Colorimetric Determination of Iron with Various Dioximes - Analytical

Étude analytique de la nioxime(cyclohexedioedioxime) dosage polarographique du nickel. P.-E. Wenger , D. Monnier , W. Bachmann-chapuis. Analytica ...
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Colorimetric Determination of iron with Various Dioximes \14RGARET GRIFFING' WlTH 41. G. RIELLOK, Purdue University, Lafuyette, Znd. The application of several dioximes for the determination of iron has been studied. These include the new reagent diethylaminobutanedionedioxime, butanedionediouime, and 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime. The colors obtained fade rapidly unless stabilized by an excess of sodium dithionite which reduces iron in ammoniacal solution. The new- reagent may be stabilized with pyridine.


S HIS first paper on 1,2-dioximes, Tschugaeff (6) reported that ferrous iron reacts with these compounds in the presence of H mmonia, pyridine, or aliphatic amines to form soluble complexes \\hose colors vary from red to violet. Later Tschugaeff and ( )relkin ( 7 ) suggested that butanedionedioxime (dimethylrlyoxime) could be used for the colorimetric determination of iron. 'They reduced the iron with hvdrazine sulfate and developed the ~ ~ i l by o r heating before and after the addition of an excess of conImtrated ammonia. A standard had to be prepared simultaneously and compared immediately. Inasmuch as Diehl ( 2 ) pointed out the desirability of a critical Ytudy of this method with modern colorimetric technique, this work was undertaken. I t seemed of interest to compare dioxime reagents with others used for determining iron.

sulfate gave a less intense color than with hydroxylamine hydruchloride. Since similar results were obtained with butanedionedioxime in the present work, it seemed preferable to attempt to stabilize the more sensitive but fleeting colored system rathe. t,han to study the weaker but apparently more stable system COMPARISON OF DIOXIMES


Transmittancy measurements were made on a General Electric I ecording spectrophotometer set for a spectral band width of 10 mp. Absorption cells 1.000 cm. thick were used, and measurements of pH were made with a glass electrode assembly. A stock iron solution, containing 500 p.p.m., was prepared trom reagent grade iron wire by dissolution in 10 ml. of sulfuric acid (specific gravitv 1.84) and subsequent dilution to 1 liter. Solutions containing 100, 20, and 10 p.p.m. were prepared by dilution with water. Three reducing agents were used: a lOyoaqueous solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride ; a 10% aqueous solution of sodium ilithionite (sodium hydrosulfite or hvposulfite, Xa,S,O,) : and an ammoniacal dithionite solution consisting of 100 ml. of conq,entrated ammonia, 10 grams of sodium dithionite, and 50 ml. of water. Although the dithionite solutions were cloudy when first prepared, they cleared on standing a short time. However, their use while still cloudy gave clear solutions after reaction. The ammoniacal solution vias serviceable for several d a m ; but the other, because of rapid oxidation, had to be prepared every 2 hours. Reagent quality 15 A7 ammonia, pyridine (Eastman Kodak C'o.), and various primary amines, supplied by the Commercial Solvents Corporation, were used as bases. One per cent ethanolic solutions were prepared of butanetlionedioxime and diethylaminobutanedionedioxime. A 0 . 2 7 ethanolic solution of 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime(G. F. Smith ( 'hemical Go.) was used. Diethylaniinobutanedionedioxime is a new compound recently prepared by Bachman and Relton 11) A11 these reagent solutions were colored. Only the 1,2ilvclohexanedionedioxime shows anv measurable absorption in the concentration found after dilution and this is not significant. This compound is said to have been perfectly white when bottled. However, a t the time of use it was brown. The solutions containing the diverse ions ryere prepared from I he nitrates for the cations and from the alkali metal salts for the nnions. These solutionq contained 10 mg. of the divers? ion pel I d .


