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Color Quality of Fresh and Processed Foods - ACS Publications

color changes. © 2008 American Chemical Society. 267 ... Another report (J) stated that color of meat impacted two consumer visual judgments: an ... ...
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Chapter 21

Color Quality in Meat Donald H. Kropf Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-0201

Chilled, frozen, cured and cooked color, also color of fat and bones all influence the quality image of meat. These can be affected by animal genetics, feeding, handling, carcass chilling, time postmortem, cutting, packaging system, display condition and cooking. Time post-cutting affects myoglobin chemical state and must be identified. Illuminant, observer angle, and aperture size affect instrument readings and must be identified. Modified atmosphere packaging, could be high or ultra-low oxygen, or carbon monoxide, are useful in caseready distribution and marketing. Each represents technical challenges regarding color and color measurement. Unique challenges to traditional reflectance readings are lack of sample uniformity, but scanning technology and color transformation to cyan, magenta, yellow are useful techniques in quantifying discoloration. Image analysis of layers of myoglobin chemical forms offers promise in understanding color changes.

© 2008 American Chemical Society



Introduction Meat color and color stability can be affected by numerous decisions and circumstances that begin with live animal selection and breeding, and include nutrition, environment, handling, holding conditions before slaughter, stun/bleed variables, chilling protocol, aging, holding time and conditions (especially temperature), fabrication conditions, time from fabrication to packaging, successful packaging, type of packaging; storage, distribution and handling of product, display conditions and handling by customers. The above apply to fresh, chilled, frozen and to cured products. Enhancements to chilled non-cured meat can markedly influence color stability. Cured meat is additionally affected by added ingredients, physical manipulation conditions, time and temperature protocols for smoking and heat processing and post-cook chilling and packaging. Those who troubleshoot color stability problems tend to concentrate on the most recent events but color could be affected in many places in the livestock to processor to distributor to consumer chain. This chapter will briefly discuss the specifics of many of the above circumstances, how they influence meat color and how the meat-food industry attempts to deal with them. A brief discussion will deal with cooked color, premature browning and persistent red and pinking; all affect consumer safety and perceptions of safety. The chapter will deal with basic meat characteristics that are responsible for meat color including chemistry of myoglobin and other pigments, but also meat structural influences on appearance traits, primarily color. It will also deal with methods of color evaluation including visual or subjective judgments and numerous instrumental techniques for assessing color.

Importance of Meat Color Appearance is rapidly assessed and directed into a decision to buy or not buy, to eat or not eat (7). Another researcher (2) stated that color has both a psychological and a real effect. The psychological effect results in an almost immediate positive or negative response; the real effect is a more reasoned assessment of quality and factors affecting "wholesomeness" and "freshness" such as perceived time product has been held, handling effects, and temperature. Another report (J) stated that color of meat impacted two consumer visual judgments: an immediate one of meeting or not meeting acceptance standard and secondly, one reflecting perceived palatability. In summary, safety, perceived freshness and wholesomeness and expected sensory satisfaction make up meat quality judgments. Regardless of how these judgments are made, and who makes them, i.e.,

269 retail or food service personnel, or the retail purchaser, the collective influence results in price discounts for nearly 15% of retail beef packages (4). Color stability implies the duration of acceptable, saleable color, which is relatively short-lived. Surface discoloration is inevitable with increasing time and is interpreted by customers to indicate unwholesomeness or lack of acceptable freshness, even though color usually deteriorates earlier than microbial or serious oxidative consequences occur. Meat discoloration is defined as divergence from the consumer-defined ideal to something less desirable, for example, cherry red to brown for beef or bright pink to brown, green, or gray for pork. Strategy for maximizing acceptable color (and color life) involves delaying pigment oxidation and/or enhancing reduction of oxidized pigment. No single factor is responsible for meat discoloration and in a complex food system like meat, no factor acts independently. Discoloration of meat cuts can result in a large monetary loss to the retailer, and thus to other segments of the industry. Retail loss estimates are scarce and difficult to obtain, but one study (5) reported 3.1 and 4.6% case pulls for all beef retail packages in two stores and cite the following disposition of retail packages in three stores studied: converted (probably ground) and repackaged 4.1%, trimmed and repackaged 2.9%, rewrapped 2.9%, price reduced for quick sale 0.6% and discarded 0.2%. Another study (6) cites beef shrink, defined as losses due to reduced value to be 6% compared to 4% for overall meat market operations but losses are higher, up to 23%, for some high value beef cuts. Nineteen retail beef cuts exceeded 10% loss in this survey of ten large supermarkets in the USA. Losses up to 10% were stated by retailer executives at a symposium (7). While we usually think of muscle color, meat color quality also includes fat color and bone color. Slight to intense yellow fat can have consequences in marketing beef and pork. Bone discoloration to gray or green or darkening (almost to black in some cases) can pose a problem for pork, beef and frozen chicken.

