Colorimetric Determination of Molybdenum in Tungsten-Bearing Steels

LEWIS J. WRANGELL, EDWARD C. BERNAM, DONALD F. KUEMMEL1, and ORIGEN PERKINS. Research Laboratories, Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., ...
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Colorimetric Determination of Molybdenum in Tungsten-Bearing Steels LEWIS J. WRANGELL, EDWARD C. BERNAM, DONALD F. KUEMMEL', and ORIGEN PERKINS Wis.

Research Laboratories, Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee 1,

This study was undertaken because of the need for a rapid and simple method for the determination of molybdenum in excess of 0.24% in a wide variety of tungsten-bearing steels. Provisions have been made for the retention of tungsten in solution, the elimination of interfering light absorption caused by the yellow thiocyanate complex of reduced tungsten, and the use of a minimized correction factor for chromium to eliminate the need for the volatilization of chromium. Butyl Cellosolve is used to stabilize the orange-colored thiocyanate complex of quinquevalent molybdenum. Results are shown for tungsten-bearing standards and mixtures of standards which contain maxima of approximately 9% molybdenum, 18% tungsten, 19% chromium, and 5% cobalt. Included are results for a number of compositions which simulate various trade steels. The standard deviation of a single determination is 0.0149. The analysis time is approximately 1 hour per single sample.

solve for the stabilization of the orange-colored molybdenumthiocyanate complex. I n spite of the desirable aspects of the Cellosolve method, direct application cannot be made to many tungsten-bearing steels. The tungsten interferes as in the butyl acetate methodby occlusion of molybdenum, and by interfering light absorption. Although the Cellosolve method of Kapron and Hehman (6) provides for the presence of tungsten, the method is not entirely satisfactory, because it requires considerable manipulation, and the reported upper limit for acceptable accuracy is only 0.24% molybdenum. Inasmuch as a rapid and satisfactorv method for the determination of molybdenum in excess of 0.24% in tungsten-bearing steels has not been found in the literature, it v-as proposed that butyl Cellosolve be incorporated into a colorimetric method based upon the thiocyanate complex of molybdenum. Modifications of current techniques included provision for the retention of tungsten in solution, the elimination of interfering light absorption caused by the yellow thiocyanate complex of tungsten, and the substitution of a correction factor for chromium to avoid the previously necessary volatilization of chromium.


ACH of the methods recently used by the Allis-Chalmers Research Laboratories for the routine determination of molybdenum in tungsten-bearing steels has certain disadvantages. The butyl acetate method, a n-idely used colorimetric method, depends upon the development of an orange-colored thiocyanate complex of quinquevalent molybdenum and the stabilization of this complex by extraction into a water-immiscible layer of butyl acetate (9). As the concentration of tungsten approaches 1%, tungsten interferes in two ways: Molybdenum is occluded in any tungstic oxide that may separate in the presence of perchloric acid (9), and tungsten remaining in solution causes interfering light absorption with the 410 mp filter used in the filter photometer (Photelometer). Even if tungsten could be held in solution and its interfering light absorption overcome by the use of a filter of a different wave length, the method is still subject to undesirable anomalous color effects as reported by Hurd and Allen ( 4 ) . In addition, the butyl acetate must be saturated with reagents ( 5 , 7 ) and filtered immediately before use. This is a time-consuming operation. The extraction is also time-consuming, and it is difficult to prevent the formation on the absorption cells of a deposit which interferes rrith light transmittance. The method most recently used by this laboratory for the routine determination of molybdenum in tungsten-bearing steels requires a lengthy hydrogen sulfide separation of the molybdenum prior to color development with hydrogen peroxide in concentrated sulfuric acid. The method does not permit the accurate determination of the small amounts of molybdenum present in some types of tungsten-bearing steel. Other methods used are the polarographic, titrimetric, and gravimetric. illthough these are good alternative methods, they are too lengthy for routine analysis. The Cellosolve method in current use for nontungsten-bearing steels, an adaptation of the work of Kapron and Hehman ( 6 ) , is rapid and convenient, largely because the butyl acetate extraction is eliminated by the use of %rater-misciblebutyl Cello1 Present address, Chemistry Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.