Two solutions were prepared containing a final iron concentration of 2 p.p.m. One was made exactly according to Tschugaeff's original procedure, with heating; the other was not heated. Only a very faint color developed in the first; a slightly deeper color appeared in the other one, but it soon faded to match the first. Previous ~ o r kin this laboratory ( 4 ) showed that, for a given (-olor-forming reagent, the reduction of iron with hydrazine 1 Present

address. Ethyl Corporatlon. DPtrolt, >rich

Before attempts to stabilize the iron-butanedionedioximc system were made, the reactions of the following compounds with ferrous iron were studied: diethylaminobutanedionedioxime diphenylethanedionedioxime,di(2-furyl)ethanedionedioxime,and 1,2-~yclohexanedionedioxime.A strongly colored complex wa' obtained with all four dioximes in the presence of excess ammonih and hydrolylamine hydrochloride. The latter compound ?aused to reduce the iron in an acidic solution before adding thc ammonia. The complexes with diphenylethanedionedioxime ana di(2-fury1)ethanedionedioxime faded so rapidly that readings were not taken. Under these conditions, none of these systems ib sufficiently stable to be used for colorimetric measurement nf iron. A method of stabilization was sought in the hope that it might make one or more of them suitable for the quantitative determination of iron STABILIZATIOh OF COLORED SYSTEM

hccording to Diehl (Z),the formulas of the ferrous-dioximt complexes correspond to the general formula Fe(DHt)nA*, in which DH2 represents a molecule of the dioxime and A a molerule of ammonia, p j ridine, or primary amine. The instability of tht colored system is attributed to the ease with which iron is oxidized to the ferric state bv the oxygen of the air in the presence oi ammonia. These two facts indicate two methods of stabilization the substitution of pjridine or a primary amine for ammonia; 0 1 the use of an excess of an agent whirh reduces iron in an am. moniacal solution(5).

Table I.

Effect of Varioiis Bases on Absorption 3Iaximil

Oxime Butanedionedioxime Diethylaminobu tanedionedioxinir 1,2-Cyclohexanedionedioxime Diphenylethanedionedioxime

n-Butyl. amine.






512 527

529 541 543

535 543 550 574

531 Cloudy


The folloi\ ing amines were studied: isobutvlarnine, ~ P C butylamine, n-butylamine, isoamylamine, and n-amylaniinr Pyridine was included. The entire series was used with butanrdionedioxime and diethylaminobutanedionedioxime. F-isuai comparison showed that only pyridine,. n-butylamine, and 71amylamine had a stabilizing effect. Spectrophotometric stud? revealed that the effect of the two amines was insufficient. hut pyridine appeared promising. The shift of the absorption maxima toward other mave lengths hich accompanied variations in the type and amount of hase mav be evidence of the inclri-ion ot the hase in the formula of t h e 1017

V O L U M E 19, NO. 1 2

1018 complex. These maxima are given for several dioximes with pyridine, ammonia, and n-butylamine in Table I. In order to determine the validity of the suggestion that the oxidation of the ferrous iron is responsible for the instability of these colored systems, a faded solution was acidified, reduced, and made ammoniacal again. Visual comparison revealed that the characteristic color returned. The follow~ingreducing reagents were tested by introducing small portions of the solids into the iron solution before the addition of diethylaminobutanedionediosimeand base: sodium sulfite, sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrite, sodium dithionite, hydrazine sulfate, hydrazine chloride, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, and ascorbic acid. The use of sodium sulfite, sodium nitrite, and sodium thiosulfate resulted in little color development. After a reaction period of 10 minutes, the sodium dithionite gave a stable and sensitive colored system. The colors developed with hydrazine sulfate, hydrazine chloride, and hydroxylamine hydrochloride were satisfactory if the reduction was carried out in an acidic solution. Ascorbic acid redxed the iron, even if added to the ammoniacal solution. Since very few compounds reduce iron in ammoniacal solution, it is possible that this reaction might be developed into a colorimetric method for ascorbic acid.


