Colloidal Dispersions and Micellar Behavior

Corkill,J.M.,Goodman,J.F. and Harrold,S.P.,Trans. Faraday. Soc.(1964)60 ,202. 8. Corkill,J.M.,Goodman,J.F.,Robson,P. and Tate,J.R.,Trans. Faraday Soc...
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16 Thermodynamics of Micelle Formation K. S. BIRDI

Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on October 14, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1975-0009.ch016

Fysisk-Kemisk Institut, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark 2800

Introduction The understanding of the thermodynamics of micelle form­ ation i s of much theoretical and p r a c t i c a l importance.Even though a great many studies on the thermodynamics of micelle formation have been reported i n the l i t e r a t u r e (1-14), the data available are not completely consistent. The purpose of this study i s to report on the current theories and to comment on the data reported i n the l i t e r a t u r e on the thermodynamics of micelle formation. The variation of c r i t i c a l micelle con­ centration (CMC) and the aggregation number (N) of a nonionic surfactant (Triton-X-100) with temperature were measured,since these data are essential i n order to discuss the current theories reported on the micelle formation i n the l i t e r a t u r e . Experimental Triton X-100 (OPE1o) was used as supplied by Rohm and Haas Co. The sample i s reported to be polydisperse with respect to the ethyleneoxide adducts. C r i t i c a l micelle concentration (CMC) of OPE1 o i n water and 0.025 M-KBr was determined at three different temperatures,viz.,25,35 and 45°C by the U.V. difference spectrophotometric method,as reported i n litera­ ture (10). The values of CMC i n water and i n 0.025 M-KBr were i d e n t i c a l , i . e . within the experimental accuracy. Furthermore, these results agreed with the data reported by other investig­ ators i n water at these temperatures (1 θ ) . The micellar molecular weights (number average,M ) of OPE^ were determined i n 0.025 M-KBr aqueous solutions by using membrane osmometry, as reported by us elsewhere i n d e t a i l ( 1 5 . 1 6 ) . The micelle molecule weights,and subsequently the aggregation numbers,N,were determined at various temperatures r







*5 C


In Colloidal Dispersions and Micellar Behavior; Mittal, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.




Results and Discussion It i s of interest to describe the micellar system of a nonionic surfactant, before discussing the data on the var­ i a t i o n of aggregation number of micelles,N, and the CMC with temperature. The process of micellization involves the rever­ s i b l e aggregation of Ν molecules of the amphiphile to form a micelle ( 2 » 1 7 . 1 6 , 1 9 ) as given below: Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on October 14, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1975-0009.ch016



- M


The equilibrium constant of this reaction i s given by:

where A and A^ are the a c t i v i t i e s of monomer and micelles respectively. At low surfactant c o n c e n t r â t i o n , h o w e v e r , i t i s reasonable to replace the a c t i v i t i e s of monomer and micelles by t h e i r respective concentrations (12.) :

where C and C., are the concentrations of monomer and micelle ,m M respectively. Assuming i d e a l i t y , the chemical potential of micelles is given by: μ

- μ°






and for monomer: = μ° m m


+ RT In C m


At equilibrium we have : N


- M,,

From these relations the standard free energy of m i c e l l i z a t i o n , AG°,per monomer is found to be given by (19)s 0

AG » RT In C - RT / Ν In C RT In Cm + RT / Ν In Ν - RT / Ν In CM M


(7) (θ)

where Ο. = Ν. Ο. . It i s generally assumed that i f Ν i s large, then at CMC , tKe Equation (8) reduces to (2,19)? 0

AG %zRT In C « RT In CMC

In Colloidal Dispersions and Micellar Behavior; Mittal, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.





Micelle Formation

Many investigators have further assumed that i f the variation of Ν with temperature is negligible 0 . 2 6 - 1 0 , 1 £ ) , t h e enthalpy of micelle formation,AH°,can be obtained by using a Clausius-Clapeyron type of relationship: t



= - T






= - RT ('d In CMC / d T)


Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on October 14, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1975-0009.ch016