Transmittance measurements were made with a CencoSheard-Sanford Photelometer, Type A, 1-cm. cell. This filter photometer was used because of its simplicity of operation. All measurements were made in optically matched Cenco fused absorption cells, each of which had a capacity of 8 ml. and a light path of 1 cm. A green glass light filter with a central transmittance maxima of 525 mp was used. It was not necessary to remove the fixed diaphragm of the Photelometer. REAGENTS AND SOLUTIONS

Unless otherwise stated, all reagents are C.P. grade or meet ACS specifications. Distilled water is used exclusively. DISSOLVING MIX. Add 100 ml. of nitric acid and 100 ml. of hydrochloric acid to 300 ml. of water. SULFURIC-PHOSPHORIC MIX (1 to 1). Mix equal volumes of sulfuric and phdsphoric acids. IRON SOLUTIOX.Dissolve 25 grams of ferrous sulfate (FeSOp 7H20) in 200 ml. of water containing 5 ml. of sulfuric acid. Oxidize by adding 8 ml. of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Heat the sohtion to expel free oxygen. Cool, and dilute to 500 ml. (1 ml. of this solution is equivalent to 0.01 gram of iron). SULFURIC ACID (1 t o I). Mix equal volumes of sulfuric acid and water. BUTYL CELLOSOLVE.Technical grade of ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether. POTASSIUM THIOCYISITE.Dissolve 25 grams of potassium thiocyanate (KSCS) in 300 ml. of water. Dilute to 500 ml. Filter through a Whatman No. 31 filter paper and add a few drops of chloroform to the final solution. STASNOUS CHLORIDE.Dissolve 175 grams of stannous chloride (SnClz 2H20) in 125 ml. of concentrated hydrochloric acid a t 40" to 50" C. Cool, and add 125 ml. of water. Dilute to 500 ml. with 1 to 1 hydrochloric acid. Add 1 to 3 grams of metallic tin to the solution. EXPERIMENTAL

Removal or Solution of Tungsten. Four methods of eliminating tungsten residue interference were investigated by modification of the Cellosolve procedure used for nontungsten-bearing steels.


V O L U M E 27, NO. 1 2 , D E C E M B E R 1 9 5 5 I t is generally accepted that tungstic oxide residues occlude molybdenum ( 3 , 7 ) ,but in the absence of data showing the loss of molybdenum for various tungsten to molybdenum ratios, the insoluble residue remaining after the sample had been taken into solution was removed by filtration after the color development. A loss of molybdenum was apparent from low results obtained m-hen approximately 1% of each of tungsten and molybdenum was present in steel samples. The use of citric acid and sodium hydroxide for keeping tungsten in solution has been reported (1) in connection with extraction techniques. The combination of citric acid and sodium hydroside proved to be satisfactory when used in the Cellosolve method, and the color was successfully developed. However, this technique %as not considered to be adequately rapid. The incorporation of phosphoric acid into the dissolving mix prevented the formation of insoluble residues in the early stages of sample processing. However, a heavy precipitate, observed also by Kapron and Hehman (6),formed soon after the color was developed and adversely affected the transmittance readings.

n t 400

450 500 WAVE LENGTH, m g

Figure 1.