Figure 1. Effect of Iron Concentration w i t h Diethylaminobutanedivnedioxime

Sodium dithimite also stabilized the butanedionedioxime and

the 1,2-~yclohexanedionedioximesystems but did not improve the stability of the iron complexes of the other dioximes. A stable colored system is formed between ferrous iron and diethylaminobutanedionedioxime or butanedionedioxime in the presence of pyridine. However, a 40-minute reaction period is required. With sodium dithionitc as reducing agent, a stable system is formed in the presence of ammonia with diethylaminobutanedionedioxime, butanedionedioxime, or 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime. Since only a 10-minute reaction period is necessary in this case, the ammonia method is recommended. Sodium dithionite gives slightly greater sensitivity also. Tn order to determine the effect of the variables noted below

(except No. 6), a final volume of 50 ml. was chosen, with a concentration of 2 p.p.m. of iron. Each variable was changed systematicallv while holding the others constant. 1. Reducing Agents. Sodium dithionite was added as the solid, as a 10% aqueous solution, or as the ammonia-stabilized system. Use of the solid eliminated frequent preparation of a solution and increased hoth the rate of reaction and the stability. This is recommended if an iron-free product can be obtained. Attempts to eliminate the iron by Hill’s mcthod (3) were unsuccessful. A 10% aqueous solution was so instable that it had to be prepared hourly. In routine work the ammoniacal solution was used. A blank solution in the back beam of the spectrophotometer eliminated the effect of the contaminating iron. 2. Ammonia Concentration. For the diethylaminobutanedionedioxime complex the effects of the ammonia and of the sodium dithionite were studied separately. Variation from 0.5 to 2.0 ml. of ammonia shifts the wave length of the minimum and increases the color formed. Spectral transmi ttancy curveE for solutions containing 2 to 4 ml. of ammonia coincide. 3. Reductant Concentration. With diethylaminobutanedionedioxime 1.5 ml. of the ammoniacal reducing agent are necessary for complete color development; 2 ml. are necessary with butanedionedioxime. Addition of 6 ml. results in no greater color. With 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime, 6 ml. of ammoniacal reducing agent are required. Up to 8 ml. may be added. 4. Color-Former Concentration. For complete color development with 2 p.p.m. of iron, 0.5 ml. of 1% butanedionedioxime or diethylaminobutanedionedioximeis sufficient. One milliliter of the 0.2y0 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioximeis required A reasonable ewess of any of these reagents does not interfere. 5. Order of Addition of Reagents. The first study of this variable was made with the diethylaminobutanedionedioxime, using the 10% sodium dithionite solution and 15 N ammonia. The color developed is decreased slightly if the addition of the ammonia precedes the reductant. This result was attributed to a decreased rate of reaction. With the ammoniacal reducing reagent, the sequence of adding the reactants is not critical for either butanedionedioxime or its derivative; but with 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime complete color development was achieved only by following the order iron, reducing agent, and the colorforming reagent. 6. Iron Concentration. The colored system obtained with each of the dioximes studied obeys Beer’s law through the range of concentration investigated. Spectral transmittancy c u r v e for diethylaminobutanedionedioxime are shown in Figure 1 Those for butanedionedioxime and 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime are similar, with minima at 520 and 543 mp, respectively. With 1-cm. cells all three are applicable in concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 6.0 p.p.m. The sensitivity of butanedionedioxime is slightly less than that of the other two. 7. Stability of Colored System. Because of the time effects observed in preliminary work with these dioximes in studying other variables, a 10-minute period was allowed for the colorforming reaction before final dilution. With the procedure described below, this reaction period was then varied from 5 to 20 minutes. Readings of the transmittancy maxima, taken immediately after dilution, are the basis of the following recommendations: ( a ) a reaction period of 15 minutes is necessary for complete color development with any of the three reagents; if an accuracy within 2% is acceptable, this period may be decreased to 5 minutes; ( b ) transmittancy readings must be taken within 30 minutes after dilution for butanedionedioxime or diethylaminobutanedionedioxime, and within 15 minutes for 1,2-~yclohexanedionedioxime. 8. Diverse Ions. In order to determine the effect of various diverse ions, the following procedure was followed: Five milliliters of an iron solution, containing 20 p.p.m., were measured into a 50-ml. volumetric flask. To this were added 2.5


