Colloid Symposium Monograph (Holmes, Harry N., ed.)

Inc, New Yark. 1926. vi + 323 pp. 16 x 23. Breslau. Germany. Translated and ada~ted em. $5.00 oontoaid. from the second German edition by ERrc. R. Jrn...
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Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry. DR. ARNOLD EUCKEI, Profesaai of Physical Chemistry io the Technirchen Hoch9chule, Breslau. Germany. Translated and a d a ~ t e d from the second German edition by ERrc R. J r n B , Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry, c ~ l v m b i aUnivvsity and V ~ n o nK. LAMBE, Ph.D., Asirtant Professor of Chemistry, Colvmbia Uniserrity. MeGraw-Hill Book Company, Ine.. New Vark. 1925. xiii 699 pp. 20 X 13.5 em. $5.50 net.


The contents comprise the translators' preface of about two pages and the author's preface to both the first and second German editions covering about fovr pages, table of contents of three pages, somewhat more than four pagrs devoted to li9tiog all of the symbols u e d in the text, a Mathemaficsl-Physical Introduction of 34 pages, 637 pages of t e r t and finally an author and subject index of 27 pages. I n addition to tabulated data the text earrie. 99 illustrations. he book conforms in sire and general appearance t o the other books of the International Chemical Series. ro familiar t o chemists. The translation is very well done with very few errors noted by the reviewer. and in giving this translation a very valuable service has been performed for American ehemioto. The reviewer knows of no book of this size which presents the subject of theoretical chemistry in ~ u c hdetail and for the most part so modern io its treatment. The avthor har avoided mveh repetition in the text by referring to equation3 by number. The features of the book which appear unique to the reviewer are the portions of the book dealing with ~olutionsand the structure of matter. The translators have rewritten the portion on solutions for t h b translation introducing a brief discussion of the modern theories of Miher, Debye, and HOckel, and have added many footnotes throughout the text. This har increased the value of the book t o American chemists. The portion of the book on the structure of matter appears to be the moat interesting part. It in a clear, logical presentation of the subject that is very timely and which by itself should commend the book t o American teachem and investigators. 1. C. W. *AZBR Colloid Symposium Monogrsph. Papers presented a t the Third National Symposium on Colloid Chemistry a t the Univmity of Minnemta, June, 1925 Edited by Hmnu N. HOLMBJ.Chabmon, Committee on the Chemistry of Colloids. Nntional Research Council,

assisted by HARRYB. WBZSBR,Chairman. Elect. The Chemical Catalog Compaoy, Inc, New Yark. 1926. vi 323 pp. 16 x 23 em. $5.00 . .oontoaid. .


This volume contains twenty-two entirely indepuldent p a p v s which were presented a t the Third National Symposium on Colloid Chemistry held June 17 t o 19, 1925, a t the University of Minnesota. I n the Pmeword the editor says, "With this Monograph the Colloid Committee of the National Research Council firmly establishes a series of important annual publications. I n Volume I were collected the papers presented a t the Sicst Colioid Symposium (University 01 Wioconrin); in Volume I1 the paper. read e t the Second Colloid Symposium (Northwestern University) were pubii.hed; and in Volume I11 we now offer the papers read a t t h s Third Colloid Symporium (University of Minnesota). Aa ~ s u a l ,theory and applicarion are both given adequate attention. Medicine and agricultvrc are prominent, butso are orientation of moleculer. surface tension, and electrokinetic potential. Professor Herbert Preuodlich, a. the foreian guest of honor a t the symposium, made a notable cootribution t o the disc"s3ions. His paper is a valued oart of t h k volume." The papers praeoted are listed below: 1. "On the Electrokinetic Potential," by Herbert Preundlich. 2. "Molecular Weight and Solution," h y Wilder D. Bancroft. 3. "Some New Aspects of the Surfaee Tension of Colloidal Solutions Which Have Led t o the Determination of Molecular Dimensiaos." . bv P. Leeomte du NoBy, Sc.D. 4. "The Dintribution and orientation of' Molecules," by Irving Langmuir. 5. "Photographic Sensitivity: A Colloid Chemical Problem," by S. E. Sheppard. 6. "Catalysis by Metalized Silica Gel," by L.H. Reyenon and Kirk Thoman. 7. "Colloidal water and ice," by Howard T. Barncn, D.Sc.. P.R.S. 8. "The Colloid Chemistry of Rennet CD agulation," by I,. S. Palmer and G. A. Richardson. 8. "The Colloid Chemistry of Protoplasm," by L.V. Heilbrunn. 10. "The Effect of Surfaee Tension w o n Bacterial Toxins." by W. P. L a r ~ a n H. , 0.Halvorson, R. D. Bvano, and R. G. Green. 11. "Physieo-Chemical Studies of the Mcehm h m of Blood Clotting." by I. Newton KugelL m-. ~

