Collaborative Distance Education: The Iowa Chemistry Education

The Iowa Chemistry Education Alliance is a consortium of four chemistry instructors from central Iowa high schools, several members of the Iowa State ...
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In the Classroom

Collaborative Distance Education: The Iowa Chemistry Education Alliance* K. A. Burke and Thomas J. Greenbowe Department of Curriculum & Instruction and Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, IA 50011

The Iowa Chemistry Education Alliance is a consortium of four chemistry instructors from central Iowa high schools, several members of the Iowa State University faculty, and consultants from an Iowa Area Education Agency. The group was formed to develop a set of concept-oriented, problemsolving, multimedia curriculum modules that could be used collaboratively in a distance education environment. Students and teachers alike used Iowa’s statewide two-way interactive fiber optic system, the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). The ICN connects Iowa’s three public universities, community colleges, most private colleges, and most high schools. There are more than 400 classrooms connected to the ICN. This report provides an overview of how modern technology is used to engage teachers and students in collaborative distance education. Purpose

Four chemistry teachers were responsible for designing, developing, and overseeing the production of eight supplementary modules to augment the traditional curriculum. They designed, field-tested, and refined concept-oriented strategies for delivery of the material to facilitate learning over the ICN. Technical assistance was provided by Iowa State faculty and staff specializing in the areas of distance education, visualization, multimedia development, chemistry, curriculum, needs assessment, and evaluation. Heartland Area Education Agency, one of 15 such offices in the state, facilitated summertime planning and staff development activities. They were also instrumental in the dissemination of the resultant curriculum materials. Distance Education and Collaborative Learning

The purpose of the ICEA was to provide an opportunity for collaboration among central Iowa rural, suburban, and urban high school students and their teachers who otherwise might never have had the occasion to interact. The teachers, in collaboration with one another and university colleagues, worked to identify chemistry concepts that served to enhance the existing high school chemistry curriculum. These concepts were developed into lessons, demonstrations, and assignments that were technology-based and usable in a distance learning setting, could be field-tested with students, refined, and disseminated for collaborative use by other high schools linked through the Iowa Communications Network. History A survey of Iowa’s high school chemistry faculty revealed that many felt isolated from colleagues and desired more opportunities for collaboration on a regular basis. They sought the opportunity to include teachers, subject matter experts, and students from a variety of educational settings in a collaborative educational activity (1). In Iowa, and in many other states, there is frequently only one chemistry teacher at a school or in an entire district. And, that teacher may also have additional teaching responsibilities in general science, physical science, biology, or physics. Prior to 1995, these teachers had limited access to instructional technology; they felt the need for further education in the classroom capabilities of the computer, the ICN, and the Internet, not only for themselves but also for their students, for whom these technologies will become commonplace in a short time. *Presented at the American Chemical Society 213th National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 17, 1997.



The goal of this project was to introduce collaborative learning activities to high school chemistry students in distant classrooms linked via a two-way interactive, synchronous audio-video communication network. Distance learning “implies formal, institutionally based educational activities where the teacher and learner are normally separated from each other in location but not normally separated in time, and where twoway interactive telecommunication systems are used for the sharing of video, data, and voice instruction” (2, p 3). In essence, the more similar the learning experience of the distant student is to that of the local student, the more similar the outcomes of the learning experience can be. Eubanks and Gelder (3) reported on the use of television in chemistry instruction. Since this report, modern fiber optic communication technology has made possible two-way synchronous interaction between instructor and student at a distance. Discussion and presentations can be enhanced by incorporating supporting technologies—digital imaging cameras, computer file exchanges, presentation software, and video clips taken in the classroom. Off-air ICN time can be spent peer-conferencing via electronic mail messages and with QuickCam (4 ) technology, investigating Internet resources, and the like. Distance education promotes teamwork and collaboration rather than competition among students at distant sites, thereby enhancing collegiality and learning. Teamwork and collaboration are among the objectives listed in the National Science Education Standards (5). Preparing to teach at a distance requires interpersonal communication skills, planning skills, and teamwork. The instructor must be able to foster collaborative team work by promoting interaction among learners at the same sites and between the learners at different sites and then by providing appropriate feedback.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 •

