Codification of Materials - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1947, 39 (10), pp 1261–1264. DOI: 10.1021/ie50454a615. Publication Date: October 1947. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abs...
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October 1947

McNaughton. G. C., and Martin, T. J., Am. Buildw and Buildi n g Age (dealers’ ed.), 62 (31,145-7 (Mar. 1940). McNaughton, G. C., and VanKleeck, A., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph R1443 (1944). Markwardt, L. J., Am. SOC.Testing Materials, Proc., 43,43592 (1943). Markmardt, L. J., and Wilson, T. It. C., U. S. Dept. Agr., Bull. 479 (1935). Millett, M. A., Seborg, R. M., and Stamm, -1.J., Forest Products Lab.. Mimeoarash 1386 (1943). Millett, M. A., and Stamm,‘A. J., hiodern Plastics, 24 (2),150 (1946); 24 (B), 159 (1947). Navy Dept. (U.S.) Specification 51-C-38. Ibid., 51-C40. Olson, R. Z., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph 1534 (1945). Olson, W. Z.,Bensend, D. W., and Bruce, 11. D., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph 1539 (1946). Olson. W. Z., and Bruce, H. D., Ibid., 1542 (1946). Ibid., 1546 (1946). Olson, W. Z.,Bruce, H. D.. and Souer, V. R.. Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph 1547 (1946). I h i d . , R1629 (1946). Porkins, N. S.,Landson, P., and Trayer, G. W., “Modern Connectors for Timber Construction,” Joint Pub., Natl. Com. on Wood Utilization & Forest Products Lab. (1933). San Francisco Bay Marine Piling Com., “Marine Borers and Their Relation to Marine Construction on the Pacific Coast,” Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley, Calif. (1927); Proc. Am. Wood-Preservers’ Assoc., 24,253 (1928). Scholten, J. A., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph R1202, revised (1946). Scholten, J. A.,Agr. Eng., 19,201 (1938). Seborg, R. M., Millett, M. A,, and Stamm, A. J., Ibid., 67,25 (1945). Seborg, R. M., and Stamm, A. J., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph 1383,revised (1945). Seborg, R. M., and Stamm, A. J., Mech. Eng., 63,211 (1941). Snyder, T. E.,“Our Enemy the Termites,” Comstock Pub. Co., Ithaca, N. Y. (1935). Stamm, A. J., IND. ESG. CHEM.,29, 833 (1937). Stamm, A. J., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 56, 1195 (1934). Stamm. A. J., Proc. Wood-Preservers’Assoc., 42,150-67 (1946).

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1751 Stamm. A. J.. U. S. Patent 2.060.902(199ti). (76j Ibid., i,296,3i6 (1942). (77) Ibid., 2,350,135(1944). (78) . . Stamm, A.J.. Burr, H. K., and Kline, A. A., IND.ENG.CHEM., 38, 630-4 (1946). (79) Stamm, A. J., and Hansen, L. A,, Ibid., 27, 1480 (1935). (80) Ibid., 29, 831 (1937). (81) Stamm, A. J., and Seborg, R. M., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph 1380,revised (1943). (82) Ibid., 1381,revised (1944). ENG.CHEM.,28, 1164 (83) Stamm, A. J., and Seborg, R. M., IND. (1936). - (84) Ibid., 31,897 (1939). (85) Stamm, A. J., and Seborg, R. M., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 37, 385 (1941). (86) Stamm, A. J., and Seborg, R. M., U. 8. Patent 2,321,558 (1943). (87) Ibid., 2,354,090(1944). (88) Stamm, A. J., and Tarkow, H., J. Phys. Colloid Chem., 31, 493 (1947). (89) Stamm, A. J., and Tarkow, I?., U. S. Patent 2,417,995(1947). (90) Stamm, A. J., and Turner, H. D., Ibid., 2,391,489(1945). (91) Tarkow, H.,and Stamm, A. J., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph 1593 (1946). (92) Tramm, H., Cler, C., Kuhnel, P., and Schoff, R., U. S. Patent 2,106,938(1938). (93) Trayer, G. W.,U. S. Dept. Agr., Bull. 332 (1932). (94) Truax, T. R.,Harrison, C. A,, and Baechler, R. H., Proc. Am. Wood-Pmservers’Assoc., 31,231 (1935). (95) U. S. Treasury Dept., Procurement Div., Federal Specifications, Federal Standard Stock Catalog, Sect. 4,Pt. 1 (1945). (96) Van Kleeck, A., Forest Products Lab., Mimeograph R1280, revised (1946). (97) Van Kleeck, A.,News Ed. (Am. Chem. Soc.), 19, 626 (1941). (98) . . Van Kleeck, A., Proc. Am. Wood-Preservers’ Assoc., 38, 160 (1942). (99) Wangaard, F. T., Forest Product Lab., Mimeograph 1530, revised (1946). (100) Weatherwax, R. C.,and Stamm, A. J., Elec. Eng., 64, 833 (1945). (101) Wilson, T. R. C., U. S. Dept. Agr., Tech. Bull. 282 (1932). (102) Wilson, T.R. C., Ibid., 691 (1939).