1967 readings taken a t various wave-length intervals, indicated that to avoid tungsten interference, readings would have to be taken a t a wavelength setting of no less than 500 mp. Inasmuch as Kapron and Hehman made no reference to absorption effects a t wave lengths less than 500 mp, it is possible that the 470 mp filter used in their work had transmittance characteristics different from those provided by the Coleman spectrophotometer a t 470 mp. Selection of Light Filter. Of the light filters available for use with the Photelometer, the blue filter (410 mp) is more sensitive to the molybdenum complex than is the green filter (525 mp). Hoxever, the spectral curve for tungsten (Figure 1) shows that tungsten causes interfering light absorption at a wave-length setting of 410 mp, but not a t 525 mp. The assumption that tungsten interference would be prevented by the use of the green filter was verified by actual test. Consequently, even though the green filter is less sensitive to the molybdenum-thiocyanate complex than is the blue filter, it must be used to avoid tungsten interference. Stability of Molybdenum-Thiocyanate Complex. The color of the molybdenum-thiocyanate complex has been reported (6) to be stable for a t least 24 hours. Hen-ever, since there was no necessity of maintaining stability over this period of time, stability was verified over only a 1-hour period, which provides ample time for routine manipulations. Effect of Diverse Ions. Each of several diverse metal ions likely to be encountered-chromium, cobalt, manganese, nickel, vanadium-were added, as solutions, to molybdenum-free steel standards in an amount well in excess of that ordinarily present in the steels under consideration. The proposed procedure was applied in each case. Table I shows the extent of light absorption for each of the ions.


Spectral curve for tungsten

A mixture of nitric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids was then tried in the absence of perchloric acid, and not only provided a clear initial solution, but also prevented subsequent turbidity, and established conditions of acidity which permitted the formation of a green chromium compound which was used as the basis for a correction for chromium. Light Absorption Caused by Tungsten. Erroneous results in the colorimetric determination of molybdenum may result from the interfering light absorption caused by the yellow thiocyanate complex of reduced tungsten when stannous chloride is added. This absorption is sufficiently pronounced under certain conditions to serve as a basis for the colorimetric determination of tungsten in steel (8). The extent to which the yellow complex provides interfering absorption depends upon both acid concentration and the choice of light filters or wave-length setting. According to Hillebrand, Lundell, Bright, and Hoffman (a), the absorbance maximum of the molybdenum-thiocyanate complex occurs at approximately 470 mp (frequently used for molybdenum), but in order to avoid tungsten interference, transmittance readings should be taken at 540 mp, On the other hand, Kapron and Hehman (6) take transmittance readings in the presence of tungsten a t 470 mp (Corning filter No. 430). In order to resolve this discrepancy, the proposed procedure was applied to a molybdenum-free steel standard to which the equivalent of 6% tungsten was added. With a tungsten-free blank in the reference cell, transmittance readings were taken on a Coleman Model 11 spectrophotometer a t intervals from 410 to 540 mp. Two major observations vere made. First, a t 470 mp a gradual intensification of the tungsten complex was observed. Second, the spectral curve (Figure l ) , prepared from transmittance

Table I. Diverse Ions Chromium Cobalt Alanganese Kickel Vanadium

Effect of Diverse Ions Added,


20 20 10 20 3

Absorption of Transmitted Light, % 6 3 None None None

Of the two interfering ions, cobalt is the least significant, because it absorbs a relatively small amount of transmitted light. Cobalt, 20%, in the sample absorbs approximately 3% of the transmitted light. In the presence of 10% cobalt, a 1% molybdenum value tends to be high by approximately 0.01%. When the 5 % cobalt level is reached, as in the alloy Uniloy 1420, the interference from cobalt becomes negligible. Because steels containing cobalt in excess of 6% are encountered infrequently, no attempt has been made to establish a correction procedure for cobalt. Chromium interferes sufficiently so that provision must be made to correct for its presence. Kapron and Hehman (6) stress the necessity of volatilization of chromium as chromyl chloride from stainless steels. However, it was found during this investigation that volatilization could be omitted and the interference from chromium could be compensated by the use of a correction curve. Because the slope of the correction curve is small, slight inaccuracies in the chromium result have little effect on the accuracy of the molybdenum determination. Inasmuch as an analysis is usually made for chromium in those tungstenbearing samples in which molybdenum is to be determined, the correction factor can be applied readily. The simplified technique for solution and fuming of the sample eliminates sufficient steps in the procedure to more than compensate for the extra calculation involved in the application of the correction factor,