DECEMBER 1947 ml. of the diverse ion solution, containing 10 mg. of the ion per ml. After the addition of 3 ml. (6 ml. with 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime) of the ammoniacal sodium dithionite solution, the requisite quantity of one of the dioxime reagents was added. After 15 minutes had elapsed, the solution was diluted to final volume and the transmittancy readings were taken a t the respective absorptance maxima. Complete curves were recorded only if a change of hue mas noticed, or if a large and unexpected interference occurred. If interference equivalent to more than 2YQerror in the amount of iron present was observed, the quantity of interfering ion was decreased to find the amount which could be tolerated without exceeding 2% error. Typical spectral transmittancy curves for selected ions are shown in Figure 2 for diethylsminobutanedionedioxime.

IO rnp band w i d t h


W a v e l e n g t h , i n mu

Figure 2.

Effect of niverse Ions with Diethylaminobu tanedionedioxime

The effect of 68 ions on the formation of a colored system formed between iron and diethylaminobutanedionedioximewas atudied. The errors noted and the quantities permissible to hold the error within 2%, for those ions which exhibited significant interference, were determined. Five hundred parts per million of the following ions may be present with 2 p.p.m. of iron without causing significant error: tlmrnmium, lithium, potassium, sodium, arsenate, borate, bromide, chlorate, chloride, iodide, lactate, molybdate, nitrate, oxalate, perchlorate, pyrophosphate, salicylate, sulfate, sulfite, tartrate, thiocyanate, or thiosulfate. Because of the necessity for excess ammonia for the developm m t of the color, most of the common metals precipitate. Aluminum, beryllium, chromium (1111, cerium, gold, magnesium, manganese, thorium, uranyl, chlorostanriate, chlorostannite, permanganate, and selenate ions precipitate in the presence of the required concentration of ammonia. The insoluble sulfates of barium, calcium, lead, and strontium are formed. Sodium dithionite reduces the following ions to the metallic state under the conditions of color development: antimony, bismuth, mercury (I and II), and silver. As would be expected, copper and nickel form insoluble compounds with the reagent.

The separation of nickcl from most metals with butanedionedioxime, under similar pH conditions, is a standard laboratory and industrial analytical procedure. This is accomplished by the addition ot an excess of ammonium chloride and tartaric acid. The addition of 2 ml. of 10% aqueous solutions of each of these, in a final volume of 50 ml. containing 2 p.p.m. of iron did not interfere with color development. Five hundred parts per million of aluminum, manganese, or thorium remained in solution under these conditions. Although'the aluminum did not interfere, the solutions containing thorium or manganese failed to give complete color development. Beryllium, cerium, and chromium (111) precipitated. Uranyl, dichromate, and chloroplatinate ions interfered because of their own colors. A low concentration of cobalt forms a weak brown color by reaction with the reagent. The metal likewise reacts with the ammoniacal dithionite solution to give a much deeper color. Decreased color development was caused by acetate, arsenate, benzoat,e. carbonate, cyanide, formate, and iodate. This effect is attributed to the formation of an iron complex by these ions. The only intcrpretaticn of the interference of cadmium, rnanganese, thorium, and zinc is the formation of a colorless complex with the reagent. Addition of sodium metavanadate to the iron solution produced a yellow solution. Subsequent addition of the reductant and color-forming reagent changed only the shape of the transmittancy curve. A hue change was produced on adding sodium tungstak to an iron solution. I n this case, experiment showed that a blue hue resulted from reduction of some complex of iron and tungpten, in the absence of any dioxime. Complete diverse ion studies were not made for butanedioiiedioxime and 1,2-cyclohex~tnedionedioxime, but interferences caused by 20 selected ions are compared in Table I1 for all threr reagents. There is little basis for the recommendation of one of these dioximcs over the othcr. The sensit,ivity of 1,2-cyclohexanedionedioxime and of diethylaminobutanedionedioxime is slightly greater than that of butanedionedioxime. The first is slightly less stable. Diet Iiylaminobutanedionedioximeis the only one which is applicable tvhen stabilized with pyridine. These reagents compare favorably in sensitivity with such well-known reagents as ],IO-phenanthroline and 2,2'-bipyridine. Their iron complexes, however, are inferior in stability, and such drastic conditions are required for color development that all the common cations except the alkali metals and ammonium interfere, either because of precipitation or reaction. However, the reagents can be obtained easily and should have