In the Classroom

Studies have shown that collaborative group work has helped high school students improve their learning. Collaborative learning strategies have been used to enhance instruction (6 ). Competent use of these strategies demands thoughtful formulation of appropriate skills, not only in the student, but also in the teacher. Higher cognitive achievement scores (7, 8), more favorable attitudes toward laboratory work (8, 9), and a belief that they learn more (9) are more than adequate arguments for the use of cooperative learning exercises. Further, students learn better reporting skills (7), show more interest and understanding, have more motivation and classroom involvement, and experience a greater degree of enjoyment (10). For students, five important aspects of collaborative or cooperative learning include: positive interdependence (students rely on each other); face-to-face promotive interaction (students help one another); individual accountability; interpersonal and small group skills; and group processing (the cooperative group assimilates what they have collected in a form that makes it useful and understandable) (11). Cooperative groups share the expertise of all members and teach interaction skills. Stronger participants model behaviors for their weaker team mates. They ask questions of themselves and their peers to determine whether they as a group are understanding their tasks. Cooperative group membership fosters personal and social skills. Learners, especially the weaker ones, acquire more self esteem as they evolve personally. It is best to assign students to their groups using heterogeneous grouping in order to improve gender equity, attitude toward the subject, and leadership ability (8, 12). Science classes lend themselves to cooperative efforts because normally, students are grouped in pairs or threes in the traditional laboratory setting. And, the process of science is working collaboratively with others. By grouping students from four central Iowa area high schools (one urban, two suburban, and one rural), this project incorporated the use of collaborative learning both at a distance and in the local classroom. Technology

The Iowa Communications Network, ICN Each ICN classroom is equipped with television cameras, monitors, push-to-talk microphones, a computer, an overhead display device, a video cassette recorder, laserdisc player, telephone, and FAX machine. All devices are connected to the statewide fiber-optic network. This technology provided both teachers and students with the opportunity to communicate among four locations in real time. One classroom of 20 students expanded to a forum of more than 80 participants when all four classrooms were interacting. In this way, the distant learner was experiencing simultaneously what learners in the local classroom were experiencing. Classmates learned from, and in conjunction with, each other, no matter where they were located. The ICN was used in a variety of ways. Teachers rotated delivery of 20-minute presentations of new material using the ICN. Subject-matter experts conducted lively question and answer sessions about the topics being studied. Students presented materials to share with distant classmates. They met in small groups over the video network to discuss experimental strategies. Data collected as well as experimental results were shared via the ICN.

The four teachers and their colleagues at Iowa State University conducted weekly staff meetings using the ICN. The teachers and the support team of faculty and staff at ISU were able to remain at their respective schools, yet communicate with one another face to face as if they were all at the same site. During this time, instructors were able to discuss planning or scheduling for upcoming ICN meetings, strategies for smooth and efficient module implementation, concerns about equipment or supplies needed for laboratory, or any other problems that arose. In their estimation, it was this weekly opportunity for interaction that kept them on task and the modular development progressing smoothly. This regular exchange of ideas improved the project and the teaching of the chemistry units.

