Color Stabilization of Malvidin 3-Glucoside: Self-Aggregation of the

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J. Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 3578-3585

Color Stabilization of Malvidin 3-Glucoside: Self-Aggregation of the Flavylium Cation and Copigmentation with the Z-Chalcone Form Chantal Houbiers,† Joa˜ o C. Lima,† Anto´ nio L. Mac¸ anita,*,†,‡,§ and Helena Santos*,†,⊥ Instituto de Tecnologia Quı´mica e Biolo´ gica, UniVersidade NoVa de Lisboa, Apt. 127, 2780 Oeiras, Portugal, and Instituto Superior Te´ cnico, AV. RoVisco Pais, 1096 Lisboa codex, Portugal ReceiVed: July 16, 1997; In Final Form: February 3, 1998


NMR spectroscopy was used to characterize the aggregation processes leading to color stabilization of the natural anthocyanin, malvidin 3-glucoside. The concentrations of the different forms in aqueous solution were determined as a function of pH for several values of the total anthocyanin concentration. The chemical shifts were measured as a function of total concentration and temperature, and the concentration dependence of the T1 values of relevant resonances were determined for different concentrations and pH values. The data are in agreement with a model that considers the occurrence of multimeric aggregates of flavylium cations at very acidic pH and copigmentation of flavylium cations with the Z-chalcone form at moderately acidic pH. The following equilibrium constants were determined: Kh ) 0.0016 M for the flavylium cation hydration, KT ) 0.26 for the hemiacetal/E-chalcone tautomerism, Ki ) 0.6 for the E-chalcone/Z-chalcone isomerization, K ) 3700 M-1 for the flavylium cation self-aggregation, and K′ ) 3080 M-1 for the flavylium cation/Z-chalcone copigmentation. The relevance of these results for color enhancement is discussed.

Introduction Malvidin 3-glucoside is a water-soluble natural pigment, belonging to the group of anthocyanins which play an important role in the coloring of fruits and flower petals. These compounds are potentially very interesting as natural colorant additives in foods, but this application requires improvement of their chemical and photochemical stability.1 Therefore, it is important to study anthocyanin stability in aqueous solution. The structural changes occurring in aqueous solutions in the pH range 2-5 have been investigated by Brouillard et al.2,3 In the particular case of malvidin 3-glucoside, the quinonoidal base (A), hemiacetal (B), and chalcone (C) forms were detected in addition to the flavylium cation (AH+).4,5 Interconversion between these structures takes place according to the scheme in Figure 1. Deprotonation of the flavylium cation leads to three quinonoidal basic forms, whereas hydration of the flavylium cation leads to two colorless hemiacetal forms, which can convert to a E-chalcone isomer (CE) upon opening of the pyrylium ring. This chalcone isomer is in slow (in the NMR time scale) exchange with the Z-chalcone isomer (CZ). At pH lower than 3, the colored flavylium cation is prevailing, while at increased pH values the colorless hemiacetal and chalcone forms appear, resulting in bleaching. Thus, at moderately acidic pH values the color is lost, unless a mechanism for color stabilization exists. Several mechanisms for color stabilization, involving formation of molecular complexes, have been proposed.6 Formation of complexes competes with the nucleophilic attack of water onto the colored form, thus restoring color. One way of stabilizing color is by self-association of the colored flavylium cations or anhydrobases, thereby preventing the nucleophilic attack of water. Self-association was suggested †

Universidade Nova de Lisboa. ‡ Instituto Superior Te ´ cnico. § E-mail: [email protected]. ⊥ E-mail: [email protected].

