Cluster-Linking Reactions: Synthesis and Structure of the Dicluster

Caryn C. Borg-Breen, Maria T. Bautista, Cynthia K. Schauer, and Peter S. White. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2000 122 (16), 3952-3962...
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J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994,116. 2143-2144 sfbeme 1 Cluster-Linking Reactions: Synthesis and Structure of the Dicluster Complex [(P~,P)ZNN~[IF~,(C~)~(~,PM and ~ )the (~~-~)I~~I Definitive "P NMR Spectroscopic Characterization of Tricluster and Tetracluster Complexes in Oligomer Mixtures Maria T. Bautista, Peter S. White, and Cynthia K. Schauer'

Department of Chemistry The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3290 Received October 15. 1993 Ancwsolid-statechemistryiscmergingthatutilimtmlsfrom coordinationchemistry and organometallic chemistry to develop new synthetic routes and to devise new structural typcs.1 We are exploring methods for preparing extended assemblies incorporating transition-metal clusters from functionalizcd cluster 'building blocks"?.3 Our strategy for assembling these clusterbased materials utilizes reactions at the phosphorus heteroatoms ofthe bifunctionalclusterbuildingblock Fel(C0)9(~3-PH)z (1),$' which can potentially bc linked to form a linear array of clusters (see I). The possibility of stepwisesynthesisattending a building-(metal cluster)-[(linker)-(metal



block approach allows the synthesis of oligomeric species, intermediate between the molecular and the solid-state regimes. We report here our initial studies of cluster-linking reactions employing aAu(1) ion 1inkermetalcenter.includingthesynthesis and structural characterization of the gold-bridged dicluster complex [(Fe3(CO)9(r3-PMe)(p3-P)~zAu](4) and the preparation of extended cluster chains. The monofunctional cluster Fe3(CO)P(r3-PMe)(r3-PH)(2)' can bedeprotonated to producetheanion [(Ph3P)zN]+[Fe3(CO)T (r,-PMe)(r~-P)l-([PPN]+[3]), which has a phosphoruslone pair with high coordinating potentiaL6 The orange-red dicluster complex 4' is quantitatively prepared in CHzCll solution by the reaction of 1 equiv of [PPN]+[3] with 0.5 equiv of the Au(1) source, CIAu(THT) (THT = tetrahydrothiophene)' (Scheme 1). The formulation of 4 as a dicluster complex is established by 3IP('H}NMR spectroscopy,where the two sets of symmetry equivalent but magnetically inequivalent phosphorus nuclei give rise to two identical AA'XX' patterns at 6 357.1 (P-Au) and (I) SCC. for eramplc: (a) Hmkins. B. F.; Robson. R. 1.Am. Chrm. Soe. 1990. 112, 1546. (b) Stein, A,; Kellcr. S. W.; Mallouk. T. E. Science 1993. 259, 1558. (2) For examplca of linked carbane dusters. see: (a) Yang. X.; Jiang. W.; Knabln. C. 8.: Hawthorne, M.F. 1.Am. Chem. Soe. 1992. 114,9719. (b) Mallet. J.: B w . K.: Magnera. T.F.; Michl. J. 1.Am. Chem. Soe. 1992. 114 0")

. . _ . I . _ . .

(3 I For agonized m b l i a o f tetrahedral cubanc c1us1m.y~:(a) Copp. S. B :Subr"nisn.S.; Zawomtko. M.1.Angrw. Chrm..In:. Ed Engl. 1993. 32.706. (bl CODD.S. 8.:Subrammian. S.:Zawomlko. M.J. 1.Am. Chrm. Soc. 1992, 114.~8719.

(4) Bautista, M. T.; Jordan. M. R.; White. P. S.; Schaun, C. K. I m g . Chcm. 1993.32, 5429. ( 5 ) The bicaDDcd DhmDhinidene clusters and derivatives have unimc moisulac e l u r t ~ r ' p r o ~ n ~ See. & . for example: (a) Koidc. Y . ; Bautista. M. T.; Whilc. P. S.;Schaucr. C. K. Inorg. Chrm. 1992.31. 3690. (b) Huttncr. G.; Knoll. K Angcv. Chrm.. In1 Ed Engl. 1987.26.743. (c) Ohst. H. H.: Koch,. 1 K. lnorn Chrm. 1986. 2% 2066. Id1 Halet.. J..F.:. Hoffman.. R.:. Sai1la;d. 3.-Y. I&g. Chcm. Ids. 24. 1695.' (6) Data for [PPN]+[3]: 3'P (a. ppm. THF) 513.1 (d. V(P,P) = 35 Hr. ~3-P)357.1(dq.'J(P.P)=35H~.'J(H.P)= I I H.?.n-PMe);IR(umcn-', THF) 2037 (vw). 2019 (w). 1997 ("9). 1976 (s). 1951 (m). 1939 (sh). We haw not k n able to isolate [PPN]+[3]. (7) For [PPN]+[4]: IR (v"+. EtlO) 2062 (vw),2050 (w).2029 (M), 2006 (1). 1977 (m). 1969 (m). Anal. Calcd (found) for CsHsAuF~NOs.Ps: AuFQNOIIP~:C. 38.91 138.43): (38.43); H. 2.10 12.31). (2.31). (8) Uson. R.;Laguna. A,; Laguna. M.Inorg. Synrh. 1989.26.85.


