Colloidal and Surface Phenomena in the Preparation of Cathode-ray

CATHODE-RAY SCREENS. By J. Fred Hazel and George L. Schnable. Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Received March ...
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Vol. 58

COLLOIDAL AND SURFACE PHENOMENA IN THE PREPARATION OF CATHODE-RAY SCREENS BYJ. FREDHAZELAND GEORGEL. SCHNABLE Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Received March 6 , 1064

The slow development of adhesion of phosphor powders to glass when dilute solutions of potassium silicate are used has been studied and compared to systems employing mixtures of solutions of potassium silicate and barium acetate. A decrease of zeta potentials with time has been noted for glass and phosphor powders in contact with solutions containing potassium silicate. A possible correlation of this behavior and the increase in adhesion has been discussed. A study of the effect on glass and phosphor surfaces of mixtures of potassium silicate and barium acetate in the concentration range where rapid adhesion is developed also was carried out. Sharp and simultaneous decreases in zeta potentials and flow rates of solutions through the powdered solids has been attributed to the formation of the bonding agent, silica gel, on the surfaces.

Introduction The settling method of preparing screens of luminescent powders in glass bulbs to serve as cathoderay tubes in black and white television sets has been employed almost universally since its inception.' The process gets its name from the practice of distributing a suspension of the phosphor powder on top of an aqueous layer placed in a bulb and permitting the solid particles to settle onto the glass. The aqueous medium is poured off by tilting the bulb after the particles have adhered to the glass. The time required for adhesion to develop depends in a large measure on the composition of the solution through which the particles settle. The shortest times have resulted when mixtures of potassium silicate with either alkali metal, ammonium or alkaline earth metal salts are employed. Indeed, it has been found possible to pour off the supernatant liquid within 10 or 20 minutes without disturbing the screen, depending on the concentrations of silicate and other salt. The potassium silicate is the source of the bonding agent for holding the phosphor to the glass, but when it is used alone, adhesion develops slowly and a minimum of several hours are required before the screen can be tilted without displacement of the phosphor. Previous work involving streaming potential measurements of phosphor powders and glass surfaces in the presence of potassium silicate has revealed that this substance increases the negative zeta potentials of both these solid surfaces, indicating adsorption of silicate.2 A model of the mechanism by which cations of alkali and alkaline earth metals promote adhesion between silicate coated surfaces has been developed on the basis of two observations. Ions of this type decrease the repulsion between the surfaces by lowering their zeta potentials2m3; they also cause the silicate to p~lyrnerize.~JIt is suggested that two silicate coated surfaces would be bonded together under these conditions. The polymerization of potassium silicates by inorganic salts can be observed macroscopically by the increase in optical density or turbidity of the systems and by gel formation.3 One of the objects of the present work was a search for a clue that might lead to an explanation of the slow development of adhesion when silicate alone is employed in the aqueous medium through (1) M. Sadowsky, J . Electrochem. Soc., 95, 112 (1949). (2) R. Edelberg and J. F. Hazel, ibid., 96, 13 (1949).

(3) J.