Table 11. Comparison of Effect of Diverse Ions on Variou* Dioximes

Diverse lona co++ Cut+ Cd++




AsO3-C2H3oz C7H502B~OI--


CsHoOiCr+++ CraOi-









P.P.M. 5 5

200 10 200 500 200



600 20 10 500 50 50 100

P e r C e n t Error DiethylarninoButanedione- butsnedione- 1,2-Cyclohexdioxiiue dioxime anedionedioximc -15 + 5 -12.6

-4 - 1 -34 - 5

- 0.5 - 2

- 5.5

+-12 0 . 5 +- 08.5 .5


- 2 - 2 -2 - 5.5 0 -5 -2 - 4 5 -62 -6 -4


- 4


- 1

4 ' -10.5 0



- 1

- 4.5 - 0.5

Precipitation occura arith 20 p.p.rn. Cu".



-4 0 -44 - 1 0 0 - 1 0


- 0.6 - 3.4 0 - 0.5 - 0.5 - 5.6 -15


V O L U M E 19, NO. 1 2

some specific applications for t,he determination of iron in solutions of high pH. RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE

Sample. Procure a representative portion of the material and dubject it to the necessary preparative treatment. By weight or volume, measure the quantity of sample which contains not more than 6 mg. of iron. Dissolve the sample, if necessary, by appropriate means. Remove those subgtances which precipitate at pH’s greater than 9.5 and check the interference of other ions present. Dilute to 100 ml. Desired Constituent. To a 50-ml. volumetric flask containing a 5-ml. aliquot of the sample, add 3 ml. of the reducing agent (the reducing agent is prepared by dissolving 10 grams of sodium dithionite in 100 ml. of concentrated ammonia and 50 ml. of water. Use of 0.1 to 0.4 grams of the solid sodium dithionitr and the subsequent addition of 2 ml. ammonia is more desirable, if an iron-free salt is available) and 0.5 ml. of 1% butanedionedioxime or diethylaminobutanedionedioxime. (Two milliliter* of a 0.27, ethanolic solution of 1,2-cvclohexanedionedioyime may be substituted if 6 ml. of the ammoniacal dithio-

nite are used, and if transnijttancy readings are taken a t 543 mp.) Bllow this t o stand for 15 minutes, dilute to volume, and take the transmittancy reading a t 529 mp for the former and 541 mp for the latter reagent. A 30 mp spectral band, with these wave lengths at the center, may be used. 4 method of visual comparison may be used, since these systems obey Beer’s law. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Bachruan, G . B., and Welt.on, D., private co~nm~uiication. (2) Diehl, H. C., “Applications of the Dioximes to Analytical

Chemistry,” Columbus, Ohio, G. Frederick Smith Chemical


c o . . 1940.

( 3 ) Hill, R., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London),B107,205 (1930). (4) Mosu, 51. L., Ph.D. thesis, Purdue University, 1942. (5) Prill, E. A , , and Hammar. B. W , , Iowa State Coll. J . Sci.. 12, 387 (1937). ( 6 ) Tsrhugaeff. L., 2 . anorg. Chem., 46, 144 (1905). (7) Tschugaeff, L., and Orelkin, I b i d . , 89, 40 ( 1 9 1 4 ) .


