College Chemistry Faculties, Eighth Edition (Talmadge, Cornelia A

Cornelia A. Talmadge. Editor. American. Chem;cai Society: Washington, DC. 1989. vi + 199 pp. 21.5 X 27.8 cm. $74.95 PB. This hook is a directory of tw...
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College Chemistry Faculties, Eighth Edition Cornelia A. Talmadge. Editor. American Chem;cai Society: Washington, DC. 1989. vi 199 pp. 21.5 X 27.8 cm. $74.95 PB.


Press: New York. NY. 1989. vl 118 pp. Figs. and tables. 19 X 24.5 cm. $19.95 PB.

Chemical Reactor Analysls and Design, Second Edition Gilbert F. Fromant and Kenneth B. Bischoff. Wlley: New York, NY, 1990. xxxiv 664 pp. Figs. and tables. 18.6 X 26 cm.



This hook is a directory of two-year college, four-year college, and university teachers of chemistry, biochemistry, medicind pharmaceutical chemistry, and chemical engineering in the United States and Canada. For each of the 2,160 academic departments devoted to these disciplines the entire staffs (except for emeriti, emeritae, adjunct, or visiting professors; postdoctoral fellows; research associate~;or graduate students) are listed, together with major teaching fields, highest degree earned, and academic rank. Other departments,sueh as biology or physical science, in which these disciplines are taught are also included, hut only persons who teach chemistry or related subjects are listed for these departments. An eight-page index of institutions and a 37-page index of 18,357faculty members add to the utility of this directory, which is a perfect companion volume for two other ACS puhlicationsthe ACS Directory of Graduate Research (DGR) (Kauffman, G. B. J. Chem. Educ. 1989,66, A47) and Chemical Research Faculties: An International Directory (CRF) (Kauffman, G. B. J. Chem. Educ. 1989.66, A48). George B. Kauffmann GallfornlaState University. Fresno Fresno. CA 93740

Titles of Interest

Encyclopedia of Modern Physics Robert A. Meyers, Edltor. Academic Press: San Diego, CA, 1990. xi1 773 pp. Figs. and tables. 18.3 X 26 cm. $69.50.


The Encyclopedia of Modern Physics is intended to provide a survey of the most rapidly advancing fields of theoretical and applied physics for scientists and engineers in all fields of physical, or for that matter, biological sciences who have a basic knowledge of chemistry, physics, and calculus. Thus, the contents should he aceessihle to upper division and graduate university students, faculty and professional scientists, and engineers in all fields of endeavor. This Encyclopedia is essentially a condensation of 34 textbooks that could he written to comprehensively detail the theory and application of recent advances in physics.

Modern NMR Spectroscopy: A Workbook of Chemical Problems Jeremy K. M. Sanders. Edwin C. Constable and Brian K Hunter. Oxford Unlverslty


Motion Toward Perfectlon: The Achievement of Joseph Priestley A. Truman Schwa& and John G. McEvoy, Editors. Skinner House Books. Unltarlan Universalist Association: Boston. MA, 1990. u v i 277 pp. $15.95.


Motion Toward Perfection describes the extraordinary life of Englishman Joseph Priestley. Best known for his discovery of oxygen in 1774, Priestley made his mark on the history of religion, political theory, philosophy, and education-as well as chemistry. Priestley's scientific accomplishments were considerable. He published over 20 volumes and 60 papers, primarily in chemistry-yet he considered himself first and foremost a religious man. His unorthodox ideas eventually led him to flee England for America, where he went on to influence deenlv the future of American Unitarianism. Reflecting Priestley's breadth, the 10 authors in this collection come from many fields-hemistry, philosophy, political science, and theology. Most of these papers were originally presented in celebration of the 250th anniversary of Priestley's birth.


Dlctlonary of Colloid and Surface Science Paul Becher. Marcel Dekker: New York, 202 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. NY, 1990. v $79.75 US 8 Canada1$95.50 F.


Safety Cases within the Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH) Regulations 1984 Frank P. Lees and M. L. Ang, Editors. Butterworths: Boston. MA, 1989. xv+ 363pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 24 cm. $150.00. Topics covered include a review of major hazards and accidents, major hazard regulation in the Netherlands and in the United States; planning and major hazards; assessments for consultation distances around major hazard sites; management of major hazard plants; industrial approaches to the safety case; industriel guidance on the safety case; quantitative assessment of major hazards, includingmaterial from the reports of the Advisory Committee on Major Hazards and computer programs for risk assessment; critical reviews of safety cases by HSE inspectors, including a general overview and aneeifie for LPG and for toxics: an ~ ~reviews ~ annotated bibliography; and the CIMAH regulations themselves together with extracts from the guidance notes to the regulations. -r

Scheum's Outllne of Theory and Problems of College Chemistry, Seventh Edition Jerome L. Rosenberg and L a m e M. Epstein. McGraw-Hill Publlshlng: New York, NY. 1990. 358 pp. Figs. and tables. 20.7 X 27.7 cm.






Continuing Series

Springer Series In Solid-state Sciences. 1. PrlnciDles of Magnetic Resonance, Third Enlarged and Updated EdRion


The Use of Estimates In Solving Chemistrv Problems Michael E. Green and Dsnlse A. Garland. Sa~noers College Publishing. Philadelphia, PA. 1990.288 pp. 21 X 28 cm.

Charles P. Slichter. Peter Fulde. Serles Editor. Springer-Verlag: New York, NY, 1989. xi 655 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 24 cm. $49.50.

The authors attempt to deal with the student attitude that chemistry problems are exercises in memorization coupled to high school algebra, rather than first considering the chemical and physical meaning of a question. The consequence is a failure to understand, and the most obvious symptom is the occasional answer that simply fails to make sense. The ohilosaohv of this hook is to force the student to eohsider the implications of answers in a physical or chemical system.

Principles of Magnetic Resonance is a textbook intended for graduate students who plan to work in nuclear magnetic resonance or electron spin resonance. The text treats the basic principles of magnetic resonance, steady-state and pulse methods, the theory of the width, shape, and position of spectral absorption lines, the theory of relaxation times, and introduces the density matrix. (Continued on page A1521


Volume 67

Number 5

May 1990