F. Hazel and G. L. Scbnable, %bid.,100, 65 (1953),

which the particles settle. To this end, changes in the system with time, as reflected by streaming potential measurements, have been observed. A second objective was an investigation of the effect on solid phosphor and glass surfaces of mixtures of potassium silicate and barium acetate in concentration ranges where rapid adhesion is developed. Materials.-The potassium silicate solution, containing ap roximately 7.8% alkali calculated as KzO and 19.5% Si&, was a purified solution of Kz0:3.92Si02.4 Light scattering studies on this system6 indicate that it is stable with a molecular weight in the vicinity of 2000. Streaming potential measurements were made with two different glasses in the form of powders. These included Pyrex, which was ground to pass a 150-mesh screen, and a lead-free glass used in the industry.6 The latter was ground to pass a 100-mesh screen. A zinc sulfide-zinc cadmium sulfide powder, used in the industry (du Pont No. 1630), was the phosphor employed in the experiments. Other reagents were of reagent-grade quality. Experimental.-Streaming potential measurements were made in the apparatus described previously.3 The powders under investigation were placed between perforated platinum electrodes using a section of rubber tubing as the cell compartment. In individual measurements, the solution was permitted to stream through the diaphragm for 15 minutes a t a pressure of 40 cm. of mercury before the first potential reading was made. Four readings were taken at five-minute intervals in each case. Many of the determinations were repeated and the standard deviation was calculated for those data for which five or more zeta potential values derived from different streaming cells were available. The standard deviation was found to be less than 2.5 millivolts. The cell constants of the packed diaphragms were determined for purposes of c o n v e r h g streaming potentials to zeta potentials.2 A standard solution of 0.100 N potassium chloride was employed for this purpose, it being found that there was no appreciable surface conductance under these conditions. Adhesion Tests.-The first test of the adhesion of phosphor to glass was conducted with potassium silicate alone. Two hundred milligrams of phosphor was mixed with 10 ml. of 10% by volume potassium silicate in a small beaker and added to 90 ml. of 10% by volume potassium silicate in a 400-ml. beaker. The phosphor powder settled t o the bottom of the beaker within a few minutes. The increase of adhesion with time was measured by impinging a jet of water on the phosphor screen. A two-nd. pipet was mounted vertically over the beaker with the aperture placed 8 mm. from the screen. The other end of the pipet was connected to a water reservoir whose surface was 72 cm. above the screen. Water was allowed to impinge on the screen for a period of five seconds at the following intervals: 0.5, 4, 24 and 48 hours. The results are shown in Fig. 1. The (4) The material is sold by the Philadelphia Quartz Company under the trade name Kasil No. 1. (5) A. P. Brady, A. G. Brown and H. Huff, J . Colloid Sci., 8 , 252 (1953). (6) The glasses were supplied by the Corning Glass Works and designated &R No. 7740 (Pyrex) and No. 9010.

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Fig. 1.-Two hundred mg. of phosphor settled in 100 ml. of 10% by volume potassium silicate. A small jet of water was allowed to impinge on the screen a t the following intervals: 0.5, 4, 24 and 48 hr. (beginning at 12 o’clock and reading clockwise with increasing time). The solution was decanted after 21 hr. black areas indicate bare glass. The above experiment was repeated using a lower concentration of potassium silicate: 200 milligrams of phosphor was mixed with 10 ml. of 6% potassium silicate and added to 90 ml. of water.? A water jet was impinged on the screen with the results shown in Fig. 2. The diameters of the displaced area were 25, 22 and 20 mm. corresponding to the time intervals of 0.5, 4 and 24 hours. The increase in adhesion with time was less in this case than when the more concentrated solution was used, Fig. 1. The next test was made with mixtures of potassium silicate and barium acetate. The more dilute solution of potassium silicate was used in this experiment. Two hundred milligrams of phosphor was suspended in 10 ml. of 670 potassium silicate by volume in a small beaker and added to 90 ml. of 0.03% barium acetate in a 400-ml. beaker. The effect of time on the adhesion was determined by allowing a jet of water to impinge on the screen after 10, 20, 30 and 210 minutes, Fig. 3. An inspection of Fig. 3 shows that the phosphor powder adhered to the rounded edges of the bottom of the beaker (as indicated by the absence of a ring of bare glass) on impact when a mixture of potassium silicate and barium acetate was used. This was not the case when potassium silicate alone was employed and as a result the phosphor powder piled u in a thick white ring near the edge, Figs. 1 and 2. The effect of addition agents, e.g., barium acetate, in promoting adhesion in this system has been discussed previously,2,aJ and attributed to the lowering of the zeta potential of the solid surfaces, and to the polymerization of the adsorbed silicate. The rapid increase in adhesion with time in the same sys(7) The amount of potassium silicate employed may have a marked effect on the adhesion. Indeed, it has been shown that very small amounts of this reagent cause the phosphor and glass to repel each other.8 (8) Wm. Stericker and J. F. Hazel, THIEJOURNAL, 54, 1045 (1950).