Myoglobin Chemistry Many sources present the structure of myoglobin which is involved in controlling and transferring oxygen to its critical use sites, notably to mitochondria. A concise description of its structure and major reactions was summarized by Mancini and Hunt for presentation at the 2005 International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (8). This sarcoplasmic protein has the major role in imparting meat color with lesser role attributed to hemoglobin and cytochrome C. This water soluble

270 protein is made up of 8 a-helices linked by smaller non-helical sections with a prosthetic group within its hydrophobic pocket. This heme ring contains a centrally located iron atom with the ability to form six bonds, four with pyrrole nitrogens, one to coordinate with the proximal histidine-13 and one site to reversibly bind ligands. This ligand and whether the iron is ferrous or ferric provide chromophoric identification which is responsible for meat color, although some alteration results from such physical influences as light scatter because of free water, intramuscular fat and muscle structure. The meat color triangle (Figure 1) has frequently been used to describe relationships of the three different major chemical states of myoglobin in fresh meat. These are sometimes referred to in the literature as myoglobin species. A recent presentation (8) has humorously described this triangle pattern of most common myoglobin reactions in fresh meat as the "ferrous-ferric-wheel" with the notable components of deoxymyoglobin, oxymyoglobin and metmyoglobin.

Deoxymyoglobin 2+

Deoxymyoglobin has heme iron in the ferrous (reduced, Fe ) state with no ligand at the 6 site. This state results because of the postmortem cessation of oxygen transport to muscle cells and to myoglobin, creating an anaerobic environment. This purple-red or purplish-pink color state is apparent briefly in freshly cut muscle and is more noticeable in meat with greater pigment content. It also is formed when oxygen is removed from contact with the meat surface by effective vacuum packaging or by ultra-low oxygen modified atmosphere packaging. Very low oxygen partial pressure (90 Color Rendering Index (CRI), but CRI is evaluated at 8 color points and is not always an appropriate description for meat display. Lamps used for display studies should be similar to those accepted by retailers.

Application of Visual Appraisal Visual appraisal of color of the longissimus of ribbed beef carcasses is a part of beef carcass quality grading since it is considered in determining carcass maturity. Visual color evaluation is sometimes used as a criterion for "accept" or "reject". An example is the evaluation of pork meat quality for the export to Japan trade. They will frequently have their quality evaluators in pork plants in the U.S.A. for this purpose. Another example of "accept" or "reject" is the decision by a retail customer or sometimes by a food service manager. The retail shopper's decision may be influenced by the color variation of meat cuts in the display case. Slightly discolored cuts have a lesser chance of acceptance when they are in competition with cuts of acceptable color. Shoppers have "learned" through family instruction that the bright cherry red color of oxymyoglobin is desired and that darker red, the color of beef primarily in the deoxymyoglobin form, is less desirable. This is unfortunate because the highly oxygen permeable packaged product often leads to shorter shelf life. Currently used high-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging with injected enhancement solutions has extended distribution life to possibly 10 days with up to 5 more days for display. A 1986 study (57) composed of questionnaires (and brief educational statements presented to about half) of 1750 grocery shoppers indicated that those

285 not receiving the educational statements had a strong preference for bright cherry red colored ground beef. Those receiving this material were as likely to choose purple-red as bright red. However, retailer efforts to sell beef in the deoxymyoblobin state have not been successful.

Color Evaluation Challenges Some color abnormalities are not measurable by instrumentation, these should be evaluated visually. One of these is iridescence, sometimes called rainbow or mother-of-pearl color effect which may range from green to yellow to orange to a weird red. This condition is caused by diffraction of light rays by the distance between some microstructural units of muscle and is greatest in cuts made at a 90° angle to the muscle fiber direction. By definition, during rotation of sample, iridescence will appear and disappear, or become stronger and weaker. Therefore, sample orientation during evaluation can influence both the intensity and the proportion of sample affected. We solved this problem by mounting samples on our cooler wall so the most prominent iridescence faced the floor and samples were positioned so all panelists had to look up. Striping, the appearance of intermittently dark and light color, is another unusual pattern that varies mostly in the difference in color intensity.