12. "The Effect of Anions upon the Physical, Colloidal. aud Chemical Prooerfies of Aluminium Hydroxide;' by Lewis B. Miller. 13. "Nature of t h e Colloidal Soil Material," by P. L. a l e . 14. "The Colloid Chemistry of Soils," by Emil Truox. . 1.5. "The Power of Soils t o Ahrarb Water from Air;' hy F. 1.Alway. 16. "Mechanism of Lithopone Formation." by Charles A. Mann. 17. "An Emerimental Study of Zmulsification on t h e Basis of Distribution of Size of Partides," by Aiired J. Stamm. 18. "The Centrifugal Method for the DPtermination of the Distribution of Sire of Partide of Suspended Material," by J. B. Nichols and Henriette C. Liehe. 19. "Elasticity and Some Structural Features of Soao Solutions." hv William Seilriz. 20. "A Sim~iified Slit Ultramicrorcope/ by L. V. Foster. 21. "The Plasticity of Rubber and I t s sois1." by W. J. Keilev. 22. "A Motion Picture Study of the Infiuenee of Gelatin on Rates of Crystal Growth and Solution of Copper Sulfate;' by W. G. France. This volume serves admirably t o bring together some of the outstanding views of a few of the leaders in this field of physical science. And since thir field is developing, both theoretieally and industrially, with such great strides i t appears t o be very much worthwhile t h a t men engaged in studies on the various ramification. of colloidal behavior should get together from time t o time t o participate in an exchange of views. A t the symponiumn, one is rewarded by hearing a real exchange of opinion in t h e form of discusrions a1 t h e papers. T h e reviewer notes with extreme regret t h a t in t h e volumes which present the papers of t h e seeand and third symposiums, t h e discumion io omitted entirely. H e feels t h a t a large part of t h e benefit derived from attendance a t t h e sympmiums is lost in the pubiicatian of the papers by t h e omission of this direusnian. Some of the Paperr cover a specific series of experiments which bear on some aspects of colloidal behavior. Othcrsprcsent rather t h c f f f m f lation or development of theory or law which has resulted from t h e correlation and building together ot m a n y extensive series of experiments. There latter .eem t o be much the more important type of paper for a gathering of this nature. Among such importan1 contributions in t h e present volume, the papers of Fr'reundlich, Lecomte d e NoUy. Langmuir, and Sheppard may be mentioned as of particviar value.

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R. H.Boana Principles of Education. 1. CBOSBYCHAPMAN A N D GBoeOn S. COUNTS.Houghton Mifflin Co.. Chicago, 1924. viii 645 pp. 12.5 X 18.8 cm. $2.75.


The reviewer will not attempt t o evalumte thir volume in terms of its ~ r v c h o l o c vnor the soundness of its philosophy, but rather in terms of its helpfulness to t h e teaeher of chemistry in our colleges and high schools. Any thovghtful teacher ir soon brought face to face with the importance of aims of hi. course. T o properly evaluate such aim. they must he projected against t h e general a i m of education as a background. The volume under review holds t h a t there are six major social aims for education: t h e furtherance of health, t h e promotion of family life, t h e ordering and humanizing of economic life, t h e advaoeement of civic life. the enrichment of recreational life and the fostering of religion. life. Whether or not we, as teaehe n of chemistry, accept these as a whole or in part, we shall find t h e effort t o relate our course's aims t o them a profitable exercise. T o what degree should t h e types of skudent taught m a d i b both content and method of a riven eourae? "This," you say, "is a question of the prychology of bath t h e student and of the subject-matter." I" this, "The Principles of Education," considers education conditioned by: original nature, habit formation, language, reficetion, and individual diRerences Would Chemical Education not be equally influenced h) such feetors? -Howl" is the interrogation of t h e one who is aeeking method. How shall we be educated? What part shall the elementary school, t h e high sehaol, t h e college take i n this process? What method shall control instruetion? Even. who shall d o the teaching? These are all considered in the fourth part of the hook. Those of us who had our psychology a generation ago will find thir a helpful modernizer of our thinking in t h a t field. And whether we welcome i t or not the social interpretation of the aims and content of school subjects is with us today in a form t h a t cannot be ignored. From these two viewpoints alone t h e book under review merits a careful reading at t h hands ~ of chemistry teachus. B. C ~ m a o s oHmonrcrs



An Introduction t o t h e Literstvre of Chemistry. F. A. MASON. Oxford University Press, New York, 1925. 41 pp. 12.5 X 18.5cm. R.70. The title of this excellent little hook is indicative of its purpose. Herefofore i t has been a necesnary task of the teacher of advanced student* to acquaint them with t h e literature of chemistry and the best way of w i n p it. Such instruction was a p t t o be quite insufficient t o accomplish its purpose. Henee ail teachers will welcome Dr. Mason's filling of this long felt need. The book is divided into two pnrts. (11 the literature itself, (2) t h e manner of making a search. Part (1) is discussed under the following heads: General Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Jovroalr and Periodicals. Abstract Journals, Tert-Books and Specmi Works of Reference (thin