Fig. 2.-Two hundred mg. of phosphor settled in 100 ml. of 0.6% by volume potassium silicate. Jet of water impinged a t 0.5 4 and 24 hr. (reading clockwise). The picture was taken w khout decanting the solution. tem, Fig. 3 (the diameter of the displaced screen decreased from 11 t o 5 mm. in 3.0 hours) can probably be attributed to an increase in the degree of polymerization of the silicate with time. Figure 4 shows the effect of time on the turbidity readings obtained with a Klett-Summerson Photoelectric Colorimeter using different amounts of potassium silicate with a constant amount, 268 p.p.m., of barium acetate. Brady, Brown and Huff have shown that alkali metal and ammonium salts also cause the rapid polymerization of potassium silicate.6 The same authors noted a slow rate of polymerization in dilute solutions, such as are used here, of potassium silicate alone. A 10% by volume solution was allowed to age for 24 hours in order to allow for any possible polymerization. This solution was then used for preparation of a screen following the same procedure as described under Fig. 1. Adhesion was less in this case than when the freshly prepared solution was brought in contact with the phosphor and the glass, Fig. 1. This was evidenced by the fact that the phosphor powder tended to pull away from the glass when the liquid was decanted. Streaming Potential Studies.-The decrease of the zeta potential of glass and phosphor in contact with potassium silicate, shown in Fig. 5 also probably aids the adhesion by decreasing the repulsion between the surfaces. The decrease of negative zeta potentials with time might be attributed to changes in the properties of the potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures with time (in the case of mixtures), to solubility of the solid, swelling of the solid, and base exchange. A comparison of the slopes of graphs of zeta potential versus time for the solids in various solutions rules out the first possibility as a major cause, since the zeta potentials changed a t approximately the same rate with potassium silicate alone as with potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures. Appreciable solubility of Corning No. 9010 glass and of the phosphor was detected by conductivity measurements. When distilled water was streamed through cells of glass or phosphor for about 10 minutes the resistance between the





6 -3u








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160 240 320 400 480 560 640 Time, minutes. Fig. 5.-Change of zeta potentials with time: cells 45 and 29, Corning No. 9010 glass in 0.6% by volume potassium silicate and in 0.6% by volume potassium silicate plus 50 p.p.m. barium acetate, respectively; cells 46 and 47, hosphor in 0.6% by volume potassium silicate and in 0.69/0 by volume potassium silicate plus 200 p.p.m. barium acetate, respectively


Fig. &-Two hundred mg. of phosphor settled in 100 ml. of 0.6% by volume potassium silicate and 268 p.p.m. of barium acetate. A jet of water was impinged a t 10, 20, 30 and 210 min. (reading clockwise).





% , Potassium Silicate by Volume.

Fig. 4.-Effect of 268 p.p.m. of barium acetate on the turbidity of potassium silicate solutions: A, 15 min.; B, 30 min.; C, 24 hr. conductance electrodes asymptotically approached a value of about 120,000 ohms. When streaming was stopped the resistance between the electrodes decreased rather rapidly. For cells of Corning No. 9010 glass the resistance decreased to about 5574, of the initial value after 30 minutes, to 25% after 2 hours, and t o 12% after 6 hours. With the phosphor the resistance decreased to 17% after 4 minutes and to 10% after 30 minutes. When distilled water having a specific resistance of 800,000 ohms was streamed (under 40 cm. pressure) through a cell of Corning No. 9010 glass the effluent from the cell had a specific reslstance of 50,000 ohms. The decomposition of glass by water is not a simple case of solution but a highly complex process involving the penetration of the glass by water and the subsequent decomposi-