Correction for Chromium. Although perchloric acid is not used in the procedure for molybdenum, it was used in poi tions of the experimental work. It was used with nitric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids in the solution and oxidation steps originally applied to chromium-bearing samples. As the samples were being processed, it was observed that under certain conditions of perchloric acidity, orange, intermediate, and green colors n-ere formed in the small volumes remaining after the required fuming of each sample.

tion and Sational Bureau of Standards potassium dichromate 136 were added. The observed transmittance readings were corrected as shown under Analytical Procedure and were read on a tentative calibration curve. Encouraging results shown in Table I1 prompted the testing of the method on molybdenum and tungsten-bearing standard steels.

Table 11. Application of C h r o m i u m Correction to Synthetic Samples

To determine the light-absorbing effect of these variously oxidized solutions, three sets of samples containing from 0 to 20% chromium and 0.001% molybdenum n-ere processed as follows: The first set was fumed for only 3 or 4 minutes after perchloric acid oxidation had developed the orange color of chromium; the second set was fumed to an estimated 5-ml. volume, and the intermediate colors which formed just prior to the expulsion of the last of the perchloric acid, tended toward the green rather than to the orange; the third set was fumed until the green color of reduced chromium appeared upon the expulsion of the perchloric acid. (The green color rrhich appeared upon the complete expulsion of perchloric acid is presumed to have been caused by the sulfuric-phosphoric acid reduction of hexavalent chromium to chromic metaphosphate.) Each of the three sets was then carried through the remainder of the proposed procedure and the log per cent transmittance readings obtained against water were plotted against the corresponding chromium values (Figure 2).

0.0 0.0

5.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 15.0 l5,O 15.0 l5,O l5,O 15.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 a


c701 00

I 20

Figure 2.
















Stages of chromium oxidation and reduction

Straight-line curves were obtained for the orange and the green solutions. However, the dopes were markedly different; the green solutions caused less light absorption than did the orange solutions. The intermediate colors of the partially reduced chromium produced readings which fell between the straight-line curves, but which were generally closer to the curve for the green solutions. Inasmuch as absorption interference caused by the green color of reduced chromium is less than that caused by the orange color of oxidized chromium, the procedure which produced the green-colored solution was selected for use. Because the formation of the green chromium compound was found to be independent of perchloric oxidation of chromium, and because a mixture of nitric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, and sulfuric acids obviated the necessity of using perchloric acid in sample dissolution, the procedure was modified to omit the use of perchloric acid. The chromium correction curve adopted for use in the procedure was prepared from mixtures of Sational Bureau of Standards potassium dichromate 136 and Sational Bureau of Standards steel 16c analyzed by the proposed procedure. In order to make the curve equivalent to the net interference effect of chromium, transmittance readings Rere taken against a blank sample, instead of water. (The blank &-asprepared by application of the proposed procedure to Sational Bureau of Standards 16c in the absence of chromium.) The curve plotted from the data is similar to the curve for the green solution in Figure 2, with the exception that it originates at 100% transmittance for 0.0% chromium. The chromium correction curve was tested by applying the proposed procedure to Sational Bureau of Standards sample 16c to which various combinations of a standard molybdenum solu-

0.5 8.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 1.7 3.1 3.1 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4,6


4.6 5.9 5.9

5.9 5.9

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

1 00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 25 0.50 1.00 1.25

1 .00 1 .oo 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.00 0.51 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.01 1.01 1 00 0.24 0.50 1.01 1.25

iidded as standard solution.

