N o other spectrophotometer data
so quickly
can deliver and easily.
such precise . .
O v e r 1 0 , 0 0 0 C o l e m a n S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s are in use in industrial, medical and academic laboratories all over the world. Their easy operation and superb dependability have made them the choice of the Armed Forces Medical Corps.
Unusually w i d e r a n g e o f s a m p l e sizes. The many years of work in so many different fields has produced a wide variety of standard cuvettes and adapters. Thus the user of a Coleman has available the widest range of sample sizes in spectrochemistry.
The k e y t o this w o r l d - w i d e a c c e p t a n c e is simplicity . . . a time-tried design principle emphasizing the fundamentals of practical analysis and discarding all complications which a d d no value to ultimate use.
Economy . . . in p u r c h a s e a n d in use. Low in initial cost because of its basic design, a Coleman pays for itself in time saved from tedious calibration and operation. Two models are available: the Model 6, Junior Spectrophotometer ideal for routine lab work or testing in the plant . . . and the Model 14, Universal Spectrophotometer for fine analytical work, with long or short path cells and a d a p t a b l e to fluorescence and haze measurement.
The wavelength range is kept within the sensible limits of reliable performance a n d t h e r e are very few analyses for which a procedure cannot be found to utilize Coleman speed and simplicity.
most widely used spectrophotometer in the world!
If y o u haven't seen Coleman's "Tools for Science"... write on your company letterhead for this 60 page catalog . . . contains useful short discussions of modern analytical methods.
Coleman Spectrophotometers Write
to Dept. A, Coleman
Inc., Maywood,
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