Electronic Mail Electronic mail capability promotes interaction and collaboration (13). It enabled students in this project to utilize a forum more private than the ICN for communication with their peers. They exchanged personal information in conjunction with their communication module. In addition, they exchanged laboratory data and results, providing distant classmates with the necessary information to expand their local data pool. Faculty members used electronic mail in place of telephones to confirm procedures, exchange information, encourage each other, and generally keep the lines of communication open. Before each module was implemented, electronic mail provided members of the project the opportunity to exchange suggestions for improvement and to make last minute corrections. The Internet Access to Internet and World Wide Web connections expanded the students’ ability to investigate research topics. With guided practice, learners became efficient at identifying desired information which they could share with local and distant classmates. Instructors found Internet access to be a rich means of expanding their teaching resources because of the variety and quantity of information available (14, 15). Discussions using Quick Cam digital video cameras with CUSeeMe technology made communication among students at schools at a distance a daily event. The Teachers The teachers’ classroom experience ranged from 15 to 32 years. The four had known each other and worked together on various projects for ten years or more. Planning and training for the ICEA modules was undertaken during a two-week summer workshop at Iowa State University. The teachers received training in instructional design, the use of the ICN, cooperative learning, how to recognize multiple intelligences, and the use of presentation software such as PowerPoint (16 ). The chemistry teachers attended distance education classes and participated in an ICN training session. They toured the four high school sites in order to understand the working environment of the other instructors. Module Development To incorporate the use of distance education technology in the high school chemistry curriculum, a series of modules was developed that emphasized interactive collaborative • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 • Journal of Chemical Education


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learning. Inception, design, and generation of the module units were based on models for science teaching, content, and education programs from the National Science Education Standards (5). Each module contains a learning activity that helps students see connections between chemistry knowledge, skills learned in the traditional classroom setting, and real-world applications. Collaborative lessons were designed to be dynamic and interactive, and incorporated strategies that took advantage of the distance-learning environment. Technology-based materials used in the ICEA modules included: • • • • • •

computer-based instruction computer visualizations World Wide Web lessons projects using or simulating modern instrumentation interactive study guides computer-based presentations

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CD-ROMs laserdiscs computer simulations

The goal was to provide a working model of how distance education can be incorporated into the chemistry curriculum along with a more concept- and application-oriented emphasis. Students About 400 students participated in the project. Students were polite and attentive during ICN lectures, guest segments, student presentations, and discussions. They wanted to portray themselves and their schools in the best light possible. There were no discipline problems. The instructors designed interactive study guides and laboratory report forms, which the students completed before and as they participated in an ICN meeting. There were also formal rubrics in which students answered topic-related questions. These techniques helped to keep students on task. Teachers noticed that their students were more likely to be better prepared, and sometimes more formally dressed on ICN days. Module Description

Module 1. Communication Tools and Protocols The first module introduced students to appropriate protocols for using the Internet and the ICN. Simulated ICN sessions allowed students to acclimate themselves to ICN usage before an actual broadcast. To learn about each other, students exchanged personal information using electronic mail. On the first day of ICN use, students from different schools met and introduced each other. Alternating sites, students presented their distant classmates with whom they had communicated using electronic mail. Students also used the ICN to present a description of a favorite element or compound, employing three visual displays as tools. One group discussed nitrogen by elaborating its role in life cycles, using diagrams. They used liquid nitrogen to demonstrate some physical properties and the effect of low temperature on common objects. Another group talked about the role of mercury and its compounds; one student donned a shiny steel helmet and acted out the role of mercury. 1310

Throughout the rest of the academic year, teachers reported that their students recalled and used information they learned during these introductory “favorite element” presentations.

Module 2. Statistics of Density Analysis In the second module, students learned how to use a hand-held calculator to determine the statistical mean, range, and standard deviation for a set of numbers. This lesson was presented by one teacher throughout the day to all other classes. In their own laboratories, students performed a density analysis of diet and regular varieties of four name-brand decarbonated beverages. They collected and compiled data and calculated results for the density of their assigned soda sample. Each class calculated a statistical mean, range, and standard deviation. They exchanged data with a distant classroom group via electronic mail. They then shared and compared the accuracy of their results over the ICN using charts, graphs, and PowerPoint presentations. By comparing their calculations, students statistically proved that there is a difference in the densities of diet (d = 0.95 g/mL) and regular (d = 1.02 g/mL) sodas. One of the instructors provided a graphic visual demonstration of the difference in densities over the ICN by submerging cans of diet and regular sodas in a large clear container filled with water. The can containing regular soda sank to the bottom; the can containing diet soda floated.