Calibration Curve for Molybdenum. The tentative Calibration curve referred to above was prepared by applying the proposed procedure to National Bureau of Standards steel 1Gc (0.001% molybdenum and no tungsten) to which were added varying amounts of a standard molybdenum solution. Excellent recoveries of molybdenum were obtained for various combinations of tungsten, molybdenum, and chromium added to Sational Bureau of Standards 16c, provided that the known amount of molybdenum was added as a standard molybdenum solution. However, when National Bureau of Standards molybdenumbearing standard steels were tested, good results were obtained below 0.90%, but slightly high results were consistently obtained in the 0.90 to 1.40% range, the upper portion of the curve. To overcome this difficulty, a new calibration curve was prepared by applying the procedure to standard samples and mixtures of standards containing increments of molybdenum in combination with various percentages of other alloying elements, particularly those of chromium and tungsten. Because chromium appeared to be the only element which contributed interfering absorption in the standards used, and because chromium was present in the samples used for calibration, the oherved transmittance readings were corrected for chromium br the following method. The per cent transmittance equivalent to the per cent of chromium in each sample vias obtained from the chromium correction curve and was substituted into the following equation: Observed % tranemittance X 100 yotransmittance equivalent to chromium corrected % transmittance for molybdenum Each log per cent transmittance similarly obtained was then plotted against the corresponding per cent of molybdenum. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE

This method is based upon a basic sample weight of 0.10 gram. When any necessary deviations are made as indicated in the following table, the per cent molybdenum corresponding to the


V O L U M E 27, NO. 1 2 , D E C E M B E R 1 9 5 5 transniittance readings must be multiplied by a factor to make proper alloir-ance for sample size. iVolybdenum Exyted, L

0.00t o 1.40 1.40to 2.80

2.S0t o 14.00

Sample Size, Gram

0.10 0.05 plus 0.05 of molybdenu m-free steel 0.10(take a 0.1aliquot as described in procedureJ

Factor 1 2


(The maximum molybdenum value tested was 8.68%, because it is unlikely that higher values will be encountered. The 14.00% value is used in the table in order t o maintain proportionality.) \i7eigh the sample into a 150-ml. beaker. Add 5 ml. of dissolving mix. Heat to start dissolving action. If necessary, add ,a fevi milliliters of additional hydrochloric acid. ( I t is not necessnry to add hydrofluoric acid to keep silicon in solution; the subsequently added phosphoric. acid fulfills this function.) When dissolving action ceases, add 5 ml. of sulfuric-phosphoric mix ( I to 1). and heat on an asbestos pad until the sample boils down to a quiescent or sirup>-condition which is accompanied by the appearance of light white fumes of sulfur trioxide, and, if a minimum of lyochromium is present, is further characterized by the green color of trivalent chromium. Continue fuming for an additional 3 minutes to ensure complete conversion of chromium to the green compound. Cool. If molybdenum is expected to be less than 2.80%',, wash the sample into a 100-ml. volumetric flask with about 50 ml. of water and proceed with color development as outlined below. If molybdenum is expected to exceed 2.80%, wash the sample into a 100ml. voluniet,ric flask, dilut,e t o the mark with water, and mix thoroughly. Pipet a 10-ml. aliquot into another 100-ml. volumetric flask. .Idd 9 ml. of iron solution and 4 ml. of sulfuric-phosphoric mix (1 to 1')t,o approach proper conditions for color development. Dilut,e to approximately 50 ml. In either of the above two cases, add 15 ml. of sulfuric acid (1 to 1) and cool to room temperature. Develop the color by adding t o the 100-ml. volumetric flask, in the order ehown and with mixing after each addition, 15 ml. of butyl Cellosolve, 5 ml. of potassium thiocyanate solution, 5 ml. of stannous chloride solution! and water to dilute t,o exactly 100 ml. Both the Cellosolve and the thiocyanate may be added consecutively to an entire group of samples. However, stannous chloride must be added to only one sample at a time, and the sample must be immediately diluted to the mark with and mixed thoroughly. A%llo~~15 minutes for full color development. Transfer a portion of the colored solution to a 1-em. absorption cell, and with the green filter in place in the Photelometer, read the per cent transmittance. The observed per cent transmittance be corrected for the amount of chromium present in the sample. To do this, determine from the chromium correction curve the per cent transmittance equivalent to the per cent of chromium in the sample. (Because the correction curve is based upon a 0.10-gram sample, the use of a smaller sample necessitates the determination of the correction on the basis of the proportionately decreased amount of chromium.) Substitute values into t,he folloring equation: 'L


