Colorimetry and Turbidimetry - American Chemical Society

Tom Tyner Chair, ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents ... iodide and stannous chloride in the generator tend to repress the evolution of stibine at ...
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Colorimetry and Turbidimetry Part 2, Analytical Procedures and General Directions eISBN: 9780841230460 Tom Tyner Chair, ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents James Francis Secretary, ACS Committee on Analytical Reagents

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ABSTRACT Conditions and quantities for colorimetric or turbidimetric tests have been chosen to produce colors or turbidities that can be observed easily. These conditions and quantities approach but do not reach the minimum that can be observed. Five minutes, unless some other time is specified, must be allowed for the development of the colors or turbidities before the comparisons are made. If solutions of samples contain any turbidity or insoluble matter that might interfere with the later observation of colors or turbidities, they must be filtered before the addition of the reagent used to produce the color or turbidity.

Note: Conditions of the tests will vary from one reagent to another, but most of the tests fall close to the limits indicated in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3. Usual Limits for Colorimetric or Turbidimetric Standards


Quantity Used for Comparison (mg) Approximate Volume (mL)

Ammonium (NH4)



Arsenic (As)



Barium (Ba) chromate test



Chloride (Cl)





Copper (Cu) Dithizone extraction Hydrogen sulfide



Pyridine thiocyanate



Sodium sulfide



Heavy metals (as Pb)









Iron (Fe)

Lead (Pb) Chromate






Sodium sulfide



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ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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Table 2-3. Usual Limits for Colorimetric or Turbidimetric Standards (continued)


Quantity Used for Comparison (mg) Approximate Volume (mL)

Manganese (Mn)



Brucine sulfate






Direct molybdenum blue



Molybdenum blue ether extraction



Sulfate (SO4)





Nitrate (NO3)

Phosphate (PO4)

Zinc (Zn)

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Dithizone extraction

AMMONIUM (TEST FOR AMMONIA AND AMINES) Procedure for Ammonium Dissolve the specified quantity of sample in 60 mL of ammonia-free water in a Kjeldahl flask connected through a spray trap to a condenser, the end of which dips below the surface of 10 mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. Add 20 mL of freshly boiled sodium hydroxide solution (10%), distill 35 mL, and dilute the distillate with water as directed. Add 2 mL of freshly boiled sodium hydroxide solution (10%), mix, add 2 mL of Nessler reagent, and again mix. Any color should not be darker than that produced in a standard containing the amount of ammonium ion (NH4) specified in the individual test description in an equal volume of solution containing 2 mL of the sodium hydroxide solution and 2 mL of the Nessler reagent.

ARSENIC This colorimetric comparative procedure is based upon the reaction between silver diethyldithiocarbamate and arsine.

Interferences Metals or salts of metals, such as chromium, cobalt, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, and silver, may interfere with the evolution of arsine. Antimony, which forms stibine, may produce a positive interference in color development with silver diethyldithiocarbamate solution. Although potassium iodide and stannous chloride in the generator tend to repress the evolution of stibine at low levels of antimony, at higher levels repression is incomplete, a situation that can lead to erroneously high results for arsenic. Interference from antimony, however, can be essentially eliminated by adding ferric ion to the generator. An arsenic test employing this addition is included in the monograph for phosphoric acid. Antimony can be determined, if desired, by atomic absorption or by differential pulse polarography. An atomic absorption procedure for antimony is also included in the monograph for phosphoric acid.

Apparatus The apparatus (Figure 2-1) consists of an arsine generator (a) fitted with a scrubber unit (c) and an absorber tube (e), with standard taper or ground glass ball-and-socket joints (b and d) between the units. Alternatively, any apparatus embodying the principle of the assembly described and illustrated may be used.

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ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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Figure 2-1. Arsenic test apparatus

Sample Solution Dissolve the specified weight of the sample in water and dilute with water to 35 mL or use the solution prepared as directed in the individual reagent standard.