336.8 (P-Me) (Scheme I)! The large ~ J P Avalue ~ P of 257 Hz is in the range expected for trans orientation of the phosphorus nuclei.'O and the zJpFepvalue of 214 Hz is similar in magnitude tothoseobservedfor metalcomplexesofthe [ F ~ ~ ( C O ) & I I - P ) Z ] ~ unit." After removal of [PPNICI, the dicluster [PPN]+[4] is crystallized by vapor diffusion of pentane into a CHzCIz solution and is isolated in 85% yield. The proposed structure of [PPN]+[4]wasconfinned by a single crystal X-ray diffraction study;'aa ball-and-stickdiagram of the anion 4 is displayed in Scheme I . The Au(1) ion sits on a center ofinversionin thespacegroupCZ/c,withfourdiclustercomplexes in the unit a l l , rigorously restricting the P-Au-P angle to 180'. The single unique Au-P distance (2.305(2) A) is similar in magnitude to the Au-P distances for other two-coordinate gold(I) phosphine compIexes,lobimplying that steric interactions between the two cluster ligands do not affect the Au-P bonding. Although thereare nosymmetry constraintsfor theP2-PI-Au angle (unlike for the P1-Au-Pl'anglc), the ObSeNed valueof 177' indicates that a nearly linear orientation is the preferred configuration, despite the asymmetric coordination environment about the phosphorus atom. Thus, longer oligomers should be essentially linear, irrespective of the relative orientations of the open edges in adjacent cluster units. Extendedclusterchainscanbe prepared byutilizinga mixture ofbifunctional 1and monofunctional 2as theclustersource.The 3IP(lH) NMR spectrum of the orange-red oligomer mixture obtained from reaction of a 2 1 mixture of 1 and 2 with Au(1) ion (eq I)" is shown in Figure la. Crucial aidsin theassignment of11PNMRspectraoftheoligomers wereprovided by obtaining the spectra of largely pure samples of the tri- and tetracluster (91 AnalvsisofthcM'XX'Dattcrnviel&l21~~.rl-257Hsl2J~-214 , ~~~~. . .

~ z ; i n drJ;pl=3 HZ. (IO) (a) Sunick. D. L.: White. P. S.;khauer, C. K. &~nomela//fcs1993, 12,245. (b) Sunick, D.L.; White. P. S.:k h s u n . C. K. Inorg. Chem. 1993, 32, 5665. ( 1 1 ) Bautista.M.T.;Whitc,P.S.;khaucr,C.K.J.Ant.Ch~~.Soc.19)1, 113.8963. (12) Crystal data for [PPNlf[4l: CsHduF%NOt~P6(fw 1728.79); spcc 8 r u ff/c (No. IS). 2 4, o 21.272(2) A, b 2O.l53(l) A, c 17.020(1)@ ,I! = 107.535(6)', Y- 6957.4(8) AI;& I1.685gm-';p(Mo Ke) = 35.1 cm-I. Least-squaresrefinement of 426 prameters and 4538 rcncctions I > 2 5s(f))cnnvcrgedatR(R.) -0.036(0.048). Sclmedbond AuI-PI 2.305(2). Fcl-PI 2.264(2), Fel-P2 2.186(2), distancu Fc2-PI = 2.257(2),Fc2-P2= 2.192(2).Fc3-PI -2.268(2).Fc3-P2-2.223(2). PI-P2 = 2.648(3). Fcl-Fc3 2.695(2). Fc2-Fc3 2.692(2). Fcl-Fc3 = 3.549(2). Angles (deg): P2-PI-Au = 177.2(1). PI-P2-CI 177.4(3). (13) ImpuritiesofAu-CI-tcrmi~tedEllutcnarcobscrvedifchlaidc~lU are d. so the reagents [Au(THT)2][PF6] and [PPN] [PFd arc employ*. The THF solution of the clusters with the appropriate amount of NE13 u added to the THF solution of ANI) and counterion. The resulting oligomer mixture is stable. and removal of solvent pmducu an orange powder. which can k quantitatively redissolved to yield B "P{'HI NMR spectrum identical toonctakcnkforcsolvcntrcmoval. Thcprticularratiod I and2employed was ehasen to provide the most informative NMR spatrum of the oligomer mixture. A soluble mixture ofoligomers is alsoobtained whcn a I:I ratioof 1 and 2 is employed.

