Coleman Instruments

trophotometer, Electric Colorimeter, Photo-Nephelometer, or Nepho-Colorimeter . . . costs only $450.00. For users who prefer to conduct flame analysis...
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Coleman Flame Photometer Sodium, Potassium A N D CALCIUM directly, easily and accurately New




. . . Burns

L o w e s t C o s t . . . H i g h e s t V a l u e . . . The Coleman Flame

common illuminating gas with oxygen for a stable high-

Photometer is ready to operate with any modern Coleman

temperature flame. No explosive tank gas required. Safe in the most inexperienced hands.


S i m p l e D i r e c t - C o u p l e d Optics . . . No slits to adjust. . . no mirrors or prisms to align. Optical filters provide spectral isolation.

Electric Colorimeter,


or Nepho-Colorimeter . . . costs o n l y $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 . For users who prefer to conduct flame analysis independent of other procedures or who do not have available

D i r e c t R e a d i n g . . . Without internal standards. High temperature flame gives full excitation . . . eliminates need for chemical additives such as lithium. Easy t o Use . . . Safe in any laboratory. The Coleman Flame Photometer is as safe and easy to use as a Bunsen burner. Flame will not blow out or flash-back, and pressure adjustments are not critical.

Photometer . . . Junior Spectrophotometer, Universal Spec-

one of the above Coleman instruments, a separate indicating instrument . . . the Coleman Galv-O-Meter is offered at $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 .








Coleman Instruments D e p t . A , 3 1 8 M a d i s o n St., M a y w o o d , I I I .

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