Procedure for Arsenic Unless otherwise specified in the individual test description, proceed as follows: To the sample, add 20 mL of dilute sulfuric acid (1:4), 2 mL of potassium iodide reagent solution (16.5 g of KI per 100 mL), and 0.5 mL of stannous chloride reagent solution (4 g of SnCl2 · 2H2O in 10 mL of hydrochloric acid), and mix. Allow the mixture to stand for 30 min at room temperature. Pack the scrubber tube (Figure 2-1, c) with two swabs of cotton previously wetted with a saturated solution of lead acetate, freed from excess lead acetate solution by squeezing, and dried in a vacuum. Allow a small space between the two swabs. Place 3.0 mL of silver diethyldithiocarbamate solution (1 g in 200 mL of clear colorless pyridine) in the absorber tube (Figure 2-1, e) and 3.0 g of granulated zinc (No. 20 mesh) in the generator flask, and immediately connect the scrubber–absorber assembly to the flask. Place the generator flask in a water bath maintained at 25 ± 3 °C, and swirl the flask gently at 10 min intervals. (The addition of a small amount of isopropyl alcohol to the generator flask may promote uniformity of the rate of gas evolution.) After 45 min, disconnect the tubing from the generator flask, and transfer the silver diethyldithiocarbamate solution to a suitable color-comparison tube. Any red color in the silver diethyldithiocarbamate solution of the sample should not exceed the color of an arsenic standard solution equivalent to the limit specified in the individual monograph. Note: The color comparison may be made in a photometer at the wavelength of maximum absorbance occurring between 535 and 540 nm. If a photometer is used, the silver diethyldithiocarbamate solution should be free from any trace of impurity (before the test is started). The use of capped cells is recommended.

CHLORIDE The general test procedure cited here applies to the majority of reagent chemicals having a chloride specification. Perform the test for the sample and the standard in glass tubes or cylinders of the same diameter, matched as closely as practicable. Use identical quantities of the same reagents for the sample and the standard solutions. If after dissolution the solution is not clear, filter it through a chloride-free filter paper. Prepare the filter paper by washing with water until the filtrate gives a negative test for chloride. The filter may also be prewashed with dilute nitric acid (1:3). Experience has shown that visual turbidimetric comparisons are best made between solutions containing 0.01 mg of chloride ion in a volume of 20 mL.

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ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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Procedure for Chloride Unless otherwise stated, dissolve the specified quantity of sample in water, and dilute with water to 20 mL. If the substance is already in solution, dilute with water to 20 mL. Filter if necessary through chlorine-free filter paper. For the standard, use 1 mL of the chloride ion (Cl) standard solution and dilute with water to 20 mL. To each tube, add 1 mL of nitric acid and 1 mL of silver nitrate reagent solution. Mix, allow to stand for 5 min protected from sunlight, and compare. The solutions can best be viewed visually against a black background. Any turbidity in the solution of the sample should not exceed that in the standard.

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For samples yielding colored solutions, dissolve the sample, prepare the standard, and treat the two solutions as directed in the specification. The comparison is best made by viewing both turbidities through the same depth and color of solution. Do this as follows: Prepare a test tube with the specified quantity of sample in a volume of water equal to the total volume of the test, and superimpose it over the test tube that contains the standard turbidity. Place a third tube containing the same volume of water below the tube containing the sample and added reagents. The comparison tubes may be machine-made vials, long style, of about 20 mL capacity.

DITHIZONE Because dithizone is extremely sensitive to many metal ions, all glassware used must be specially cleaned. After the usual cleaning, it should be thoroughly rinsed with warm dilute nitric acid (1:1) and finally rinsed with reagent water. All glassware used in the preparation and storage of reagents and in performing the tests must be made of lead- and zinc-free glass. Alternatively, for solution storage, polyethylene containers may be used.

