Cleaning Our Environment - ACS Publications - American Chemical

m. + a Taken from ref. 36. b Taken from ref. 37. Table III. Comparison of. Detection Limits for Atomic. Emission Spectroscopy. Detection Limits, /ug/m...
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occurring within the atom reservoir resulting in increased sensitivity. One of the most useful instrumental im­ p r o v e m e n t s has been the introduction of electrodeless discharge lamps. T h e increased stability and intensity of these sources have greatly improved b o t h the sensitivity and precision of analyses, particularly for As and Se. T h o m p s o n (26) and Tsujii and Kuga (23) have coupled the hydride generation technique_ with atomic flu­ orescence spectrometers using argon/ hydrogen flames as atom reservoirs. Solution detection limits for hydride generation sampling as well as those for conventional solution nebulization are listed in T a b l e II. Improvements in analyte detection over solution analysis are similar in magnitude to those obtained in atomic absorption experiments. Atomic emission has been used by n u m e r o u s workers employing DC plasmas (28, 29), microwave induced plasmas (MIP) (6, 22), and inductive­ ly coupled plasmas (ICP) (30) as exci­ tation sources. One commonly en­ countered difficulty is the instability or incompatibility of atmospheric pressure plasmas with the large quan­ tity of hydrogen produced during the generation reaction. T h i s phenomenon has been reported by B r a m a n et al. (28), Fricke et al. (22), Miyazaki et al. (29), and T h o m p s o n et al. (30), and may be circumvented by the use of a liquid nitrogen condensation appara­ t u s to separate the hydrides from the hydrogen (22, 29). Alternatively, a less efficient reaction t h a n the N a B H 4 / acid type may be used to generate the hydrides (6); or if the source has suffi­ cient power, the N a B H 4 reaction may be used with reduced N a B H 4 concen­ tration (30). Another problem t h a t has only been infrequently reported is broad band molecular emission re­ sulting from the presence of H 2 0 , HC1, and CO^ carried from or pro­ duced by the hydride generation reac­ tion (22). (The COs. is produced when Na-2CO:! c o n t a m i n a n t s present in t h e

Table III. Comparison of Detection Limits for Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Detection Limits, /ig/mL Inductively Inductively coupled coupled plasma/solution plasma/ nebulization a hydride b

Ge As Se Sn Sb Te Pb Bi a

0.15 0.04 0.03 0.3 0.2 0.08 0.008 0.05

Taken from ref. 46. from rel. 22.

0.0008 0.0008 0.001 0.001

Microwaveinduced plasma/ hydride


0.00015 0.00035 0.00125 0.002 0.0005

0.0008 6

Taken from ref. 30.



N a B H 1 reagent are mixed with acid.) These contaminants may be chromatographically removed as discussed below. Detection limits for hydride generation systems as well as those for conventional solution analysis are list­ ed in Table III. Substantial improve­ m e n t is observed in all available values. Detection by thermal conductivity (23, 31), flame ionization (23, 31), mass spectrometry (32, 33), radio­ chemical techniques (34), and molecu­ lar emission cavity analysis (27) has also been used with preliminary chro­ matographic separation of t h e various hydrides from one another and from reaction products or c o n t a m i n a n t s . Detectors amenable to simultaneous multielement detection are of increas­ ing interest since this is one of the most direct m e t h o d s to reduce the cost of analysis both in terms of re­ agents and analysis time.

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Table II. Comparison of Detection Limits for Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Detection Limits, μς/ιτιί


AF/solutlon nebulization "


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Ge As Se Sn Sb Te Pb Bi

0.1 0.1 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.005 0.01 0.005


0.0001 0.00006 0.0001 0.00008

" Taken from ref. 38. " Taken from ref. 37.




Figure 3. Chromatographic separation of AsH 3 from background contaminants at 1937 Λ