Observed % t'ransmittance X 100 % t,ransmittance equivalent to chromium corrected % transmittance for molybdenum Using the calibration curve, convert the corrected per cent transmittance to ,per cent of molybdenum, making proper allowance for sample size. DISCUSSION

Application of the Procedure. The proposed procedure has been applied to both tungsten-bearing and nontungsten-bearing standard samples and mivtures of standards issued by the Yational Bureau of Standards and by the Bureau of Analyzed Samples, Ltd. (British). Khere necessary, standard solutions of tungsten and/or chromium were added to the standards in order t o simulate several types of tungsten-bearing steels not represented by standard samples (Table III), and, also, t o test the versatility of the method in its application to samples with compositions different from those listed in Table 111. Typical results are shown in Tables I V and V. Each result represents n single determination.

Significant Components of Various TungstenBearing Steels

Table 111.

Type of Steel Neor die steel) AIS1 &ype 420 modifiedstainless steel Die steel, low carbon, Cr-Si-W-hIo Buster (shock-resistant tool steel, 2'/2% IT) Uniloy 1420 High speed tool steel, W-110-v High speed tool steel,


Composition, % Chromium Molybdenum Cobalt 11 .OO-13. O O 1.00max. 0.60max

Tungsten 1,OOmax.

0.90- 1.20 12.00-14.000.90-1.20


1.20- 1.70


4.75-5.25 1.30-1.80

2.00- 3.00 1.10-1.75 0.60max. 2.50- 3.50 11.50-13.OO 0.15max.


6.00-6.75 3.90-4.40 4.75-5.25

... . ..

Vinco (high speed tool steel, 18-4-1) 17.50-18.50 3.75-4.25 1 .OO max. Rex .\.\A (high speed tool steel, Co) 17.50-18.60 3.75- 4.25 1.00 max.

Table I\'.


5.75- 6.50 3.75- 4.25 5.00-6.25


Analysis of Simulated Tungsten-Bearing Steels Taken, % Molybdenum, 5%

Type of Steel Tungsten Neor (KBS 16c f X B S 36 40.5% Goa) 1 00 Modified Type 420stainless steel NBS 16c T British 254 1.00 1.00 NBS 36a 1.00 NBS 36 A-C EAWX 1.04 A-C E.I\TX 1.04 Die steel, low C-Cr-Si-K-lZo (NBS 16c f 153) 1.31 Buster 3.00 NBS 72d 2.50 NBS 30d 2.00 h-BS 159 Uniloy 1420 NBS 155 5.0% Coa 2.52 3.09 NBS 73a 5.0% Con 5.0% Coa 3.00 NBS 156 High speed tool steel, W-310-V 6.27 (KBS 16c 134) High speed tool steel, W-110 (KBS 16c f 132) 6.40 Vinco (KBS 5Ob) 18.05 Rex AAA (NBS 50b f 5.05

+ ++ +








0 51

18 48

1.16 0.92 1.01 0.94b O.94b

1.17 0.90 1.00 0.94 0.94


1 68


1.03 1.15 1.00

0.21 0.53 0.41

0.21 0.53 0.42

12.49 14.09 12.43

0.04 0.07 0.14

0.04 0.06 0.14




4.38 4.08

4.95 0.40

4.92C 0.40




12.41 12.31 13.40 13.40

Added a s standard solution. b Av. of gravimetric and titrimetric results. Multiplication factor of 10 applied.


Table V.