HEAVY METALS (AS LEAD) The heavy metals test is designed to limit the common metallic impurities (Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb, Sb, and Sn) that produce colors when the sulfide ion is added to slightly acid solutions that contain them. In this test, such heavy metals are expressed “as lead” by comparing the color developed in a test solution with that developed in a lead standard/control solution. The optimum conditions for proper performance of the test are (i) pH of the solution between 3 and 4, (ii) total volume of 45 mL, (iii) use of pH 3.5 ammonium acetate dilution buffer solution, (iv) use of freshly prepared hydrogen sulfide water, and (v) use of a standard/control solution containing 0.02 mg of lead ion (Pb). These conditions are rarely modified in the individual procedures, and it would only be after a method validation that the modifications would be suitable for the individual reagent. Color comparisons should be made using matched 50 mL color-comparison tubes by viewing vertically over a white background. In some instances, an appropriate amount of the sample is added to the standard, thereafter called the control ([Part 3: Control, Standard, and Stock Solutions; Control Solutions]), because the color developed in the test may be affected by the sample being tested. In other instances, no such effort occurs, and the standard may be prepared without any of the sample. In general, the individual standard procedures provide only for preparation of a sample solution. The remainder of the test directions, being the same for all reagents, are provided in this chapter. Two general test procedures are provided. Method 1 is to be used unless otherwise specified in the individual standard. This method is used, generally, for those substances that yield clear, colorless solutions under the specified test conditions. Method 2 is used, generally, only for certain organic compounds. An alternate procedure ([Part 2: Colorimetry and Turbidimetry; Heavy Metals (as Lead); Procedure for Heavy Metals, Method 2; Alternate Sulfide Reagent Solution and Use]) is provided for cases where hydrogen sulfide is not suitable. Note: Heavy metals may also be analyzed for some reagents by ICP–OES ([Part 2: Trace and Ultratrace Elemental Analysis; Inductively Coupled Plasma−Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP–OES); Calculation of Heavy Metals (by ICP–OES) Results]).

Unless otherwise directed in the individual specification, the test shall be carried out as follows.

Procedure for Heavy Metals, Method 1 Test in a well-ventilated fume hood.

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ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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A m m o n i u m A c e t a t e , p H 3 . 5 , D i l u t i o n B u f f e r S o l u t i o n . Dissolve 5.0 g of ammonium acetate in about 450 mL of water in a 500 mL beaker. Using a pH meter, while stirring, adjust the pH to 3.5 with a slow addition of acetic acid, glacial. If needed, 10% ammonium hydroxide reagent solution may be used to readjust the pH. Dilute to 500 mL with water, and store in a plastic bottle. This dilution buffer is used to prepare the standard/control and sample solutions; dilute to volume after pH is adjusted. Te s t S o l u t i o n . Using the solution prepared as directed in the individual reagent monograph, adjust the pH to between 3 and 4 (by using a pH meter) with 1 N acetic acid reagent solution or 10% ammonium hydroxide reagent solution. Dilute with pH 3.5 ammonium acetate dilution buffer solution to 40 mL, if necessary, and mix.

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S t a n d a r d / C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n . To 20 mL of pH 3.5 ammonium acetate dilution buffer solution, or to the portion of that solution specified in the individual standard, add 0.02 mg of lead ion (Pb). [When a control solution is specified in the individual reagent monograph and a direction is given therein to add a weight of lead ion (Pb), no further lead shall be added here.] Dilute with water to 25 mL and mix. Adjust the pH (within 0.1 unit) to the value established for the test solution (using a pH meter) with 1 N acetic acid reagent solution or 10% ammonium hydroxide reagent solution, dilute with pH 3.5 ammonium acetate dilution buffer solution to 40 mL, and mix. To each of the tubes containing the test solution and the standard/control solution, add 5 mL of freshly prepared hydrogen sulfide water and mix. Any brown color produced within 5 min in the test solution should not be darker than that produced in the standard/control solution.

Procedure for Heavy Metals, Method 2 Test in a well-ventilated fume hood.

Te s t S o l u t i o n . Transfer the quantity of substance specified in the individual reagent monograph to a suitable crucible, add sufficient sulfuric acid to wet the sample, and carefully heat at a low temperature until thoroughly charred. (The crucible may be loosely covered with a suitable lid during the charring.) Add to the carbonized mass 2 mL of nitric acid and 0.25 mL of sulfuric acid, and heat cautiously until white fumes of sulfur trioxide are no longer evolved. Ignite, preferably in a wellventilated muffle furnace, at 500–600 °C until the carbon is burned off completely. Cool, add 4 mL of 6 N hydrochloric acid, and cover. Digest on a hot plate (~100 °C) for 15 min, uncover, and slowly evaporate on the hot plate to dryness. Moisten the residue with 0.05 mL of hydrochloric acid, add 10 mL of hot water, and digest for 2 min. Add 10% ammonium hydroxide reagent solution dropwise until the solution is just alkaline, and dilute with water to 25 mL. Adjust the pH of the solution to between 3 and 4 (by using a pH meter) with 1 N acetic acid reagent solution, dilute with pH 3.5 ammonium acetate dilution buffer solution (described in Method 1) to 40 mL, and mix. S t a n d a r d / C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n . To 20 mL of water, add 0.02 mg of lead ion (Pb), and dilute with water to 25 mL. Adjust the pH (within 0.1 unit) to the value established for the test solution (by using a pH meter) with 1 N acetic acid reagent solution or 10% ammonium hydroxide reagent solution, dilute with pH 3.5 ammonium acetate dilution buffer solution (described in Method 1) to 40 mL, and mix. To each of the tubes containing the test solution and the standard/control solution, add 5 mL of freshly prepared hydrogen sulfide water and mix. Any brown color produced in the test solution within 5 min should not be darker than that produced in the standard/control solution.