Codification of Materials BS

C. S. GROVE, J R . ~ ,State University of Zowa, Zowa City, Zowa

J. W. PERRY, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.


w.A .

Sheafler Pen Co., Ft. Madison, Iowa


HE complexity of published scientific knowledge has been

greatly increased by the multiplicity of wartime developments. This has resulted in increasing difficulty in locating desired information from the mass of such data. This is particularly true of information about the properties of chemical engineering materials of construction. The changing emphasis and broadening field of chemical engineering materials of construction may be obvious, especially to those who worked on design and construction during World War 11. Previous to World War I, chemical equipment was largely made of cast iron, wood, stoneware, or lead. The group of chromenickel alloys, including the stainless steels, became available shortly after the beginning of the 1920’s. Their use became more prominent through the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. In the late 1930’s and early 1940’s a multitude of new materials, chiefly nonmetallic-plastics, synthetic rubber, carbon and graphite, glass and glass-lined, porcelain, and modified natural product~ of rubber and wood-came into being and greatly increased ‘Present address, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.

the number of materials which were used for chemical construction. With this added impetus given t o development of new materials, tailor-made for special uses, the necessity for codification becomes more evident. The problem of choosing materials for chemical equipment and plants, as well as for a wide variety of uses in many different manufacturing industries, is rapidly becoming more complicated. At the same time the difficulties in finding the proper material have been greatly increased, I n searching for information about materials of construction, one usually seeks, not single facts, but areas of information definable in terms of combinations of attributes. For example, an application may require a material in the form of pipe and fittings, t o resist 10% hydrochloric acid. Also, there may be needed equipment such as pumps and stills. Perhaps, in addition, there is to be fabricated a gadget from the same material which must be machined to close tolerance. Certain words in the preceding example-material, form, resist, some of the variables which, equipment, fabricated-suggest



talteii togcilicr, [nay be regarded as rcsembling a series of kypical classification scheme. The codes proposed in this paper are based on establishing a number of indcpendent dimensions, covering various attributes bearing on the subject under consideration, and on keeping tlie entries under v:xh of the dirnensioris consistent with one another. Thus, for vuample, information about chemical engineering materials of cwnstruction insy be coded, primarily, according to materisk under such headings a i Iron and Steel, Nickel and Nickel Chroine .\lloys, Ceramics, etc. The first step is a coarse classification, each item of which covers a rather broad class of materials. Each of these headings may be further subdivided more finely by indenting smaller groups of classes under each heading. The final step of indent,ation is a list of the individual substaneej. It is not believed that an outline worked out to the ultimate degree of fineness of subdivision must be used rigidly. Rather, it should be left to the individual user to regroup the headings according to his own p:\rticular needs. One user might choose t o code only under SIetals and Alloys and Nonmetallic Materials. Another might wish t,o subdivide and code very finely all information on Aluniinum, Xagnesium and Their Alloys, but to use only the main headings for other groups of materials. The next field of classification is for the purpose of indicating the chemical resistance of the substances listed in the materials ticld. Here are listed groups of chemicals classified principally according to their reactivity. Again there is an initial coarse division with sufficient,ly few and broad entries so that they are readily coded for use as heads of columns in printed charts and tables. Each item can then be further subdivided to the extent of further indentations as the needs of users dictate. The ot.hcr criteria of forms, equipment, etc., are classified and outlined in a similar manner. These variables might be considered independent dimensions, or coordinates in multidimensional space. Problems concerned m-ith finding suitable materials of construction involve some or all of these variables. The solution of any individual problem is analogous to finding a given geometric point when the coordinates are known. These coordinates or variables can be handled in multiple fashion by means of punched cards and other mechanical sorting devices. MECHANICAL SORTING AND SELECTING