first by Asen et al.,7 based on the observation that the color intensity increased manyfold, upon increasing the concentration. Hoshino et al. demonstrated self-association of flavylium cations or quinonoidal bases by means of circular dichroism and by 1H NMR measurements.8-12 In the analysis of the NMR data, these authors took advantage of the observation that the chemical shifts of the aromatic protons move upfield with an increase in pigment concentration, to propose the existence of vertical stacking of the molecules caused by hydrophobic interaction between aromatic rings.10 These authors determined self-association constants11,12 based on the equation of Dimicoli and He´le`ne.13 Self-association of the anthocyanin petanin was also demonstrated from measurements of intermolecular nuclear Overhauser enhancement effects in 2D NOESY spectra.14,15 An alternative process leading to color stabilization is designated copigmentation in which the association between the colored form and a colorless molecule (copigment) prevents the otherwise more favorable process of hydration of the colored form.16,17 Copigmentation involving other polyphenols is now believed to be one of the most efficient processes allowing color stabilization in vivo. Finally, intramolecular copigmentation can also occur in anthocyanins such as those possessing cinnamic residues linked to glucosyl moieties (also called intramolecular sandwich-type stacking18). These molecules exhibit deep stable colors at neutral pH.19-21 In this study, NMR was used to characterize the aggregation processes leading to color stabilization of the natural anthocyanin, malvidin 3-glucoside. Experimental Section Sample Preparation. Malvidin 3-glucoside was purchased from Extrasynthese S.A. (France) and used without further purification. The compound was freeze-dried once from 2H2O and dissolved in 2HCl (approximately 0.1 M). Final pH was

S1089-5647(97)02320-1 CCC: $15.00 © 1998 American Chemical Society Published on Web 04/08/1998

Color Stabilization of Malvidin 3-Glucoside

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 18, 1998 3579

Figure 1. Structures and interconversion pathways between the various forms of malvidin 3-glucoside. In the structures Gl stands for the glucosyl moiety.

typically 0.7 and was changed by the addition of NaO2H. Samples were allowed to equilibrate for at least 6 h. Concentrations were determined using  ) 27 000 M-1 cm-1 for the extinction coefficient at 518 nm of the flavylium form after appropriate dilution ([AH+] < 1) at acidic pH ( 1 are not considered], the apparent constant, Kcop, is related to the real constant, K′ (also assumed to be the same for each of the n steps), as follows (see Appendix): K′

M + CZ {\} MCZ K′


M2 + CZ {\} M2CZ



M + M {\} M2 M + M2 {\} M3


Mn + CZ {\} MnCZ

l K

M + Mn-1 {\} Mn

1 K 1 ) - [M] Kcop K′ K′

where M stands for the flavylium cation, M2 for the dimer, and Mn for the aggregate constituted by n flavylium molecules. A simple relation between Kd and K can be derived (eq 20) and from a plot of 1/Kd vs C0 (see Appendix), 1/K is obtained from the y-axis intercept (Figure 10).

1 1 ) - [M] Kd K



And by the same argument it is possible to obtain K′ from the plot of 1/Kcop vs C0. The plots of 1/Kd and 1/Kcop as a function of C0, shown in Figure 10, are linear and give values of K ) 3700 and K′ ) 3030. The self-aggregation constant in the case of the formation of multi-aggregates can also be obtained from the DimicoliHe´le`ne methodology,13 using the following equation:

3584 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 18, 1998

() ( ) δ C0



K 2δσC2


(2δσC2 - δσ)

Houbiers et al.


where K is now the equilibrium constant for each step of aggregation, considered equal for all n steps, C0 is the total concentration of pigment, δσ is the difference between extrapolated chemical shift at infinite dilution and actual chemical shift at a given concentration, δσC2 is the difference between the chemical shift of the aggregates (obviously the mean value of the shifts of all aggregates weighted by the respective molar fractions) and the actual chemical shift. Under these conditions (multi-aggregation), K can be calculated from the plot shown in Figure 8 where the x-axis intercept is now 2δσC2 and the slope (K/2δσC2)1/2. A value of K ) 3600 ( 400 M-1 was obtained, in excellent agreement with that obtained from Figure 10. Concluding Remarks The experimental evidence clearly points to the existence of copigmentation processes between two of the existent malvidin 3-glucoside forms in aqueous solution: the flavylium cation and the Z-chalcone. From a global analysis of the data, including the initial concentration and the pH dependence of the molar fractions and the chemical shifts, it was possible to conclude that copigmentation and self-aggregation are multiaggregation processes. The different ability for aggregation of the two chalcone isomers is compatible with the more planar structure expected for the Z isomer when compared to the E isomer, the planar structure favoring closer packing with the flavylium cation. In addition to the previously reported self-aggregation of the flavylium cation, which leads to color stabilization at very acidic pH values, the process of copigmentation of the flavylium cation with the Z-chalcone, here described for the first time, opens a wide range of possibilities that result in color stabilization by natural chalcones at less acidic pH values. It is very likely that this process may have a relevant contribution to the well-known stability of the flavylium cation observed in the original systems, i.e., in plant cells and in wine.