Analysis of Standard Samples and Mixtures Based on Standards

Sample Identity NBS 12f NBS lOlc NBS 123a KBS 123b NBS 139 British Std. 257 16c NBS 50h NBS 159 British Std. 258 NBS 135 NBS 16c 4- A-C 19-9DL N B S 16c 36a British 254 NBS 16c



NBS 134 f 155 British Std. 253 (0.49% Cu) NBS 36 NBS 132 16c NBS 36a A-C 19-9D L NBS 16c 4- 160 A-C 19-9D L (Ch 0.40,T i 0.31) British Std. 254


NBS 36a K B S 50b N B S 160

++ 160 160 f

Taken, % Molybdenum, % Tungsten Chromium' Taken Found

0.00 0.00 0.11 0.18 0.00 3.00 16.25 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.86 0.00

1.00 0.00 0.65 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.94 1.14 0.00 1.43 3.00 0.00

0.00 7.22 0.00 0.00 6 29 NBS 132 6.29 1.82 NBS 134 1.82 a Multiplication factor of 10 applied.


0.07 18.21 -18.00 -18.00 0.55 1.72 3.68 1.00 3.07 5.15 11.48 1.94 0.32 0.32 0.81 0.35 0.35 2.31 0.62 15.78 7.68 19.13 0.54 0.54 5.75 9.28 19.12 19.12 4.11 4.11 3.73 3.73

0.01 0.10 0.12 0.17 0.18

0.32 0.36 0.41 0.42 0.58 0.74 0.74 0.77 0.77 0.90 0.94 0.94 1.01 1.06 1.18 1.18 1.24 1.29 1.29 1.33 1.34 2.95 2.95 7.07 7.07 8.68 8.68

0.01 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.18 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.43 0.58 0.74 0.73 0.79 0.79 0.91 0.95 0.96 1.00 1.06 1.19 1.17 1.22 1.29 1.29 1.30 1.36 2.90' 2.92a 6.98' 6.98O 8.5Ra




Results. The results obtained over the entire range of molybdenum tested are in good agreement with the values sought, not only for the simulated tungsten-bearing steels, but also for the other combinations. The presence or absence of tungsten apparently does not influence the results. Cobalt up to 5y0 is also without effect. Corrections made for chromium appear to be satisfactory. The largest correction for chromium amounted to 6% of the observed per cent transmittance. One of the samples included in Table V, A-C 19-9 DL, is not a certified standard sample, but it bears a molybdenum value which is the average of results obtained by the Research Laboratories and cooperating laboratories. The proposed method gave good results against the accepted value whenever this sample was used. Statistical Analysis. A statistical analysis was made of 55 results for 46 different samples, not including those which required a multiplication factor of 10. The analysis of these results, made as outlined by Youden ( l o ) , showed the method to be free of both constant and relative errors. The standard deviation of a single determination of molybdenum is 0.0149. Therefore, 95% of the values determined in the range of 0.01 to 1.34% will be within ~k0.03%from the true value. Aliquot Samples. Samples 132, 134, and 160 in Table V required a multiplication factor of 10, because a one-tenth aliquot of the original sample was taken. Slightly low results were obtained. However, they were comparable to the lowest values reported on the certificates for each of the samples. The results obtained for Kational Bureau of Standards standards 132, 134, and 160 were 6.98, 8.59, and 2.90%, respectively. The cor-

