CONTENTS, continued
for important NEWS about FLAME
New lodometric Determination of Cobalt Based on Formation οί lodopentamminecobalt(lll) Nitrate . . . R. G. Yalman
Interaction of Platinum Group Elements with 1,2,3-Benzotriazole R. F. Wilson and L. E. Wilson
Polarographic Determination of Ferrous and Ferric Ion in Refractory Minerals G. S. Bien ând E. 0. Goldberg
Determination of Vapor-Liquid Ratio of Motor Gasoline. R. L Gilpin and F. W. H. Matthews
Assay of Picric Acid by Coulometry at Controlled Potential Louis Meites and Thelma Meites
Determination of Hydrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys Maurice Codell and George Norwitz
Liquid Scintillation Counter for Carbon-14 Employing Automatic Sample Alternation A . J. Weinberger, J. B. Davidson, and G. A . Ropp
Report on Recommended Specifications for Microchemical Apparatus. Alkoxyl A I Steyermark, H. K. Alber, V . A . Aluise, E. W. D. Huffman, E. L Jolley, J. A . Kuck, J. J. Moran, and C. L. Ogg
Effect of pH on High-Salt-Thorium Fluoride Titration D. F. Adams and R. K. Koppe
Velocity Barrier to Eliminate Absorption of Carbon Dioxide during Tîtrimetric Procedures A . M . Crestfield
Determination of Sulfur by Wet Combustion with Perchloric Acid PerOlof Bethge
Titration of Gallium with Ferrocyanide. Application of Dead-Stop End Point . . N. R. Fetter and D. F. Swinehart
Electronic Conversion for Graphic Recording with the Chevenard Photographically Recording Thermobalance Saul Gordon and Clement Campbell Unsaturation Determination by Acid-Catalyzed Bromination R. E. Byrne, Jr., and J. B. Johnson
Volumetric Determination of Selenium Silvio Barabas and W. C. Cooper
Coulometric Determination of Organic Bases in Acetonitrile C. A . Streuli
Separation of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazones of Aldehydes and Ketones by Paper Chromatography . . . W. S. Lynn, Jr., L. A . Steele, and Ezra Staple
Co I or i metric Determination of Decaborane Using Ν,Ν-Diethylnicotinamide D. L. H i l l , E. I. Gipson, and J, F. Heacock
Quantitative Determination of Ethylene Glycol in Water E. R. Hess, C. B. Jordan, and H. K. Ross
Spectrophotometry Titration of Milligram Quantities of Barium Keith Rowley, R. W. Stoenner, and Louis Gordon
PHOTOMETRY see page 17 A
CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC D A T A m-Aminophenyl (3-Aminophenol)
1 37
John Krc, Jr., and Ralph Hinch, Jr. CORRESPONDENCE
MEETING REPORT Society for Analytical Chemistry
AIDS FOR THE A N A L Y S T Adaptation of Beck man DU Spectrophotometer to Direct Recording Lee Cahn
Color Comparator for Determination of Water in Cellophane H. A . Scopp and C. P. Evans
Van Slylte Manometric Apparatus Modified for Determination of Free Amino Nitrogen in Solid Samples K.T. Williams and M . C . L o n g
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