Kapp ) i

Kapp h )

[B][H+] [AH+]app


[B][H+] [AH+] + 2[D] + [AHCZ+]



[CZ] + [AHCZ+]



substitution with eqs 11, 12, and 14 leads to:

) Ki + KiKcop[AH+] Kapp i


or , when [AH+] , R/β, to:

) Ki + Kapp i

KiKcop C0 R


and Ki is obtained from limC0f0 Kapp i . Kd as Function of C0. In the expression that describes the apparent dimerization constant (Kd ) [D]/[AH+]2), [D] stands for the distribution of all the oligomers in solution whose concentrations are now described as a function of the equilibrium constant, K:

3 n 3 [D] ) [M2] + [M3] + ... + [Mn] ) [M2] K + K2[M] + 2 2 2 n n-1 ... + K [M]n-2 (A7) 2



or simply,



[D] ) K[M]2



Ki-1[M]i-2 ∑ i)2 2


The apparent constant Kd can now be described as a function of the new definition derived for [D]:

Kd )

[D] [M]2





Ki-1[M]i-2 ∑ i)2 2



Since this series is the derivative of a power series one readily obtains, when K[M] < 1 and n f ∞:

Kd )

Appendix Kapp as Function of C0. The apparent hydrolysis constant h is defined as:


K2[M] K + 1 - K[M] 2(1 - K[M])2


Furthermore, the second term in the right side becomes negligible when K[M] < 2/3, and eq A10 reads:

1 1 ) - [M] Kd K



or, when [AH+] , R/β:

and its reciprocal can be expressed as a function of [AH+] using eqs 9, 10, 13, and 14 to yield:

1 1 C0 ) Kd K a

1 1 1 β ) + kd + [AH+] app K K 2 Kh h h

and limC0f0 1/Kd ) 1/K. Kcop as Function of C0. When [AHCZ+] is defined as the sum of concentrations of all the copigments of the oligomers:




[AH+] is equal to C0/R when [AH+] , R/β, (see eq 7) under which condition:

1 1 β 1 ) + kd + C0 app K RK 2 Kh h h


1/Kapp h


The limit of when C0 f 0 is equal to 1/Kh. as Function of C0. If Kapp is defined as Kapp i i



[AHCZ+] ) [MCZ] + [M2CZ] + ... + [MnCZ] ) K′[M] [CZ] + K′[M2][CZ] + ... + K′[Mn][CZ] (A13) one obtains:

Kcop )

[AHCZ+] [M][CZ]


) K′

(K[M])i ∑ i)0


Color Stabilization of Malvidin 3-Glucoside

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 18, 1998 3585

or, when K[M] < 1 and n f ∞:

Kcop )

K′ 1 - K[M]


Also, when [AH+] , R/β:

1 K 1 K 1 C ) - [M] ) Kcop K′ K′ K′ aK′ 0


and limC0f0 1/Kcop ) 1/K. The convergence condition of eqs A9 and A14 (K[M] < 1), as well as the condition K[M] < 2/3, are satisfied for all data points ((C0, pH) pairs) ([M]max ) 0.14 mM for C0 ) 0.42 mM and pH ) 1). The condition of direct proportionality between [AH+] and C0, ([AH+] , R/β) leading to eqs A3, A6, A12, and A16 is satisfied for all pH values when C0 ) 0.14 mM. When C0 ) 0.42 mM and C0 ) 0.68 mM, the condition is strictly satisfied only for pH values larger than 3 and 3.5, respectively. However, consideration of either all data or only those satisfying the linearity condition leads to the same intercept values. References and Notes (1) Brouillard, R. In Anthocyanins as Food Colors; Markakis, P., Ed.; Academic Press: New York, 1982; Chapter 9. (2) Brouillard, R. Phytochemistry 1981, 20, 143. (3) Brouillard, R.; Dubois, J.-E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1977, 99, 1359.

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