Classroom emanations

Ordered at the stock-room: lighted splinter, methyl group, hydrogen-ion, violet vapor. A catalyst is a substance which felicitates a chemical change b...
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VOL. 2. NO. 7



CLASSROOM EMANATIONS Organic is the living germs in water and inorganic is the dead ones. A gas is a dry liquid. A salt is a substance which has been naturalized. When heat is applied to a gas, the molecules are stimulated to get away from the heat. A calorie is the amount of pressure required to push 1 gm. of water 1°C. Molecules bump together and cause the molecular hypothesis. Each molecule moves on its own track. (By a Chinese student.) The properties of COa are, can't smell, can't see, little white. The phlogiston theory is a theory that used to be believed by chemists and people. The electrochemical series is a series of substances arranged so that the metal above will displace hydrogen from the metal below. Ammonia is sometimes called spirits of shorthorn. Ordered at the stock-room: lighted splinter, methyl group, hydrogen-ion, violet vapor. A catalyst is a substance which felicitates a chemical change but does not change itself. Pure substances are those which do not contain any organic or inorganic matter. A solution is a liquid containing a solid which may or may not be soluble in i t while a suspension is the state of a solid being insoluble in a solution. When lighted, the hydrogen squealed. A moral solution is one which contains one g.m.w. per liter. The late beat of vaporization is that which comes after the substance vaporized. Calcium chloride is a very thirsty substance. Nascent atoms are equipped with arms, with which they can'combine with other atoms. The iron combined with oxygen, forming a brilliant spectacle. The difference between a physical and a chemical change is that a chemical change evaporates and a physical change remains the same. An exarilple of efllorescence is wet clothes and of deliquescence is soda crackers. Ozone is made by passing a spark plug through air. Electrolysis is the passage of an electrified wire through water. To distil gasoline from crude oil, place the crude oil in a flask, connect it with a distillate and heat. The chief products obtained from the destructive distillation of coal are toluene, benzene and nitroglycerine. Sulfurated hydrogen is a gas of pugnacious odor.