Coal-Liquefaction Products, Shale Oil, and ... - ACS Publications

(3) Barrow, N. J.; Shaw, T. C. J. Soil. Sci. 1979,30, 53. (4) Ryden, J. C.; Syers, J. K. J. Soil Sci. 1975,26, 395. (5) Singh, B. B.; Tabatabai, M. A...
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sei. 197%27, 307. (2) Schdscha, E. B.; Pratt, P. F.; Kinjo, T.; Amar A., J. Soil S C ~sot. . Am. Proc. 1972,36, 912. (3) Barrow, N. J.; Shaw, T. C. J . Soil.Sci. 1979,30, 53. (4) Ryden, J. C.; Syers, J. K. J . Soil Sci. 1975,26, 395. ( 5 ) Singh, B. B.; Tabatabai, M. A. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 1977,8, 97. ( 6 ) Barrow, N. J. Soil Sei. 1972,113, 175. (7) Watanabe, F. S.; Olsen, S. R. Soil Sci. SOC.Am. Proc. 1965,29, 677. (1) Helyar, K. R.; Munns, D. N.; Burau, R. G. J . Soil

(8) Weaver, C. E.; Pollard, L. D. “The Chemistry of Clay Minerals”; Elsevier: New York, 1973; pp 141-3. (9) Shainberg, I. Int. Congr. Soil Sci., gth, 1968 1968, I, 577. (10) Lindsay, W. L.; Vlek, P. L. G. In “Minerals in Soil Environment; Dixon, J. B., Weed, S. B., Eds.; Soil Science Society of America: Madison, WI, 1977; pp 639-72. (11) Hall, J. K.; Baker, D. E. Soil Sei. SOC.Am. Proc. 1971, 35, 876.

Received for review May 21,1980. Accepted September 22,1980. This work is published as South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Paper No. 1593.

Coal-Liquefaction Products, Shale Oil, and Petroleum. Acute Toxicity to Freshwater Algae Jeffrey M. Giddings” and Jacob N. Washington Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

Water-soluble fractions (WSFs) of eleven coal-liquefaction products, five shale-oil products, and six petroleum products were tested for acute toxicity to freshwater algae. The coalliquefaction products inhibited algal photosynthesis at WSF concentrations two orders of magnitude lower than the petroleum products; shale-oil products were intermediate in toxicity. Introduction

Product spills are among the major sources of potential environmental impact from coal-liquefaction and shale-oil technologies. Oils derived from coal or shale are generally richer in phenolics, aromatic amines, and other water-soluble organic classes than are petroleum products ( 1 - 3 ) . Spills of synthetic oils may therefore affect aquatic ecosystems differently from spills of conventional oils. We have compared the acute toxicity to algae of the water-soluble fractions (WSFs) of synthetic and petroleum-derived oils, as a first step in investigating their relative hazards to aquatic life. The initial results indicate that coal-liquefaction products are substantially more toxic to freshwater algae than are petroleum products, with shale-oil products intermediate in toxicity. Materials T e s t e d

The oils we tested are listed in Table I. Sample P-2, a No. 2 diesel fuel, was purchased from a local distributor; all other oils were obtained from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Department of Energy (EPA/DOE) Fossil Fuels Research Materials Facility a t Oak Ridge National Laboratory (4).

We tested WSFs rather than whole oils because acute toxicity from oil spills is generally caused by the oil’s water-soluble components ( 5 - 7 ) . The WSFs were prepared by the addition of one part of oil to eight parts of distilled water in a closed glass vessel. The mixtures were gently stirred for 16 h in the dark to prevent light-induced chemical changes (8-13). The aqueous phase was then separated from the oil and filtered (Whatman No. 41 filter paper). Extracts prepared under these conditions contain very few oil droplets ( 1 4 ) . Algal growth-medium ingredients (15)were added, and the WSFs were diluted in fresh algal medium for testing a t 10, 1, and 0.1% concentrations. 106

Environmental Science & Technology

Algal T o x i c i t y T e s t Procedure

Acute toxicity of the WSFs was assessed by measuring short-term photosynthetic inhibition of S e l e n a s t r u m capric o r n u t u m (a green alga) and Microcystis aeruginosa (a blue-green alga). Actively growing (4-7 day old) unialgal cultures were concentrated by centrifugation and resuspended in the test solution in 125-mL BOD bottles for 4 h; photosynthesis was measured by the (14C)bicarbonatemethod (16, 1 7 ) during the final 2 h of exposure. Details of the algal culture conditions and of the bioassay procedure have been described previously ( 1 8 ) . Each WSF concentration was tested in duplicate or triplicate; three to five replicate controls were included in each experiment. A one-tailed Student’s t-test was used to determine significant inhibition of photosynthesis ( P 50.05). On the ?verage, inhibition was statistically significant if photosynthesis was less than or equal to 86%of the controls (range 69-94% over all experiments). Results

Table I1 presents the bioassay results. The petroleum products were nontoxic a t 10%WSF and less. Similar results have been reported for other algae (19-23). The lighter, refined oils (P-1and P-2) were more toxic than the No. 6 fuel oils, as has been noted by other workers (5-7,24-26). Three of the petroleum products were nontoxic to S. capricornutum a t 100%WSF. The WSFs of refined shale-oil products (SH-4 and SH-5) were similar in toxicity to those of the petroleum products (Table 11).The shale-oil residual, a No. 6 fuel oil, was more toxic than any of its petroleum equivalents; S. capricornutum was inhibited by 1%WSF of this oil. Crude and hydrotreated shale oil were also more toxic than the petroleum WSFs, with significant inhibition a t WSF concentrations of 1-10%. Hydrotreatment of the crude shale oil reduced its toxicity to both species. Most of the coal-liquefaction products were toxic to both species a t 1%WSF; four of them inhibited S. capricornutum a t 0.1% (Table 11).A comparison of the results for CL-2-CL-5 indicates that hydrotreatment of increasing severity reduced the toxicity of this oil to M . aeruginosa but not to S. capricornutum.