Module 3. Laboratory Separations To understand the concept of separation, students performed a radial chromatography separation of water-soluble black ink into its component parts (17). Each collaborative group devised a plan about how to separate a five-component mixture consisting of iron filings, sand, benzoic acid, salt, and sawdust. To share their ideas about how to accomplish the separation, students at one ICN site and met and questioned students at a distant site during a ten-minute strategy session. Often, after the first group had shared its strategy, the second group agreed that they had a nearly identical plan. The students were confident that their plan would work. For example, groups assumed that the sawdust would float and it would be an easy task to skim it off. Collaborative groups worked on-site to separate the dry solids. As they worked in the laboratory, they ran into several procedural difficulties. The sawdust sank to the bottom. The teachers did not tell the students how to solve the problem. At this point the students groups took advantage of CUSeeMe and electronic mail technologies to immediately communicate with their distant classmates in order to solve the problem. Module 4. Forensics The forensic science unit was the most practical and popular module. An imaginary crime scene provided an opportunity to collect evidence for each of seven teams at the four schools. Students were assigned roles of classroom manager, team leader (total of seven), team member, and class photographer, who took digital pictures during the analyses. Each team analyzed one of the following components: fingerprints, hair, fibers, handwriting and digital analysis, glass shards, powders, and ink. Cooperatively, the evidence was examined and compared with samples taken from eight potential suspects. In the midst

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 •

In the Classroom

of these analyses, the students were given the opportunity to question guest experts using the ICN. For one day, a United States attorney, two Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation agents, a metropolitan prosecuting attorney, a city police officer, and a fingerprint expert were available to them. Students had prepared questions in advance in an attempt to gain a better understanding of their analyses. Interaction among students at all sites and their guests was thoughtprovoking and exciting. Guests were impressed with the mature, high quality of student questions, and they enjoyed interacting with their own colleagues at distant sites. Students appreciated the efforts of the experts to provide them with as much varied information as they desired. Having spoken with experts, the students returned to the classroom to weigh the evidence collected. It was an exercise in thinking skills. Collaborative groups consulted with one another via electronic mail or CUSeeMe. During an ICN session, each group presented the evidence, analysis, and reasoning that they felt implicated the guilty culprit.

Module 5. Spectrophotometric Analysis To teach the chemical skill of colorimetric and spectrophotometric analysis, students determined the per cent copper in a post-1982 United States penny. Teachers explained colorimetry and Beer’s law relationships before the students’ laboratory work. Each class was divided into investigating groups. Each group used a different analytical instrument: an inexpensive Blocktronic colorimeter, a more expensive Vernier device, and a Spectronic-20 spectrophotometer. One goal was to show students that different instruments have different accuracies and precisions. The copper percentages determined by students ranged from 1.26% to 6.4%. An Internet search helped to determine that post-1982 United States pennies contain 2.5% copper. As students shared their results over the ICN, they realized that the large number of pieces of data collected by groups at all four sites provided a better opportunity to correctly process the information than they would have had with just the percentages collected in their individual classes. In addition, they found that not all teams were able to obtain an accurate result. They used statistical techniques they had learned in the second module. Students learned the importance of being careful in a sensitive chemical analysis. They learned that just following the directions did not always lead to a meaningful result. They learned to pay attention to how they followed those instructions. Many concluded that they were certain they could repeat the experiment and obtain more accurate results. Module 6. Titration Determination of Vitamin C in Orange Juice The purpose of this module was to investigate the vitamin C content of orange juice. Students began the sixth module with an all-day ICN session during which they were able to interview expert guests including dietitians, a food chemist, and a quality control agent from a local dairy. There were two to three experts per class period, some at the same site, and some at different sites. Like the forensic experts, these nutrition experts enjoyed their sessions. They appreciated the quality, thought-provoking student questions. Students began by standardizing 2,6-dichloroindophenol. For some, it was a first experience at a redox titration.