bluch information on materials of construction is presented in the form of two-dimensional charts or tables, on which it is possible to tabulate oiily two of the variables. It is necessary to use more than one chart arid to do much additional searching in order to obtain data on 111orc than two variables. The outstanding advantages of such charts, if properly prepared, are si~nplicityand convenience for the user. The disadvantages, besides those already mentioned, are that there is not room for detailed information and that it is not possible to give more than a generalized sumniiiry. Consequently, even with the use of charts and tables it seems desirable to have other nieans of making available more complete and specialized information. Mechanical selecting devices, such as hand- and machinesorted punched cwds, are being widely used for the analysis of scientific data (1, 5-9, 12, 14, 1.5, 19). Their use makes it possible to effect a multiple selection from properly coded information, on the basis of the desired attributes. Another outstanding advaiit,age is their cumulative feature, which is particularly

October 1947


desirable. Khenever new information becomes available, it may be coded on cards and added to the file for immediate availability. To facilitate selecting information, one or more punched cards can be prepared, bearing the information for each reference. Separate portions of the card, or fields, should be devoted to coding, respectively, Materials; Chemical Deteriorating Influences; Equipment; Forms; etc. Then one makes a simultaneous or stepwise sorting of all the fields for the desired combination of criteria. This operation will select all the cards bearing referehces or information on the materials which resist the given chemical, which are available in the desired forms or shapes, which are manufactured into the necessary piece of equipment, and which have certain phvsical or mechanical properties. rllthough it is not impossible to code a large number of items on a given size of card, a large space or field is necessary in order to nlloiv multiple selection. Table I11 lists fifty items of equipment, each requiring a separate hole or punch. Coding of this field indicates the difficulties arising when many separate entries need to be considered, because these individual items are not mutually exclusive. I t is desirable to subgroup a list of many items (Table 111). In this case a simple criterion for such subgrwping is not apparent. CODING AND CODES

Based on the previous discussion of the philosophy of coding, one can state, a priori, that a codification of chemical engineering materials of construction must meet three criteria: (a) simplicity and ease of use, ( b ) ut,ility based on common properties, and (c) completencss of information presented. Such codification, t,herefore, must be set up on properties or uses rrhich have a common significance to all who might desire to find and use the data. At times, the codes, as presented, might seem to abandon 8 strictly logical approach in order to attain maximum simplicity, clarity, and utility, or to include rather important, special cases or propdes. T-arious systems of codifications can be devised. For examplc, I-oung (18) has listed certain metals classified according to lattice configurations of their cryst’allinestructure. However, close esamination of this listing s h o w that its usefulness is extremely limited for the present purpose because f e v people are sufficiently familiar with the basic principles on which it is set up, and fewer yet need this type of data. For example, in this system, platinum and lead are classified together, as are iron and t’ant,alum. McKay and Vorthington (11) discuss this idea as follows: “In order to present the facts of corrosion in an orderly manner some classification is necessary. Several different methods arc satisfactory. K e may use, for instance, a classification based on the corroding conditions, such as air, acids, natural wat,ers, etc. There are certain more or less visible or determinable forms of corrosion which are typical of certain cases of corrosion and not of others, such as: galvanic action, dezincification, pitting, etc. These may be used as a basis for classification. The rate of corrosion has been found to be affected by certain rate factors, such as: temperahre, acidity, electrolytic effects, etc., which are present in most cases, and corrosion may be classified according to these. Then metals have certain properties of direct importance in corrosion, such as: solution pressure, work straining, etc., and corrosion may be classified according to these. Lastly, the metals which are corroded serve as a very practical basis for the presentat,ion of data , , . , . , . . ” These authors present the data on corrosion based on metals rather than corrosives, because the met.hod seems simpler and less awkward. For use n i t h mechanical sorting devices and for the preparation of tno-dimensional charts and Iables, it is desirable to have classifications or codes based on all the criteria or aspects which have a bearing on the subject under consideration. Since most people think of materials of construction in the first place from the viewpoint of composition, composition seems to be a useful coding idea for the primary field. I n Table I,