The relative toxicities of the WSFs we tested reflected the solubility of the aromatic fractions of the oils. T o estimate aromatic concentrations. we measured the absorbance of the


@ 1981 American Chemical Society

Table 1. Oils Tested for Acute Toxicity to Freshwater Algae EPAlDOE no.




CI-2 CL-3

1601 1602

CL-4 CL-5

1603 1604

8.8 12.0 9.2 2.8

fuel oil blend, noncatalytic coal liquefaction raw distillate, catalytic coal liquefaction same as CL-2, low-severity hydrotreatment same as CL-2, medium-severity hydrotreatment same as CL-2, high-severity hydrotreatment

20.4 2.9

atmospheric still overhead, catalytic coal liquefaction atmospheric still bottoms, catalytic coal liquefaction

CL-6 CL-7

1308 1309







atmospheric still bottoms, catalytic coal liquefaction vacuum still overhead, catalytic coal liquefaction


vacuum still overhead, catalytic coal liquefaction atmospheric still overhead, catalytic coal liquefaction



5.9 1.2




crude shale oil, above-ground retorting




hydrotreated shale oil

SH-3 SH-4

4607 4608

0.16 0.007

hydrotreated shale oil, residue shale oil JP-5 product

SH-5 P- 1

4610 4616


shale oil DFM product


petroleum DFM


petroleum No. 2 diesel fuel petroleum JP-5




A254 a


P-2 P-3


0.088 0.060

P-4 P-5

5401 5402

0.096 0.018

petroleum No. 6 fuel oil petroleum No. 6 fuel oil




petroleum No. 6 fuel oil

Absorbance of water soluble fractlon at 254 nm measured with a Perkin-Elmerspectrophotometer Water-soluble fractions were diluted as necessaryto read Diesel fuel purchasedfrom local distributor. ND = not determined

A2s4 below 1.0.

Table II. Response of Selenasfrum capricornutum and Microcysfis aeruginosa to Water-Soluble Fractions of Coal-Liquefaction, Shale-Oil, and Petroleum Productsa S. capr/cornulum 10%

0.1 %

1 Yo

CL- 1







CL-3 CL-4 CL-5 CL-6 CL-7

WSF concn

90' 114


66 * 71 *







3" 7"



76' 71

2' 2"



103 74 *




43 *





68' 64"

15' 0"

47 47 *

3" 4"


93 99






CL-8 CL-9

73 61 *





CL-11 SH- 1

65 *

34 *









SH-4 SH-5



M. aeruginosa 1% 10%






0' 1' 1' 1" 1"

1" 1"


114 91

94 29 *



46 *







70 * 84


82 * 24 *




99 84 *



110 93

101 106

P- 1





P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6

95 99 96 87 111

97 108 112 101

91 109 106 98

39 * 90 90" 124




3" 2"





84 *

26 *


















87 100 114

92 110 105

88 103 103

41 * 83 75'

The values shown are photosynthesisexpressed as a percentage of controls. Asterisks indicatesignificant photosynthetic inhibition( P = 0.05). Dashes indicate tests not performed. a

Volume 15, Number 1, January 1981


WSFs a t 254 nm, the absorption maximum for benzene. The absorbances of coal-liquefaction-product WSFs were two orders of magnitude higher than those of petroleum-product WSFs (Table I). The most toxic shale-oil samples had absorbances close to those of the liquefaction products; the less toxic shale oils resembled petroleum products. Although absorbance a t 254 nm is only an approximate measure of aromatic content (27),these data suggest that the high toxicity of coal-liquefaction products is due in part to their high solubility in water. Total organic carbon (TOC) determinations vsing a Beckman TOC Analyzer (28) on two of these WSFs support this conclusion: TOC concentrations of WSFs of P-2 and CL-1 were 105 and 5000 mg/L, respectively (29).Causes qf this high solubility have yet to be determined, but the abundance of phenols, amines, and other polar aromatic compounds in coal-derived oils (1-3) is probably an important factor. Such compounds are readily removed from oil by dissolution (23,30),so the toxicity of a coal-liquefaction product may decline rapidly as the oil weathers in an aquatic environment. Chemical changes that might occur after a spill of coal-derived oil are currently under investigation. The much greater acute toxicity of synthetic oils compared to natural oils, consistent over a range of product types, implies a need for further research on the ecological hazards of synthetic liquid fuels. Ideally, such a hazard assessment could be completed before these advanced fossil energy technologies become commercialized, so that appropriate precautions may be taken to minimize their environmental impact. For example, phenols and amines in coal liquids could be destroyed by hydrotreating (31) within the liquefaction plant, thereby reducing the toxicity of products transported from the site.

Acknowledgment We thank J. Trabalka and S. Herbes for suggestions on the manuscript.

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Received for review June 9,2980. Accepted September 9, 1980. This Research was sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract W-7405eng-26 with Union Carbide Corp. Publication No. 1612, Enuironmental Sciences Diuision, ORNL.