Alternate Sulfide Reagent Solution and Use S o d i u m S u l fi fid de S o l u t i o n . (Note: Before sodium sulfide is weighed, any excessive liquid on the reagent should be removed on filter paper.) Dissolve 2.5 ± 0.05 g of sodium sulfide, nonahydrate, in a mixture of 5 mL of water and 15 mL of glycerol. Store the solution in a small, tightly closed, light-resistant bottle. Use within 3 months. Make fresh when in doubt. Add 0.05 mL or 1 drop of sodium sulfide solution to the test solution and the standard/ control solution, mix well, and allow to stand for 5 min. Compare both solutions against a white background. Any brown color produced in the test solution within 5 min should not be darker than that produced in the standard/control solution.

© 2017 American Chemical Society


ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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Note: The final volume of the sample and control solutions must be the same in both Method 1 and Method 2 when the pH 3.5 ammonium acetate dilution buffer solution is used.


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Two procedures are provided for the determination of iron. Method 1, which uses thiocyanate, is usually performed in a 50 mL solution containing 2 mL of hydrochloric acid, to which 30–50 mg of ammonium peroxydisulfate crystals and 3 mL of 30% ammonium thiocyanate reagent solution are added. These quantities of acid and thiocyanate were selected so that the production of the red color would not be affected significantly by anything except the iron. The use of peroxydisulfate to oxidize the iron prevents fading of the color and eliminates the need for immediate comparison with the standard. For certain alkaline earth salts, permanganate is used to oxidize the iron. Method 2, which uses 1,10-phenanthroline, is used generally for phosphate reagents. It is usually performed by adjusting the pH (when necessary) to between 4 and 6, adding 6 mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent solution and 4 mL of 1,10phenanthroline reagent solution, and diluting with water to 25 mL. Because development of the color may be slow, comparison of the color produced is not made until 60 min after addition of the 1,10-phenanthroline reagent solution. The hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent solution is the unacidified reagent solution and not the acidified solution used in the dithizone test for lead and other metals. The two general methods, which are referred to in the individual reagent monographs, are described here. Where a difference appears between the general test method and the directions set forth in the individual reagent monograph, the directions in the monograph are to be followed.

Procedure for Iron, Method 1 (Ammonium Thiocyanate) Dissolve the specified amount of sample in 40 mL of water or use the sample solution prepared as directed in the individual test description. Unless otherwise directed in the individual specification, add 2 mL of hydrochloric acid and, if necessary, dilute with water to 50 mL. Add 30–50 mg of ammonium peroxydisulfate crystals and 3 mL of 30% ammonium thiocyanate reagent solution and mix. Any red color produced should not exceed that produced by 0.01 mg of iron in an equal volume of solution containing the quantities of reagents used in the test.

Procedure for Iron, Method 2 (Hydroxylamine and 1,10-Phenanthroline) Dissolve the specified amount of sample in 10 mL of water or use the sample solution prepared as directed in the individual test description. Add 6 mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride reagent solution and 4 mL of 1,10-phenanthroline reagent solution and dilute with water to 25 mL. Any red color produced within 1 h should not exceed that produced by 0.1 mg of iron in an equal volume of solution containing the quantities of reagents used in the test.

NITRATE Four different tests are applied to the determination of nitrate: brucine sulfate, diphenylamine, indigo carmine, and phenoldisulfonic acid. General procedures are provided below for brucine sulfate and diphenylamine.