materials are grouped according to similarity in composition’ modified, as seems necessary, by similarity of usages or properties, either chemical or physical. I t is necessary a t times to make rather arbitrary decisions as to location-for example, Bitumen is placed under Carbon and Graphite because of its high carbonaceous content and its use as a binder for these materials, although it might have been placed under Plastics because of its plastir nature and use as a tank lining material. The next principal field of information is coded according to chemical deteriorating influences (Table 11). This is a field of great importance economically as the choice of a material of construction is more often governed by its resistance to chemical action than by cost considerations. Table I1 is not a detailed code or classification of chemicals. It is bawd on reactivity of chemicals towards materials of construction, grouped together according to similar reacting ability-for example, acids, basps, etc. Only common chemicals of commercial importance are included, and the less common ones are not listed because of lack of general importance. Similarly, only reactive chemicals are included. The more inert chemicals are omitted for the sake of simplicity. -4few specific chemicals, which have special properties and industrial importance, arc listed-for example, hydrofluoric acid. The other fields listed are equipment (Table 111),forms (Table IV), methods of fabrication (Table V),physical properties (Tabk



Iron a n d steel Special alloy steels Sickel, chromium, and nickelchromium alloys 4 , Iron-silicon alloys 3 . Aluminum, magnesium, and alloys 6. Copper a n d copper alloys 7 . T i n , zinc, a n d lead 8 . Xoble metals and alloys a . Gold b. Platinum metals c . Silver d. Tantalum 1. 2 3,



IO. Glass 11. Carbon and gruphitc’

a. Bitumen 12. Refractories 13. Wood 11. Plastics 15. Elastomers ( n a t u r a l 2 n d theticl 16. Fibers



Acids a. H F b . HC1 c. H ~ S O I d . HNOa c. HsPO4 f . Other strong p:. Weak 3. Rases a . Gtronn b. Weak2. Halogens i1. hletal salts a. .kcid b. S e u t r n l , c. Basic (i. Inorganic nonmetallic halides i. Sulfur dioxide 8. Ammonia


Oxidizing chemicals

IO. Reducing chemicals 11.


13. 14. 15.


Hvdrocarbons a. .Iromatic b. .4liphatic c. Chlorinated d. Terpenes Oxygenated organic a. Alcohols b. Phenols c. Esters d . Retones e. .ildehydes f . Ethers Amines Polyhydroxy aliphatic8 Mercaptans Oils and fats a. Xineral b. Vegetable c. Animal


2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.

12. 13.


1.5, 16. 17.

Absorbers Agitators Autoclaves Bins and hoppers Boilers Cells,,electrolytic Centrifugals Columns, fractionating Condensers Conveyors Crystallizers, continuous Crystallizers, t a n k Crystallizers, vacuum Crushers Dryers, conveyor Dryers, drum Dryers, rotary

18. Dryers,spray 19. Dryers, tray 20. Evaporators, vacuum 21. Fans a n d blowers 22. Filters, gravity 23. Filters, plate and frame 24. Filters, rotary 25. Filter cloths 26. Flowmeters 27. Fume ducts 28. Furnaces 29. Grinders 30. Heat exchangers 31. Kettles 32. Mills, colloid 33. Sitrators 34. Pipes 35. Pulverizers

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Pumps Reactors and converters Retorts Screens Scrubbere Settlers Shipping containers

43. Stills 44. Sulfonators 45. Tanks, classifying 46. Tanks, storage 47. Tanks, wash 48. T o n e r packing 49. Tubes .50. Valves a n d fittings



Vol. 39, No. 10


TABLE IV. FORMS Bars (B) Castings (C) Cold rolled (CR) Drawn ( D ) Extrusions (E) Forgings (F)

Hot rolled (HR) Plates (P) Roda (R) Sheets (S) Tubes and pipes (TP)

Wire (W) Powder (Po) Woven (Wo) Knitted (Kn) Twisted and cabled (TC)


2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Bonding, laminating, etc. Casting Coating a n d lining Cold working stampin , etc. Electroformidg, eleotrojepositing, etc. Grinding