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0 1994 Americnn Chemical Soeiety

Communications to the Editor

2144 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 116, No. 5, 1994




La * J p (Hz). y 1 9 6 ~ 2 3 4 ~ 1 4 7 ~ 2 3 2 7









6(PPm Figure 1. (a) 3IPIIHJ NMR spectrum of the oligomer mixture with assignments. (b) Simulated spectrum of tricluster 5 with assignments and IZJppl values. (c) Simulated spectrum of tetracluster 6 with assignments and 12Jppi values. In spectra b and c, inclusion of small four-bond couplings (I4Jpd = 0-6 Hz)is rquired to fit the experimental spectra.




complexes under different reactionconditions (see supplementary material). Simulated 31P(1H}NMR spectra of the tricluster complex (5, an AA’MM’XX’ spin system) and the tetracluster complex (6, an AA’KK’MM’XX’ spin system) are shown in Figures l b and IC, respe~tively.1~The chemical shifts for the Au-bound phosphorus nuclei are quite sensitive to the identity of both cluster ligands bound to the gold(1) ion. For example, in tetracluster 6, the resonance for the Au-bound phosphorus nucleus shifts progressively downfield as one proceeds to the center of the chain (6 373 for M, 6 398 for K,and 6 407 for A). The difference in the chemical shifts for each successive movement toward the center of the chain becomes smaller. Additional information is provided by the splitting patterns observed in the spectrum. In analyzing the spectrum of a (14) Coupling constants were obtained by simulation of the spectra with

the program LAWNS (QuantumChemistryRogram Exchange, No. QCMP 049).

particular cluster oligomer, the splitting pattern will appear first order until the center of the chain, where the two sets of two symmetry equivalent phosphorus nuclei are coupled.15 For tetracluster 6, first-order patterns are observed for the X and M resonances with splitting due to the adjahnt phosphorus nuclei in the chain. The central [P--P-Au-P-*P] portion of thechain is an AA’KK’ spin system (like the dicluster 4). For the K resonance, however, an additional first-order splitting is observed as a result of coupling to the adjacent M nuclei in the chain. The same rationale applies for the interpretation of the NMR spectrum of tricluster 5 as for 6.16 In Figure l a (the 31P(1H} NMR spectrum for a reaction with appropriate stoichiometry to prepare a tricluster complex) overlapping resonances are observed for dicluster, tricluster, and tetracluster complexes, as well as for higher order oligomers. Obvious features in the oligomer spectrum are observed for the A resonance of tetracluster 6 as well as for the A resonance of tricluster 5. Oligomers of higher order than tetracluster are evident by the broad downfield resonance at 6 409,2 ppm further downfield than the central tetracluster resonance. The central cluster resonances of all higher order oligomersbeyond tetracluster would be expected to fall near 6 410 on the basis of the observed chemical shift trends. The efficiency of the oligomerization reaction is evidenced by the fact that no resonances are observed in the spectrum for P-H-capped clusters (6 230-270) or clusters with substituent-free P atoms (6 500-530). Coordination of Au(1) ions to bifunctional clusters with facecapping phosphorus ligands is an effective way to prepare cluster chains. Our current efforts are focused on understanding the fundamentalissues in these coordination polymerization reactions taking advantageof the31PNMR characterizationtool, including an assessment of the factors influencing the M-P bond lability together with attempts to control these factors to prepare monodisperseoligomers. The electrochemical propertiesof these cluster chains are also receiving attention, where the individual cluster units in model systems undergo a single two-electron oxidation reaction.51

Acknowledgment. Partial financial support provided by the National Science Foundation (PYI award CHEM-8958027, CHE-9222617) and the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, is gratefully acknowledged. Partial funds for equipping the singlecrystal X-ray diffraction facility at UNC-CH were provided by the National Science Foundation (CHE-89 19288). Supplementary Material Available: Detailed experimental procedures, details of spectral simulations, and crystallographic results for [PPN]+[4], including fractional atomic coordinates, thermal parameters, and complete bond lengths and angles (15 pages). This material is contained in many libraries on microfiche, immediately follows this article in the microfilm version of the journal, and can be ordered from the ACS; see any current masthead page for ordering information. (15 ) The observed patterns are simplified because all 3lP nuclei are not coupled to each other, and the ‘Jpp values are small in comparison to the 2Jrp values.

(16) The qualitative difference in the appearance of the non-firatsrder patterns for the central portion of the tricluster chain results from the fact that connectivity is [P-Au-P4-Au-P].