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C O N T E N T S , continued ROUND-TABLE


Silicate Analysis R. M . Fowler, W . M . Hazel, J . P. H i 3 h f i l l , and R. E. Stevens Chemical Analysis by High Frequency Methods W . J . Blaedel, T. S. Burkhalter, D. G . Flom, George Hare, and F. W . Jensen Determination of Nitrogen and Sulfur in Steel H . F. Beeghly, J . J . Furey, W . R. Sayre, J . L. Hague, C. S. Mills, A . C. Parsons, and Ε. Τ. Saxer

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MICROCHEMISTRY Coulometric Titration of Manganese in Submicrogram Range W . D. Cooke, C. N . Reilley, and N . H . Furman Extraction and Determination of Cholesterol in Adrenal Tissue G . F. Lata and C. S. Vestling Coulometric Determination of Submicrogram Amounts of Silver S. S. Lord, Jr., R. C. O ' N e i l l , and L. B. Rogers NOTES O N A N A L Y T I C A L

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205 208 209


Capacitor Cell Modification of Chemical Oscillometer O . A . Nance, T. S. Burkhalter, and P. H . Monaghan Identification of Alcohols in Dilute Aqueous Solution A . D. H o l l e y , and R. W . H o l l e y Estimation of Thorium by Selenious A c i d G . S. Deshmukh and L. K. Swamy Improvement in Anthrone Method for Determination of Carbohydrates F. A . Loewus Errors in Volumetric Analysis Arising from Adsorption H . M . Hershenson and L. B. Rogers Determination of 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(p-methoxyphenyl)ethane in M i l k and Fatty Materials H . V . Claborn and H . F. Beckman Boric Sinter Method for Determination of Sodium O x i d e in Alumina A . K. Archibald and M . E. McLeod Assay of Samples Doubly Labeled with Radioactive Hydrogen and Carbon . . . M . W . Biggs, David Kritchevsky, and M . R. Kirk Simple Photometric Method for Use with R C A Type EMB Electron Microscope . W . G . Kirchgessner Southwide Chemical Conference Merck Graduate Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry CRySTALLOGRAPHIC D A T A Lanthanum Oxalate Decahydrate, La 2 ( C : 0 , ) ; . 1 O H - O V i c t o r G i l p i n and W . C. M c C r o n e B O O K REVIEWS ANALYST'S CALENDAR A I D S FOR THE A N A L Y S T Switching System for Beckman Absorption-Flame Spectrophotometer A . L. Dunn, F. L. Humoller, and A . R. Mclntyre Improved Pycnometer for Powders, Precipitates, and Synthetic Resins V . F. Downing and F. R. Parker Gas Trap of Large Capacity D. R. Rexford THE A N A L Y S T ' S C O L U M N INSTRUMENTATION R. H . M u l l e r N E W PRODUCTS M A N U F A C T U R E R S ' LITERATURE

214 216 218 219 219

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