responding lowest values reported on the respective certificates were 7.01, 8.58, and 2.91%. Elapsed Time. This method produces results in about 1 hour as compared with 2 hours for the peroxide-sulfuric acid method and 3 hours for the titrimetric method. Neither of these slower methods can be expected to give results which are more accurate than those obtained by the proposed method. Limits of Application. Maximum values encountered in the testing of the method were 8.68% molybdenum, 18.05% tungsten, 19.13% chromium, and 5.00% cobalt. Although it is unlikely that higher values will be encountered in routine work, it is possible that the method can be applied satisfactorily in such cases. It may be necessary, hon-ever, to extend correction curves and/or to.make other adjustments of the method. LITERATURE CITED (1) Hillebrand, W. F., Lundell, G. E. F., Bright, H. A., and Hoffman, J. I., “8pplied Inorgaric Analysis,” 2nd ed., p. 315, Wiley, New York, 1953. (2) Zhid., p. 316. (3) Zhid., p. 689. and Allen, H. O., IXD.ENG.CHEM.,ANAL.ED.,7, (4) Hurd, L. 396-8 (1935). ( 5 ) James, L. H., Ihid., 4, 89-90 (1932). (6) Kapron, M., and Hehman, P., Ibid., 17, 573-6 (1945). (7) Killeffer, D. H., and Lina, A, “Molybdenum Compounds,” p. 154, Interscience, New York, 1952. (8) Methods of Analysis Committee, J . I r o n Steel Znat. ( L o n d o n ) , 172, 413-15 (1952). (9) Poole, G. M., Zron Age, 148, 62 (Oct. 9, 1941). (10) Youden, TV. J., AXAL.CHEY.,19, 946-50 (1947).


RECEIVEDfor review April 15, 195.5. Accepted August 31, 1955. Division of Analytical Chemistry, 127th Xeeting, ACS, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 1955.

Use of Vanadium Pentoxide in Combustion Method for Sulfur in Refractory Materials D. B. HAGERMAN and R. A. FAUST Research and Development Department, Socony

Mobil Laboratories, Paulsboro,

A method is proposed for the determination of sulfur in inorganic materials that are highly resistant to decomposition by pyrolysis. The method is based on the reaction of sulfur with vanadium pentoxide, possibly by replacement of the sulfur through the formation of metal pyrovanadates. The oxide is mixed intimately with the powdered sample and heated in a quartz tube at 900” to 950” C . The liberated gases are absorbed in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and the resulting sulfuric acid is determined allralimetrically. Such materials as inorganic sulfates, silica-alumina catalysts, and suspensions of barium sulfate in oil have been successfully analyzed by this method. Inorganic sulfides require the addition of chromium to the ignition mixture, to obtain complete sulfur recovery. An analysis may be completed in 35 to 45 minutes, thus offering an appreciable time-saving factor as compared to any of the conventional wet chemical methods.

N. J.

There are, however, two methods which do not use combustion tube technique. One involves fusion of the refractory sample with sodium peroxide in a metal bomb (2). The other requiree treatment of the material with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids (0), reduction of sulfates to sulfides, and a final iodometric titration. Both methods are lengthy and the latter procedure is of uncertain value in estimating sulfur in forms other than sulfate. To circumvent the disadvantages of the afore-mentioned methods, attention was directed to some rather meager information revealed by Kirsten (6-8), who volatilized residual sulfur from the ash of certain biological materials by heating in a combustion tube with vanadium pentoxide. It was also used by Zinneke ( 1 2 ) in his micro combustion method for sulfur in organic compounds containing phosphorus and fluorine. On the basis of this information, a rapid and simplified analytical method was developed for the total sulfur assay of inorganic and certain organic materials by combustion with vanadium pentoxide APPARATUS


OMBUSTION methods for determining sulfur have generally proved inadequate when applied to refractory materials. Well established procedures such as the Carius ( S ) , the Parr oxygen bomb (I), heating in a horizontal (4,11) or vertical tube (6) in the presence of oxygen or air have failed to provide a satisfactory means for determining aulfur in such substances as cracking or reforming catalysts, certain inorganic sulfates, and inorganic sulfides.

Furnace Assembly (Figure 1). The apparatus employed in this investigation consists of a single quartz combustion tube and furnace unit similar to that described by Peters, Rounds, and Agazzi (IO),except that a single rather than a dual unit was used. REAGENTS

BARIUM SULFATE, rea ent grade. CALCIUM SULFATE,( 8aS04.2H20),reagent grade.