tion of the complex silicate mixture with formation of substances wholly different from those originally present. Decomposition of most glasses by water results in the liberation of alkali. The remaining more siliceous glass might be expected to have a lower zeta pot,ential than the original glass. The effect of solubility on the electrokinetic roperties of phosphors is not known. The slopes for the 8orning No. 9010 glass are about three times as great as for the phosphor, and this is believed to be due, a t least in part, to swelling of the glass. Hubbard, Hamilton and Finns have shown that glass does swell measurably in water. Mysels and McBain'O observed that fritted Pyrex glass offered increasing hydrodynamic resistance but unchanged electrical resistance. Hubbard and Goldman state the uneven distribution of migrating ions between the inner and outer phases (the glass surface and the ambient solution, respectively) produces osmotic pressure within the surface of the glass, causing swelling and ultimate destruction of the specimen. Kanamaru, et al. ,11 investigated the apparent electrokinetic potentials of some swelling substances (including glass) calculated in the usual way from streaming potential or electroosmosis data. They found that the apparent zeta potential decreases as the swelling progresses. Base exchange, the equivalent replacement of positive ions in the solid by cations from the solution, probably did not contribute substantially to the reduction in zeta potentials observed in the present case. This is because the rate of decrease of potential (Fig. 5) was the same in solutions containing potassium ions only as with solutions containin both potassium ions and barium ions. Willard12has studie8 the exchange between glass and aqueous solutions of K+, B a + + and H + ions. In experiments extending over 330 hr. he concluded that the replacement of sodium ions in the surface by foreign ions was not as rapid as the rate of dissolution of the glass to expose new sodium. Effect of Barium Acetate Concentration on Rates of Flow in Streaming Potential Measurements.-The zeta potentials of the phosphor and glasses in various potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures are plotted as a function of the barium acetate concentration in Figs. 6, 7 and 8. The last points on the curves fall within, or close to, concentration ranges of reagents which promote rapid adhesion of phosphor to glass. These points are encircled and are connected to the rest of the curve with dotted lines in order t o distinguish the fact that the solutions had abnormally low flow rates through the cells. While most of the solutions were cloudy, others were clear. A number of the streaming cells which displayed abnormally low flow rates with potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures were disassembled, the powdered material removed, and the cell reassembled without the powder but (9) D. Hubbard, E. H. Hamilton and A. N. Finn, J . Research Nall. Bur. Standards, 22, 339 (1939). (10) K. J. Mysels and J. W. MoBain, J . Colloid Sei., 8 , 45 (1948). (11) K. Kanamaru, T. Kobayasi and M. Seki, Kolloid Z.,87, 62 (1939); K. Ksnamaru and T . Takada. Z . physik. Chem., A184 179 (1939); KoEloid Z.,90, 315 (1940). (12) J. E. Willard, THIEJOURNAL, 67, 129 (1953).

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with the paper discs. Flow rates of the mixtures or of distilled water through the reassembled cells ranged from about 100 to 700 ml./min. under 40 cm. pressure, in contrast to flow rates of the mixtures through the original cells of about 0.2 ml./min. and less. The possibility of low flow rates being due t o the formation of silica gel on the filter paper discs or to clogging of the pores of the filter paper by colloidal silica particles from the cloudy mixtures streaming through the cells was ruled out by these experiments. In seeking other explanations for the low flow rates it may be pointed out that these could have resulted from the formation of silica gel on the surface of the solid under test or, in the case of cloudy mixtures, to the action of the porous plug of solid as a filter for the silica particles. Since low flow rates occurred with clear solutions in several cases, the first explanation appears to be valid, i . e . , the potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures caused the surfaces of the particles confined in the streaming cell t o become coated with silica gel. Salts tend t o promote the polymerization of silicates and since the silicate is concentrated by adsorption on the solid surfaces, the loci of polymerization aie predominately there. Because of the adsorption concentration, the formation of silica gel on the surface of the phosphor or glass could occur in potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures which were clear. In cases where the solution was cloudy, it seems likely that the polymerization, which was evident in the bulk of the solution, would occur to an even greater extent on the surface of the solid because of the adsorption of reagents.

Discussion.-If it is assumed that silica gel coats the particles of phosphor or crushed glass, it is evident that a portion of the total pressure difference across the streaming cell is expended in overcoming the resistance to hydrodynamic flow offered by the silica gel. There are, in effect, two streaming potential cells in series, across which there is applied the total pressure difference measured by the manometer. The streaming potential resulting will be the sum of the potentials of the two cells. The electrokinetic equation is E




E g


The sum of the pressure across the two cells under consideration is the total pressure, which is measured by the manometer. Pt = Pa

+ Pg


Let Tc be the zeta potential of the streaming cell as calculated in the usual manner; is the zeta potential of the solid under test; lg is that of the silica gel. v





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50 100 150 200 250 Ba( CzH302)~HzO,p.p.m. Fig. 6.-Zeta potentials of Corning No. 7740 glass, Corning No. 9010 glass and du Pont No. 1630 phosphor in 0.6y0 by volume potassium silicate plus barium acetate.