A great number of investigations on the determination of ΔΗ by applying Equation ( 1 1 ) have been reported i n the l i t e r a t u r e for both the ionic and nonionic micellar systems ( 1 , 2 » 6 - 1 0 ) . These ΔΗ® values reported,however,do not a l l give a s t r i c t l y consistent description of the micellar formation. For instance, the heat of m i c e l l i z a t i o n of N-dimethyldodeeylamine oxide as determined from Equation ( 1 1 ) i s reported to be 1 9 0 0 cal/mole (I) f while the calorimetric value is reported to be 2 6 0 0 cal/mole ( j j . Another t y p i c a l example i s that of the n-dodecylpyridinium bromide i n 2Μ urea solutions f the ΔΗ values by Equation ( 1 1 ) and by calorimetric method are reported to be - 7 9 8 cal/mole and - 3 4 9 6 cal/mole,respectively (lj.)» This indicates that the method of using the r e l a t i o n i n Equation (II) to obtain ΔΗ· i s imprecise,probably due to certain ass­ umptions used i n the derivation of this relation,as discussed further below. Further,in many investigations reported on the determination of ΔΗ by using Equation ( l l ) , t h e data obtained does not give a s t r i c t l y consistent description of the micelle formation ( 7 , 8 , 1 0 - 1 3 ) . T h i s analysis therefore c l e a r l y indicates that the usage of the relationship given i n Equation ( l l ) , i s not s t r i c t l y v a l i d for obtaining the heat of m i c e l l i z a t i o n , as also pointed out by other investigators (19)* It was therefore considered of interest to reconsider the assumptions made i n the derivations of Equations (9) and ( 1 1 ) . Since μ° is a function of T,p and Ν (12.), the v a r i a ­ tion of CMC and Ν with temperature of a nonionic surfactant, OPE^ ,was determined. The values of CMC were found to agree with the values reported by other investigators ( 1 0 ) . The aggregation number,N,was determined by using membrane osmomet­ ry as described under experimental section. The relationship i n Equation ( β ) at the CMC,can then be r e ­ written as Î 0



àG° = RT In CMC + RT / Ν In Ν


It i s thus seen that the r e l a t i o n given i n the above Equation ( 1 2 ) d i f f e r s from that given i n Equation ( 9 ) » i n that while former i s a function of both CMC and N, l a t t e r i s only a function of CMC. The results of CMC and Ν versus temperature of 0 ? are given i n Figure 1 . It is seen that the CMC decreases with E

1 O

In Colloidal Dispersions and Micellar Behavior; Mittal, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.

Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on October 14, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1975-0009.ch016



Temperature (°C) Figure 1.

Aggregation number (N) and CMC vs. temperature of OPE in 0.025M KBr 10

In Colloidal Dispersions and Micellar Behavior; Mittal, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.

Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on October 14, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1975-0009.ch016




Micelle Formation

temperature, and f i n a l l y around 40-45°C no change i n CMC with temperature i s observed,as also reported by other investigators ( 10 ).The aggregation number,N, on the other hand increases with temperature from 5 - 45°C. This i s t y p i c a l f o r the non­ ionic micelles,as reported i n l i t e r a t u r e , and discussed else­ where (jhSj.The results i n Figure 1 thus c l e a r l y show that the heat of micellization i s not zero around 40 - 45°^* as has been reported i n l i t e r a t u r e (lO)by using the Equation (11).The second term i n the Equation (12) relates to the transfer of material to and from already exsisting micelles. Since the Equations (12) and (9) d i f f e r by the term: HT / Ν In Ν

(13) 0

we find that the difference i n ΔΗ determined after making this correction f o r A G , i s 130-170 cal/mole,in the range of 5-45 C (from the data given i n Figure 1). The aggregation 0



number , N , of C. Eg, i 2 6

, C


14 6

3 1 1 ( 1C


16 6









(5.)to change wixR temperature^" as expressed below:




Coin N/dT) » 0.109








This shows that the Ν increases with increasing temperature, and that the alkyl chain has no effect on this change. It i s also reported that the rate of change of Ν with temperature decreases as the number of ethyleneoxide adducts increases ( i f u ^ h u s i n Figure 1, the change of Ν f o r 0PE i s about four times lesser than that reported f o r the a l k y l chain with s i x ethyleneoxide adducts,as mentioned above (^).In other words,the AH values w i l l d i f f e r by about 600 cal/mole due to the term i n Equation (13) i n the case of these surfactants with s i x ethyleneoxide adducts. To summarize,we have shown that the aggregation number ,N,of nonionic micelles changes appreciably with temperature.Prelim­ inary results of another nonionic surfactant,nonylphenol with 10 ethyleneoxide units,also indicates that Ν changes with temperature quite appreciably,as determined by membrane osmometry. Since the r e l a t i o n given i n Equation (9) f o r AG does not seem to give consitent results f o r the heat of m i c e l l ­ i z a t i o n , i t i s clear that at this stage the thermodynamics of micelle formation i s f a r from well understood. In the case of nonionic micelles,the determination of Ν as a function of temperature gives a more consistent description. It shows that this process has positive enthalpy over a large temperatu­ re range (from 5 - 45°C , f o r both OPE^ and nonylphenol with 10 ethyleneoxide adducts). 1


In Colloidal Dispersions and Micellar Behavior; Mittal, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.


238 Acknowledgements

It is a pleasure to thank Prof. J^rgen Koefoed for many helpful suggestions. The excellent technical assistance of Mrs. H. Birch is acknowledged.

Downloaded by OHIO STATE UNIV LIBRARIES on October 14, 2014 | Publication Date: June 1, 1975 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1975-0009.ch016



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In Colloidal Dispersions and Micellar Behavior; Mittal, K.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1975.