Collection optics of titanium dioxide photocatalyst on hollow glass

17, 1992. Additions and Corrections. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 1991, Volume 95. K. D. Kreutter ... title reaction to be -19.6 ± 1.7 kcal mol'1. By c...
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7146 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 96, No. 17, 1992

Additions and Corrections


K.D.Kreutter, J. M.Nicovich, and P.H.Wine*: Kinetics and

Thermochemistry of the Br(ZP31z)+ NO2 Association Reaction.

Pages 4020-4028. In this paper we determined U P B 8for the title reaction to be -19.6 f 1.7 kcal mol-l. By combining the measured with known heats of formation for Br(2P,,z) and NOz, we obtained a value for the heat of formation (AHfOm8) of BrN02. Due to an arithmetic error which went undetected, AHf0z98(BrN0z) was incorrectly reported to be 17.0 f 1.8 kcal mol-l; the correct value is AHfozs8(BrNOz)= 15.0 f 1.8 kcal mor1. The incorrect heat of formation appears in the abstract (page 4020), in the main body of the text (page 4025), and in the summary (page 4028).

1992, Volume 96

I. Rosenberg,* J. R. Brock,* and A. HeUer*: Collection Optics of TiOz Photocatalyst on Hollow Glass Microbeads Floating on Oil Slicks. Page 3423. In the second column, third line of the Introduction, the correct word is ”protons”, not “photons”. Masayuki Aizawa: Electron Spin Resonance Study of Lateral Diffusion of Ni2+on Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Micellar Surfaces. Page 3903. Equation 2 was described erroneously. The correct equation is as follows I,

pi = ,,,,CiAi/C,,CrA‘ r-0


where . C, is the binomial coefficient, and A is the probability factor that a binding site is occupied by Niz+;in this case the mean number of bound Ni2+per micelle, ( i ) , is related to A as (i) = AZ,,,/(l + A). Since the actual calculation was executed with the correct equation, there is no problem on the conclusions. I thank Dr. Masanori Tachiya for bringing this error to my attention. Warren F.Beck and Kenneth Sauer*: Energy-Transfer and Exciton-State Relaxation Processes in Allophycocyanin. Page 4658. Equation 1 should appear as follows: r ( - ) = ylo(3 cos2 e + 1) The value of 13 f 9O that appears in the Abstract and in the Discussion for the angle Oa8 between the transition moments of the a84 and j384 chromophores in the a@ monomer in allophycocyanin is recalculated using the above formula to be 20 f 9O.