Cole-Parmer Instrument Company - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Sep 1, 1985 - Cole-Parmer Instrument Company. Anal. Chem. , 1985, 57 (11), pp 1133A–1134A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00288a746. Publication Date: September ...
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At Cole-Parmer,


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At Cole-Parmer, our business philosophy is simple. Put out a thorough catalog, and back it up with complete service.

What's special about the Cole-Parmer catalog? It's a comprehensive source for scientific instruments—with room for a few surprises. You can find products in Catalog 1985-86 that you can't find anywhere else—unique and special items exclusively from Cole-Parmer.

All our products get special treatment in the Catalog: full-color photography, with complete descriptions and specifications (sometimes we even tell you how they work!). Easy-to-follow ordering information and prices, as well as product accessories, are given on each page. And our thorough index and simple organization make finding your way through the catalog easy as well. But our service only begins with the Catalog—sales and technical support are only a toll-free call away. For more information, see our Cataloq 1985-86—just send us one of the attached cards for your free copy! _. . . . „ _ _ a J J t-j Circle 41 on Reader Service Card.

Cole-Parmer Instrument C o m p a n y

7425 North Oak Park Ave.

Chicago, Illinois 60648

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MlilMBMiJM^^ That's service: call 1-800-323-4340, toll-free If y o u need information about products or applications, it's as easy as picking up the telephone. Browse through Catalog 1985-86, then dial our toll-free number for either technical or sales s u p p o r t — w e ' l l answer your questions and process your order right away. At Cole-Parmer, w e provide the service y o u need to order scientific instruments w i t h confidence—our o w n guarantee that you'll refer to Catalog 1985-86 again and again.

Your s o u r c e f o r o v e r 1 5 , 0 0 0 scientific p r o d u c t s — w i t h c o m p l e t e d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d i l l u s t r a t i o n s


D a t a acquisition—data

bench, and panel-

loggers, recorders, computer

m o u n t a b l e — f o r tempera-


ture, pH, conductivity, humidity and more

Plasticware—including tubing and fittings

Tubing pumps, including our o w n Masterflex" line

Cole-Parmer Instrument C o m p a n y

7425 N o r t h O a k Park A v e .

Chicago, Illinois 6 0 6 4 8