There were two aspects to their analysis. Half of the students in each class compared the vitamin C content of fresh and frozen juices and of different brands of orange juice. They considered how vitamin C content varied with brand of juice and prepared a cost analysis in terms of price per milligram of ascorbic acid. Temperature and time effects were investigated by the other half of the class. Vitamin C content was monitored on fresh and 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-day-old samples of juice that had been refrigerated or stored at room temperature, 30– 35 °C, and 40–45 °C. Another facet of this module included an Internet search for facts about ascorbic acid and its molecular structure, worldwide orange juice production, importation of orange juice in the United States, scurvy, and other relevant topics. They shared their analysis and results during an ICN session. It was found that store brand juice contained the smallest amount of ascorbic acid and cost least per milligram of ascorbic acid. Freshly squeezed juice from oranges contained the most ascorbic acid and was determined to be the most expensive per milligram of ascorbic acid.

Module 7. Research Reports The module on scientific presentations was based on student-generated ideas. Students were polled for their suggestions for topics. Nine were chosen by student vote: energy, atmospheric chemistry, forensics, pollution, astronomy, food, new materials, the electromagnetic spectrum, and medicine. Students were directed to select appropriate subthemes to present. One of the teachers collected the students’ areas of interest and scheduled the topics accordingly. Two days were allocated for ICN delivery of presentations. Eight to twelve reports were presented per topic. Students were enthusiastic because they felt an ownership of the topic, and presentations reflected their diligent efforts.

Module 8. Field Research—Water Analysis The culminating activity incorporated all of the skills the students had accumulated during the academic year. They utilized chemistry capabilities, collaboration skills, communication abilities, and presentation techniques. This module was designed to emphasize inquiry. There was no predetermined “right answer”. Students and teachers collaborated to design a field experience to analyze water quality. They studied water from wells, school water fountains, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, aquariums, etc. Using Hach water test kits (18), they collected the data, analyzed what they found, and presented their results via the ICN. Module Refinements and Dissemination During the following summer, the teachers worked with the ICEA staff to refine and modify the eight modules. The primary component of the ICEA package is the instructional guide, which includes lesson plans that outline suggestions for how to teach chemistry using distance education technology—the ICN, electronic mail, CUSeeMe, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. Ancillary multimedia support materials including a CD-ROM and video vignettes illustrate portions of student learning of the modular topics. • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 • Journal of Chemical Education


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Workshops and ICN sessions have been presented to explain the use of the ICEA package and to model teaching units for interested teachers (19, 20). Copies of the modules will be available to Iowa chemistry teachers by way of 15 local area education agencies. The Department of Education of Iowa also retains a copy of project materials. Discussion and Summary The Iowa Chemistry Education Alliance has been an important project for the participating high school teachers and their students. The concept-oriented supplementary curricular lessons promote critical thinking and collaboration among students and their teachers. Although the teachers covered one chapter fewer than in previous years, the students did just as well on achievement tests. The project will expand next year to include eight more schools; some schools will be as much as 300 miles apart. The evaluation plan will be expanded to include more information about what chemistry content knowledge and skills are retained by the students. The four teachers attributed their project’s success in part to their ability to work together closely in a timely fashion using modern technology. Their questions, concerns, and ideas were addressed from day to day; indeed, the teachers were in daily communication with their colleagues. A team approach is frequently the most appropriate one for designing distance education activities (13). The teachers were positively affected by their diligent efforts to design and field-test the modules. For each, it meant added responsibilities in an already busy schedule. The teachers indicated they were energized by their innovative collaborations with each other and their support staff at Iowa State University. Their enthusiasm was contagious. Their students benefited. Students found the module topics of interest to them. In preparing for each module, lively interactions concerning what would be done and learned were share among students and between students and teachers. Students reported they were intrigued with their collaborations with peers at distant schools. Their interactions would never have been possible without the ICN, Internet, and electronic mail. They appreciated the innovativeness of the modular material. Self esteem in students (21) participating in this project was enhanced. Students liked the exposure to different teaching styles. They found the increased data pool and statistical analysis to be useful in helping them to achieve the best possible results. One of the largest challenges to the teachers was the fact that students always looked for the “right” answer. One purpose of these collaboration exercises was to guide students toward a meaningful analysis of experimental data. The teachers wanted students to rely on their own powers of observation and to accept responsibility for their own work. The appearance of the guest experts added a special dimension to the ICN component of the project that was highly valued by both students and teachers.