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Ba( CzH302)2.H20, p.p.m. Fig. 7.-Zeta potentials of du Pont No. 1630 phosphor in potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures. 0



where E is the streaming potential, { is the zeta potential, P is the pressure difference across the cell, R is the resistance between the platinum conductance electrodes, D is the dielectric constant, 7 is the viscosity of the solution, and c is the cell constant of the streaming cell. Since no change in conductance occurs as silica gels set, c does not change. If E, is the streaming potential of the conventional streaming cell and E , is that of the silica gel, the total potential difference is their sum. Et = Ea



96 192 288 384 480 Ba( CzH302)2.H20, p.p.m. Fig. 8.-Zeta potentials in potassium silicate-barium acetate mixtures: cells 12 and 13, Corning No. 9010 glass in 8 and 10% by volume potassium silicate, respectively. cells 14 and 15, du Pont No. 1630 phosphor in 8 and 1 0 ~ by volume potassium silicate, respectively.

Substituting expression 6 for Et in equation 4 and cancelling bo = 6 2 .





From this equation it can be seen that if an appreciable pressure drop exists across silica gel formed in the streaming cell, the zeta potential calculated will be intermediate between that of the solid and the gel. I n cases where flow rates less than about 10% of normal were observed, practically all of the pressure difference existed across the silica gel and hence the zeta potential calculated corresponded approximately to that of the silica gel. The average of 10 zeta potentials, calculated from data obtained with streaming cells showing



abnormally low flow rates with solutions containing 0.6% by volume potassium silicate plus 175-400 p.p.m. barium acetat'e, was -14 millivolts. Extrapolation of the curves derived from these same streaming cells with 0.6% by volume potassium silicate plus 0 to about 150 p.p.m. barium acetate, all showing normal flow rates, yields zeta potentials averaging more than 10 mv. higher than those determined with the low flow rates. The abrupt change in zeta potentials accompanied by the sharp decrease in flow rates, together with the fact that the numerical values of the corresponding zeta potentials appear to be independent of the nature of the original solid surfaces, suggest that the latter were coated with silica gel. Acknowledgment.-The experimental work on streaming potential measurements was supported by a grant from the Philco Corporation.

DISCUSSION CHARLES B. Hum.-Have you tried changing the p H of the potassium silicate-phosphor suspension because of the statenlent that the silicate polymerized (condensation poly-

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merization) efipecially under the influence of Ba + + ion. Since a great deal of work has been done on the setting of silicic acid gels and since the setting due to condensation occurs much more rapidly in the p H range of 7, I thought lowering the p H by addition of an acid, would promote this condensation polymerization. J. FREDHAzEL.-The screens car; be made by reducing the pH of the potassium silicate using weak acids, e.g., acetic and hosphoric, ammonium salts and acid salts, e.g., potassium fydrogen carbonate and primary and secondary phosphates. It is desirable not to redure the p H below about 6-8. In an acid medium adhesion is poor. Figure 3 in the preprint is inverted. HERBERT L. DAVIS.-IS it not probable that the charge factors in these systems could be favorably influenced by other cations than barium? Many years ago we demonstrated the redispersion of silica to produce stable sols in acid solutions, and believe this emphasizes the charge factor in precipitation and gel formation. It seems pcssible that very tiny additions of a quaternary or other strongly sorbed ration (even possibly a basic dye to tint the picture) might give good firm adhesion. Alternatively, a precoating of the bulb surface with very dilute cationic-active substances (as eephiran chloride) might spped the adsorption of the phosphor, but irregular series phenomena may enter as discussed by Dr. Ross, who used quaternary compounds to prevent adhesion of particles to glass vessel walls in sedimentation tests.