7. Hot working, rolling, etc. 8. Machining 9. Molding 10. Welding brasing, etc. 11. Sinter& 12. Textile processing

TABLE VI. PHJ?SICAL PROPERTIES Mechanical Electrical Abrasion resistance C?nductivity, mhos Bending Dielectric conatant and strength Compression, lb./sq. in. ultimate Magnetic permeability Density. lb./cu. ft. Power factor Elongation, % in 2 in. Resistivity, ohms Endurance limit, reversed bend, Optical Ib./sq. in. Absorption index Hardness Reflecriyity, % Impact Refractive index Machining quality Thermal .Modulus of elasticity, lb./sq. in. Latent heat of fusion B.t. u /lb. Poisson‘s ratio Mean specific heat, d.t.u./lb./o F. Shear, lb. /sq. in: ultimate Melting poi$, F. Tension, Ib./sq. in. ultimate Softening point, a F. Thermal coefficient of expansion Thermal conductivity, B.t.u./hr./ sq. t t . / “ F./ft.

Baehne, G. W., “Practical Applications of the Punched Card Method in Colleges and Universities,’’ New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1935. Ball, N. T., private communication (1946). Ball, N. T.,Science, 105,No. 2715,34 (1947). Ball, N. T.,Special Libraries, 11-16 (Jan. 1947). Casey, R. S.,Bailey, C. F., and Cox, G. J., J . Chem. Education. 23, 495 (1946). Cox, G. J., Bailey, C. F., and Casey, R. S., Chem. Eng. News, 23, 1623 (1945). Cox, G. J., Casey, R. S., and Bailey, C. F., J . Chem. Educatioh, 24, 65 (1947). Eckert, W. J., Ibid., 24,54 (1947). Eckert, W. J., “Punched Card Methods in Scientific Computation,” New York, Thomas J. Watson Astronomical Computing Bureau, Columbia Univ. Press, 1940. Editorial Staff, Chem. Eng., 53, No. 11, 110-50 (1946). McKay and Worthington, “Corrosion Resistance of hletals and Alloys,” p. 16,New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1936. Mayor, Yoland, Chimie & industrie, 35,458 (1936). Perry, J. H., “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1941. Perry, J. W., bdams, Roger, et al., J . Chem. Education,24, 71 (1947). Punched Card Committee, A.C.S., private communication (1947). (16) Staff Report, “Classification of Patents,” 2nd revision, Wishington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1946. (17) Young, J. F., “Materials and Processes,” p. V, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1944. (18) Young, J. F.,Zbid., p. 3. (19) Wiegand, J. H., private communication (1947).

VI), and manufacturers, which will consist of an alphabetized list of manufacturers of materials, equipment, or forma. The list will then be numbered and coded. Another field of classification that includes other considerations of importance may be based on conditions, such as temperature, concentration, state of aggregation, moistness or dryness, oxidizing or reducing, all of which affect the rate of deterioration. These are additional, independent dimensions, and for some purposes might be coded and listed as such. However, where necessary, notes concerning these conditions can be briefly listed on the appropriate section of a chart containing data on deterioration. These items are then considered as dimensions perpendicular to the plane of the paper, so that the necessary notations are projections onto it. Any two fields of these codes can be presented in a two-dimensional chart or table. For example, one is interested in a material of construction Lyhich can be used for pumping 10% hydrochloric acid. By passing down under the subheading of hydrochloric acid in the field of chemical deteriorating influences, one can find several materials which have the property of resisting this acid. One investigates separately each material and the field of equipment to see if pumps can be made of the material. Once t h r material is finally located for its resistance and for the available equipment, the listed code of manufacturers can be checked to locate a suitable vendor for the pump which is required. Rapid and easy multiple selection of this information can be effected by utilizing these codes for separate fields on suitable reference cards, which can then be mechanically sorted. EXCUBSUS

It is obvious to the authors that the codes as presented here will probably not fill the needs of every user. Accordingly, suggestions and criticisms are invited, which will help in the proposed revisions. Two principles have actuated the choice of what to include or to omit: (a) The code must be broad and comprehensiveenoughto cover the entire field; ( b ) it must not, however, be so broad that important smaller fields are neglected. Steering between these two principles must, in the final analysis, be determined by the needs of the greatest number of users of these codes.

Armored Stoneware Reactor (see page 1254)