Instrumental Color Measurement A serious problem in sample evaluation is that of uneven color or variable discoloration. Specific areas on a meat product may be severely discolored, whereas other areas are normal in color. When such a problem occurs, it may be useful to determine the proportion of the surface each section represents and to measure them separately. This process or the determination of what surface area to sample make the process more subjective rather than strictly objective. Use of a larger aperture enables a more representative reading or averaging. Use of the largest aperture size that will fit all samples in a study is recommended. For different aperture size on the same sample different reflectance readings were found (35), especially for longer wavelengths. Some new scanning procedures (to be discussed later) may overcome this problem. Samples should be thick enough to be opaque or a white opaque backing must be used. Orientation of muscle fibers within the sample may influence readings. For samples with this problem, one reading should be taken, and then the sample should be rotated 90° and another reading should be taken; instruments are now capable of averaging multiple readings. The type of film used to overwrap the sample can influence readings, and the same film should be

286 used for any research study, unless the study deals with film comparisons. Reflectance instruments can be standardized for film differences. Samples should have a flat surface that covers the entire aperture. A unique problem is presented by gas packed samples or modified atmosphere packages which have a space between sample and top film layer. Such packages can be placed upside down over the aperture to bring sample surface in contact with the film to eliminate the space effect, but this procedure might leave some moisture or residue on the inside layer of the film. Several options are available for instrumental color reading of meat samples. Extraction and determination of absorption or transmittance is suitable for total heme pigment or myoglobin or for nitrosohemochrome determination for cured product. It is not suitable for quantitation of myoglobin forms or for determining spectra of deoxy- and oxymyoglobin containing samples as these quickly change upon exposure to air. Any such procedure entails the critical decision of how deep from the surface to sample. Estimation of metmyoglobin by extraction of sample surface by a buffered extract solution is an accepted procedure when done in cold conditions, but the same procedure results in interconversion between deoxy and oxy forms of myoglobin (33).

Reflectance Measurements Such measurements can be closely related to what the eye and brain perceive. Over the course of a display- or shelf-life study, repeated readings can be made at the same sample location. Important criteria to be indicated for color measurement studies or for color specifications include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What color scale used What observer angle (2° or 10°) Which Illuminant (A, C, D , F) Instrument aperture size Instrument geometry Specular included (yes or no) Procedure details such as number of readings and sample orientation for each temperature, time interval into a study, humidity conditions. 65

The color scale could be Hunterlab L, a, b or more commmonly today is the CIE (1976) L*, a*, b*. Some advocate tristimulus scales (red, green, blue) or the Munsell scale. While the earlier 2° observer angle was widely used, the more recent CIE addition of 10° viewer angle is more representative of what we see and is in more widespread use today (22). The same publication presents comparisons of

287 use of several viewing angles, illuminant and aperture size, with too much detail to be discussed here. Illuminant is an important factor to specify. We have frequently used Illuminant A (2854° Kelvin) which represents incandescent light in spectral energy balance and is richer in the red end of the visible spectrum. Illuminant C was the original synthetic light to represent daylight, but has been widely replaced by D (6500°K) based on a "cool phase of white Planckian daylight typical of overcast northern light including the effect of ultraviolet and occluded sunlight" (22). Illuminant effect calculations are made by software and apply to the color scale measurements such as CIE L*, a* and b* and their mathematical derivatives. The effect of instrument aperture size has seemingly received little recognition except for a brief report in 1989 (34) at the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology and some data in 1994 (22). The 1989 report indicated a lesser percent reflectance in the longer red wavelengths for a 10 mm compared to 50 mm aperture. A recent Kansas State University study (55, Table I) compared the effect of 0.64, 1.27, 2.54, and 4.45 cm aperture sizes for readings on beef longissimus muscle, with readings centered on the same location of visually uniform samples. The beef samples showed little difference in % reflectance at shorter wavelengths but lower readings for the 0.64 cm size at 10 nm intervals from 610 to 700 nm and lower readings for the 1.27 cm aperture at 680, 690 and 700 nm compared to the 2 larger aperture sizes. For both Illuminant A and D , this had a minor effect on L*. For Illuminant A, each smaller aperture size resulted in lesser a* and the 0.64 size resulted in lower b* and saturation index (chroma) and higher hue angle. For Illuminant C and D , the smallest aperture resulted in lower a*, b* and saturation index and a greater hue angle value. Many meat color studies done recently use the CIE color system. L* deals with lightness, up to 100, to dark, down to 0. The a* value is usually stated as redness with increasing positive a* interpreted as redder samples. The b* value is often defined as yellowness, although negative values would mean blueness. One study (36) has indicated an a* change of 0.6 to be the smallest perceptible visual change for beef and chicken samples ranging from 15 to 28 a*. Hue angle is calculated as tan" (b*/a*) and a higher value is frequently interpreted to mean greater discoloration. The smallest visually perceivable change was found to be 0.9 for beef and chicken samples in the 34 to 55 range. Saturation index (chroma) is calculated as V (a*) + (b*) and a low value indicates a low color intensty where grey may more easily dominate. The above values do not always relate well to meat discoloration, thus a* divided by b* has also been considered in some studies. An interesting approach (37) to achieve instrumental values that relate well to discoloration used both Minolta CR 300 readings and color gauge 65