The variety of approaches made possible by distance education technology accommodates a range of teaching and learning styles. By providing students the opportunity to increase their communication skills, use modern technology, and see the connection between what they were doing in the classroom and real world applications, the ICEA helps teachers fulfill several objectives of the National Science Curriculum Standards (5). The use of modern technology for collaborative distance education has great potential to enhance teaching and learning. Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge Dick Ehlers, Ken Hartman, Jeff Hepburn, Don Murphy, Gary Downs, Charlie Schlosser, and Mike Simonson for their enthusiastic work to make the project a success. Funding for this project was provided by the U.S. Department of Education Star Schools Project, IPTV, and Iowa State University. Literature Cited 1. Quarterly Report (June–September) for the DaVinci Project: Multimedia for Art and Chemistry. Iowa State University, College of Education, TREG: Ames, IA, 1996. 2. Simonson, M.; Schlosser, C. In Distance Education: Review of the Literature, 2nd ed; Hanson D.; Maushak, N.; Schlosser, C.; Anderson, M.; Sorenson, C.; Simonson, M., Eds.; Research Institute for Studies in Education: Ames, IA, 1995. 3. Eubanks, I. D.; Gelder, J. I. J. Chem. Educ. 1980, 57, 66–67. 4. QuickCam; Connectix Corporation: San Mateo, CA, 1995; (video-audio input and computer software). 5. National Science Education Standards; National Academy Press: Washington, DC, 1996. 6. Lonning, R. J. Res. Sci. Teach. 1993, 30, 1087–1101. 7. Lazarowitz, R.; Hertz-Lazarowitz, R.; Baird, J. J. Res. Sci. Teach. 1994, 31, 1121–1131. 8. Okebula, P.; Ogunniyi, M. J. Res. Sci. Teach. 1984, 21, 875–884. 9. Cooper, M. J. Chem. Educ. 1994, 71, 307. 10. Tingle, J.; Good, R. J. Res. Sci. Teach. 1990, 27, 671–683. 11. Johnson, D; Johnson, R. Am. Educ. Res. J. 1985, 22, 237–256. 12. Watson, S.; Marshall, J. J. Res. Sci. Teach. 1995, 32, 219–299. 13. Thach, L.; Murphy, K. Am. J. Dist. Educ. 1994, 8, 39. 14. Bachrach, S. The Internet: A Guide for Chemists; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996. 15. Brooks, D. W. Web Teaching; Plenum: New York, 1997. 16. PowerPoint; Microsoft Corporation: Seattle, WA, 1994; (computer software). 17. Becker, R.; Ihde, J.; Cox, K.; Sarquis, J. J. Chem. Educ. 1992, 69, 979. 18. Hach Nitrate-Nitrite Water Kit and Water Kit #FF-2; Hach Chemical Co.: Ames, IA, 1996. 19. Ehlers, R.; Hartman, K.; Hepburn, J.; Murphy, D.; Downs, G. Iowa Chemistry Education Alliance: A Mulitmedia Project Using Distance Education. Paper presented at the National Meeting of the National Science Teachers Association, New Orleans, LA, April 1997. 20. Ehlers, R.; Hartman, K.; Hepburn, J.; Murphy, D.; Downs, G.; Burke, K. Iowa Chemistry Education Alliance: A Mulitmedia Project Using Distance Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, Dubuque, IA, April 1997. 21. Brooks, D. W. J. Chem. Educ. 1993, 70, 135–139.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 10 October 1998 •