4, 1946. Abstracted from a thesis presented by Margaret Griffing to the Graduate School of Purdue University in partial fulfillment of t h e reqwrements for the degree of doctor of philosophy, June 1944.

Spectrophotometric Evaluation of the Color of Ink Marks on Paper C. F. B4ILEY



IT..4. Sheaffer Pen Co., Fort Madison, Iowu 4 bpectrophotonietric procedure has been developed for e,aluating the color of marks made on white paper by se\eral types of ink. Data are presented on the colors resulting when inks of a wide range of color are applied to a definite kind of paper in specified concentrations. Specifications may be given in terms of tristimulus values, trichromatic coefficients for the graphical plotting of rhromaticity, and dominant wale length, liiminanc*e,and purity.


LTHOUGH man has used writing ink for centuries, he has

made few attempts to evaluate, in other than vague and clualitative terms, the appearance whirh the ink leaves on paper. hscriptive terms such as “blue black,” ‘‘jet black,” “red,” and rhr: like have long been in common usage; while capable of convvying a general impression, they furnish no exact information. One of the few proposals for putting the description of ink (.tIlors on a rational basis 1ya.s made more than forty $ears ago 1 ) ) . Lovibond ( 8 ) ,who expressed the need of “workers id colour fori . . , . , . . a system of measuring and recording the colour ,ILangcs as they occur.” Lovibond exposed samples of various materials, including miting ink marks on paper, to several condi.ions, including nort,h daylight, south daylight, and north daylight in a damp. atmosphere. His system of measurement employed transparent colored glass standards. I n more recent years, colorimetry based on spect’rophotometry has provided a quantitative means of color evaluation in which 1 he color description, definition, or specification is stated in t.erms ‘ i f fundamental units. An especially lucid and valuable exposition has bcen given by Hardy (6). The spectrophotometric method has been utilized to supply a $boalth of informat,ion on a wide variet,y of colored materials, including dyes ( 2 , 3, 7 , 10, 11, 12) and printing inks (5, 61,but does not, appear to have found prwious application in the field of tvrit,inginks. In the present work, a number of inks chosen to represent tiiffwent ink types were applied t o white paper in cancentrations t,,ypicd of handwriting. The spectrophot,omet’errequires a sam-

ple about 3.75 to 5 cm. (1.5 to 2 inches) in diameter. I n order to prepare such samples, it was necessary first to determine the volume of ink to be put on a given area of paper. Spectral reflectance curves r e r e prepared and the resulting data were used to calculate the tristimulus values ( X , Y , Z), the trichromatic coefficients (z,y), and the factors, dominmt wave length, luminance, and purity. These factors correspond closely to the psychological attributes of hue, value, and chroma, respectively, as used, for example, in the Nunsell (9) system of color notation. This procedure gave precise definition to the colors resulting from the application to paper of a considerable variety of inks The results of this survey are presented in Table I. EXPERIMEhTAL

Paper. Hammcrmill Ledger paper weighing 30.5 pounds (14 kg.) per 500-sheet ream, 17 X 28 inches (42.5 X 70 cm.), substance 24, was used throughout. Ink Samples. Commercial inks were purchased on the open market and taken randomly from the shipping stocks of the authors’ employer. Experimental inks were prepared in the laboratory. Ink Concentration of Handwriting. The amount of ink laid 1 between down on the paper during ordinary writing ~ 1 vary pens and also between individuals. I n a sense, then, there is no such thing as “normal” writing. Xevertheless, experiment showed that 0.001 ml. of ink per sq. cm. of paper surface represents a value well within the normal range; the ink concentration sometimes falls below this value and occasionally may be more than 0.002 ml. of ink per sq. cm. To determine these values, straight lines were drawn. Their lengths were measured macroscopicallv and their average widths microscopically. These