288 measurements to produce Hewlett-Packard 4400 C images for larger sample areas to determine "trajectories" or progressive numerical changes that relate well to discoloration. Spoilage was most closely related to (a* minus b*) or a new coordinate system which rotated the a*b* axis by +45 degrees for reporting results. Image analysis in another study (38) used photographs of total beef muscle surface of loin strip steaks for which RGB (red, green, blue) images were

Table I. Mean values of C I E L*, a*, b*, hue angle, and saturation index of beef longissimus under illuminant A, C, and D for four aperture sizes 6S

Illuminant A

Illuminant C

Illuminant D





L* a* b* Hue Angle Sat. Index L* a* b* Hue Angle Sat. Index L* a* b* Hue Angle Sat. Index

4.45 38.45 30.92 25.37 39.27 40.00 34.73 21.48 22.38 46.21 31.05 34.69 22.20 21.89 44.64 31.20' a












Aperture Size (cm) 2.54 1.27 38.34 37.85 30.84 29.28 25.49 24.38 39.47 39.68 40.02 38.1 l 34.32 34.59 20.01 21.46 22.63 21.90 46.60 47.70 31.22 29.70 34.30 34.56 22.22 20.78 22.14 21.42 44.97 45.97 31.39 29.87 a

























0.64 35.23 23.75 20.87 41.14 31.63 32.45 14.60 19.74 53.92 24.61 32.45 15.31 19.29 51.97 24.68














Means, within a row, with different supercripts differ (P < 0 . 0 5 )

converted to a cyan magenta yellow (CMY) image, which enabled a sharper perception both visually and to instrument scanning. With a color calibration, this enabled scanning to result in a very quantitative determination of % discolored pixels. The above two studies are a good illustration of fresh, new, more accurate assessments of discoloration. Some similar and creative approaches were summarized in a review paper (8).

Reflectance to Estimate Myoglobin Chemical Form Deoxy, oxy and metmyoglobin can be estimated from reflectance at certain wavelengths and even though these are accurate only to 6 or 7%, this is useful

289 information (30). This is based on reflectance readings at wavelengths that are isobestic (equal) for two or three myoglobin forms. The 525 nm value is isobestic for all three, 474 is isobestic for oxy and met, thus useful for estimating deoxy. The same reasoning is the basis for estimating metmyoglobin at 572 nm and oxymyoglobin at 630 nm and at 610 nm (32). The Kubelka-Munk equation, used to convert data to K/S (absorption/scattering) makes for a more linear relationship, to facilitate calculation when 0 and 100% of appropriate myoglobin form is established as a base for this calculation. Efforts to put color reflectance values into meaningful numbers can be affected by sample characteristics such as surface wetness, % intramuscular fat (marbling) and myoglobin concentration. Wetness and % fat can influence light scatter of the sample and restrict the depth to which light wavelengths penetrate samples, come back and are detected and measured. Optical infinity is a term to describe this characteristic and can vary from sample to sample. Some ways to correct for such influences is to use ratios or differences of % reflectance at two different wavelengths, such as 630 nm/580 nm or 630 nm minus 580 nm readings, presumably because this factors out the structural effects. Reflectance at 730 nm has been suggested as a corrector for structural influences and the Kubelka-Monk equation discussed earlier also accomplished this. Limits on the target length of this chapter do not allow discussion of effects of pre- and post-harvest factors that influence color of meat. A very thorough discussion is available (8) and covers effects of genetics, environment, nutrition, animal handling and chilling. Genetics has a major impact especially on pork color as it influences stress susceptibility which impacts on glycolytic potential and rate of postmortem muscle pH decline, thus pale, soft, exudative muscle can result with a resulting shorter color life. The tendency for such effects can be partially overcome by accelerated chill of carcasses. Trouble shooting color problems involves application of knowledge about meat color and myoglobin chemistry and how it may be impacted by decisions and protocol along the entire live animal pre-harvest to post-harvest chain of events.

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