cobalt(II - American Chemical Society

A. BENCINI, C. BENELLI, D. GATTESCHI,* and C. ZANCHINI. Received January 5, 1979. The single-crystal ESR and polarized electronic spectra of ...
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Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 18, No. 8, 1979 2137

Low-Symmetry High-Spin Co(I1) Complexes

Contribution from the Istituto di Chimica Generale e Inorganica, University of Florence, Laboratorio CNR, Florence, Italy

ESR Spectra of Low-Symmetry High-Spin Cobalt(I1) Complexes. 2. Pseudotetrahedral Dichlorobis( triphenylphosphine oxide)cobalt(II) A. BENCINI, C. BENELLI, D. GATTESCHI,* and C. ZANCHINI Received January 5, 1979

The single-crystal ESR and polarized electronic spectra of bis(tripheny1phosphine oxide)cobalt(II)dichloride have been recorded. The effective g values have been found to be highly anisotropic, with g, = 5.67, gz = 3.59, and g3 = 2.16. For the interpretation of these data a completely symmetry-independentligand field approach to the energies of the electronic levels and to the low-symmetry g tensor has been used. The results have been most satisfactory since the model accounted easily for the high observed anisotropy of the g values. It is proposed that by this model it is possible to rationalize the ESR spectra of low-symmetry high-spin cobalt(I1) complexes.

Introduction Although ESR spectroscopy has been much used for the characterization of transition-metal complexes, the studies of high-spin cobalt(I1) complexes are still relatively s ~ a r c e . ~ , ~ Since the call for spectral information on cobalt(I1) complexes has increased greatly in the last few years, principally due to the impact of bioinorganic chemistry, where cobalt can often substitute zinc in metalloenzymes maintaining the biological a ~ t i v i t ywe , ~ decided to attempt a thorough characterization of ESR spectra of high-spin cobalt(I1). Beyond the experimental difficulties, due to the necessity to obtain very low temperatures in order to have reasonably narrow signals, many problems arise in the interpretation of the spectra since low-symmetry components play a major role in determining the resonance fields. As a matter of fact it is now apparent that seemingly symmetric configurations of ligands can yield highly anisotropic g value^.'^^-'^ It is now clear, therefore, that idealized symmetries, which were of great help in the interpretation of the electronic spectra, are of little use for the interpretation of ESR and magnetic properties. By use of the spin Hamiltonian formalism, five parameters are needed (gx,g,,, g,, D,and E ) , and because only a transition between one Kramers doublet is observed, which yields three experimental data, the interpretation of the spectra is not unambiguous. Further, the values of the g and D tensors by themselves have only a bookkeeping meaning, and they must be checked against some theoretical calculation in order to relate them to the electronic structure of the complex. In the last few years the extension of the ligand field formalism to low-symmetry complexes has appeared to be u ~ e f u l , especially ~ ~ - ~ ~ resorting to the angular-overlap model. According to this scheme it is possible in principle to transfer the values of ex parameters of a ligand from one complex to another provided that some caution is exerted.20 By this method it was possible to consider series of complexes and to calculate reasonable sets of parameters which fit the electronic transitions. Recently Gerloch et aL21suggested a method for calculating the anisotropic magnetic susceptibilities of lowsymmetry complexes, without making any use of idealized symmetries, and applied it with success to several complexes.22-24It appeared to us that such a model might be of great help in the interpretation of the ESR spectra of high-spin cobalt(II), giving the full theoretical information to be compared with the experimental data. Therefore, we resorted to a study of some low-symmetry cobalt(I1) complexes in order to see how this approach could be of help and to develop the model more fully for an ESR spectroscopist. For this purpose we choose the complex dichlorobis(triphenylphosphine oxide)cobalt(II), C O C ~ ~ ( P ~ ~which P O ) can ~, be doped into the zinc analogue which is known to be pseudotetrahedral with a C2site symmetry.25 C2symmetry implies that one direction of the g and A tensors is fixed, while the 0020-1669/79/ 1318-2137$01.OO/O

other two are to be determined. This gives us the required low symmetry, but with the obvious simplification of only two principal directions to be determined. We wish to report here the single-crystal ESR and electronic spectra of CoC12(Ph,PO),, together with their interpretation based on the angular overlap model.

Experimental Section C O C ~ , ( P ~ ~and P O ZnC1z(Ph3PO)z )~ were prepared as previously described.26Single crystals of cobalt(I1) doped into ZnC1z(Ph3PO)z were grown by slow evaporation of methylene chloride and n-butyl ether solutions. The crystals were oriented by Weissenberg techniques and were found to be isostructural to the copper analogue?' The shape of the crystals is that of prisms with the (1 10) face highly developed and c as the long axis. The single-crystal polarized electronic spectra were recorded with a Cary 17 spectrophotometer equipped with an Oxford Instruments liquid helium continuous-flow cryostat. ESR spectra were recorded with a Varian E-9 spectrometer operating at 9 GHz and equipped with Oxford Instruments ESR 9 continuous-flowcryostat. The crystals were mounted on a Perspex rod by using the geometrical features for the orientation. Results ESR Spectra. The polycrystalline powder ESR spectra of ( C O , Z ~ ) C ~ , ( P ~ , Precorded O)~ at 4.2 K are shown in Figure 1. The bandwidths are dramatically temperature dependent. The shape of the lowest field feature seems to be due to unresolved hyperfine interaction. The g values (according to a Hamiltonian with an effective spin of S = 1/2) are g, = 5.7 f 0 . 2 , g 2 = 3 . 5 9 f 0 . 0 5 , a n d g 3 = 2 . 1 6 f 0 . 0 4 . Thepowder spectra of the pure cobalt complex are practically identical to those of the zinc-doped complex. The single-crystal spectra confirm that the three features seen in the powder spectra are associated with the same transition. Since the metal ions have C2 site symmetry in the lattice, a principal direction of g is individuated by the c crystal axis. The corresponding g value was found to be g2 = 3.59 f 0.02. The signal shows evidence of unresolved hyperfine splitting within a Gaussian line shape; lA21 can be estimated as l2which shows that the separation of the first two bands corresponds to the energy region spanned by the emission band system, 1.9-2.4 eV. In Figure 2 is reproduced a high resolution Ne I photoelectron spectrum in the region from 10 to 15 eV. The photoelectron spectrum, a t lower resolution, has been reported earlier by two groups and a n assignment of the bands was proposed.11,’2 In the case of the ground and first excited electronic state of tri-B-fluoroborazine cation the symmetries 2 E f fand 2A2/’,respectively, have been deduced.


Q 1979 American Chemical Society