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Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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« ο » Spectrophotometer pays

for itself in one project Ten years a g o , the Harshaw Chemical Company developed a new opacifier, called Uverite, to replace tin oxide. A G-E record­ ing spectrophotometer more than paid for itself on this first pro­ ject. But the important news is this: Harshaw's chemists say it has been paying for itself repeatedly since then by giving quick re­ sults a n d a permanent record for color analysis, comparison, etc. M a n y other users are finding this high-precision laboratory i n ­ strument valuable for such jobs as matching colors, mixing pigments, making color analysis, measuring gloss, standardiz­ ing colors, preparing color specifications, etc. It has been adopted by the American Standards Association as the basic colormeasuring instrument. Write for GEA-3680.

WJ&€pyHS dud PRESSURES··· Leak detector pays for itself the first month For testing high-frequency vacuum tubes for leaks, a , wellknown laboratory installed a G-E leak detector. Previous methods were slow, inconsistent, and inaccurate. The I eak detector proved itself quickly. It made if possible to find leaks many times smaller and much faster, recheck suspected leaks quickly, and assured vacuum tightness of the tubes. General Electric has leak detectors available for either vacuum or pressure systems . . . detectors sensitive enough to find a leak so small that a quart of air w o u l d require 15,000 years to pass through it. Write for GEA-4640 a n d GEC-233.

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