgrounds or outstanding achievements in business or government. Applications Initial screening of complete applications will begin on 1 N o v e m b e r 1994, but the search will remain open until the position is filled. Complete applications will consist of a letter of interest from the applicant, current vita/resume, and a list of references (with addresses and telephone and FAX numbers) that the search committee may contact. Address ail correspondence to: Dean John T. Snow Chair, M A P C O Professorship Search Committee Sarkeys Energy Center, R o o m 710 100 E . B o y d Street N o r m a n , O k l a h o m a 73019-0628


The University of O k l a h o m a is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. W o m e n and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply. OU is Responsive to the Needs of Dual Career Couples.


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* See ad in ES& Τ Environmental Edition.

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