
$144.00. Yankee AC-DC Variable Speed. Rotator. Variable speeds from approx. 70 to 210 rpm. Dial speed control, automatic timing. 13" χ 13" platform. ...
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Product Capsules

Highly accurate ing and special types. P a c k a r d Instru­ m e n t Co., P . 0 . Box 428, LaGrange, 111. 92A F u n n e l s . Complete information avail­ able on funnels made of chemical por­ celain a n d designed in m a n y styles and sizes. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colo. 86A-2


CARBON analysis

G l a s s w a r e , Borosilicate. Circle 23A for the new Kimble catalog which in­ cludes information on t h e new " K i m a x " line of laboratory glassware made from K G - 3 3 borosilicate glass. " K i m a x " features thermal and mechanical shock resistance, resistance to chemical at­ tack, accuracy, and long life. Kimble Glass Co., Toledo 1, Ohio. 23A


Determine carbon content in just 2 minutes ! No complicated math­ ematics; eliminates costly timeconsuming routines. Accurate analysis of borings, mill chips, crushed samples, pel­ lets, etc. Dietert Detroit testing equ ment w i d e l y used in company laboratories and institutions of every descrip­ tion for over 18 years.

G l a s s w a r e , Borosilicate. Company states t h a t " P y r e x " b r a n d glass No. 7740 was selected as the best of hun­ dreds of borosilicate formulae, because it offers the most ideal balance of chem­ ical and t h e r m a l properties. Corning Glass Works, 72-9 Crystal St., Corning, Ν. Υ . 45Α


Glassware, Custom-Made. Com­ p a n y m a i n t a i n s large corps of expert glass blowers, grinders, and engravers to produce custom-made laboratory glass­ ware. Scientific Glass A p p a r a t u s Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N . J. 31A


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certify your tests and procedures with the Yankee AC Variable Speed Rotator

Gauges. Circle 109A for details and prices on company's McLeod gauges cited as being accurate to within ± 3 % . Gauge will hold a t any position to which it is rotated. Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, N. J. 109A G e n e r a t o r s . Bulletin available on low C F H generator t h a t produces dissoci­ ated ammonia atmosphere for use in lab­ oratory furnaces a n d small production runs. L a b o r a t o r y E q u i p m e n t Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2440 W. H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 97A-3


•wide range of speeds •positive speed control •automatic timing

Hot Plates. Circle 86A-1 for bulletin on laboratory h o t plates available in several types and sizes. T e m p e r a t u r e s range from 175° Γ . to 950° F . Laboratory E q u i p m e n t Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2440 W . H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 8 6 A-1 Hot Plates, M a g n e t i c Stirrer. Con­ trols allow use of stirrer or hot plate in­ dependently or simultaneously. T e m ­ peratures up to 600° F . Teflon covered stirring bars. Wilkens-Anderson Co., 4025 W . Division St., Chicago 51, 111. 75A Laboratory Equipment. Circle 38A for catalog on complete line of labora­ tory e q u i p m e n t : center tables, fume ( Continued on page 77 A )

A versatile Rotator f o r all regular proce­ dures. Positive governor-controlled speeds from 7 0 to 220 rpm. Automatic timing to 3 0 min., or continuous. 1 3 " χ 1 3 " plat­ form. $144.00

Yankee AC-DC Variable Speed Rotator Variable speeds from a p p r o x . 7 0 to 210 rpm. Dial speed control, automatic timing. 1 3 " χ 1 3 " platform. $ 1 0 0 . 0 0

Yankee AC Rotators Time-saving and more accurate than hand r o t a t i o n . O p e r a t e at 1 3 0 or 1 8 0 r p m . Timer cuts Rotator off in 1 to 5 min. 1 3 0 rpm, $ 7 2 . 0 0 ; 1 8 0 rpm, $ 7 2 . 0 0 All Yankee Rotators come with stainless spring bottle holder, and have non-slip pin-point rubber platform surfaces.

For Kahn Test Shaking and general laboratory use: Adams Utility Shaker

Attractive, precision-built shaker maintains speed of 2 7 5 - 2 8 5 oscillations per min. Holds 30 Kahn Test Tubes, or, with adjuster bars, accommodates beakers, flasks, etc. W i t h t w o adjuster bars, $ 9 9 . 0 0 . Kahn Test Tube Rack, $ 5 . 2 5 ORDER FROM YOUR DEALER


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