Procedure for Nitrate, Method 1 (Brucine Sulfate) It is recognized that the sensitivity of brucine sulfate for determining small amounts of nitrate varies with the conditions of each particular test. Therefore, the tests are designed so that the sensitivity of the brucine sulfate is determined under the particular conditions of the test. The test must be followed carefully to ensure development of a reproducible color.

S a m p l e S o l u t i o n A . Dissolve the specified quantity or volume of the sample in 3 mL of water by heating in a boiling water bath. Dilute with brucine sulfate reagent solution to 50 mL.

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ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n B . To the specified volume of nitrate ion (NO3) standard solution, add the same quantity of sample as in sample solution A and sufficient water to make a volume of 3 mL. Dissolve the mixture by heating in a boiling water bath. Dilute with brucine sulfate reagent solution to 50 mL. B l a n k S o l u t i o n C . Use 50 mL of brucine sulfate reagent solution. Heat the three solutions in a preheated (boiling) water bath for 15 min with periodic gentle swirling. Cool rapidly in an ice water bath to room temperature. Set a spectrophotometer at 410 nm, and using 1 cm quartz cells, adjust the instrument to read zero absorbance with blank solution C in the light path, and then determine the absorbance of sample solution A and of control solution B. Calculate the nitrate content as the following:

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Procedure for Nitrate, Method 2 (Diphenylamine) The prescribed tests must be followed carefully to ensure the development of a reproducible and stable color. Under slightly different conditions, the oxidation reaction may produce a somewhat different color, which is not stable. Place the specified quantity of the sample in a dry beaker. Cool the beaker thoroughly in an ice bath, and add 22 mL of sulfuric acid that has been cooled to ice-bath temperature. Allow the mixture to warm to room temperature, and swirl the beaker at intervals to produce gentle dissolution with slow evolution of the acid vapor. Prepare a standard by evaporating to dryness a solution containing the specified quantity of nitrate ion (NO3) standard solution and 0.01 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate. Treat the residue exactly as the sample. Add 3 mL of diphenylamine reagent solution to each solution, and digest on a hot plate (~100 °C) for 90 min. Compare the color of the solutions visually. Any blue color produced in the solution of the sample should not exceed that in the standard.

NITROGEN COMPOUNDS: TEST FOR AMMONIA, AMINES, AND NITROGEN COMPOUNDS REDUCED BY ALUMINUM Procedure for Nitrogen Compounds Dissolve the specified quantity of sample in 60 mL of ammonia-free water in a Kjeldahl flask connected through a spray trap to a condenser, the end of which dips below the surface of 10 mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. Add 10 mL of freshly prepared 10% sodium hydroxide reagent solution and 0.5 g of aluminum wire (previously cleaned with 1 N sodium hydroxide, followed by rinsing with deionized water), in small pieces, to the Kjeldahl flask. Allow to stand for 1 h protected from loss of and exposure to ammonia. Distill 35 mL and dilute the distillate with water to 50 mL. Add 2 mL of freshly prepared 10% sodium hydroxide reagent solution, mix, add 2 mL of Nessler reagent solution, and again mix. Any color should not be darker than that produced in a standard containing the amount of nitrogen specified in the individual test description and treated exactly like the sample. A commercially available apparatus may be used.

PHOSPHATE Three general procedures are provided to test for phosphate: direct molybdenum blue (Method 1), extracted molybdenum blue (Method 2), and precipitation (Method 3). In Method 2, conditions are established that allow only the phosphomolybdate to be extracted into ether, thus eliminating any interference from arsenate and silicate.

Procedure for Phosphate, Method 1 (Direct Molybdenum Blue) Prepare the sample solution as directed in the individual test description. Add 1 mL of ammonium molybdate–sulfuric acid solution (5%) and 1 mL of 4-(methylamino)phenol sulfate reagent solution. Allow to stand at room temperature for 2 h. Any blue color should not exceed that produced by 0.02 mg of phosphate ion (PO4) in an equal volume of solution containing the quantities of reagents used in the test.

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ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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Procedure for Phosphate, Method 2 (Extracted Molybdenum Blue) Prepare the sample solution as directed in the individual test description. Transfer to a separatory funnel, add 35 mL of ether, shake vigorously, and allow the layers to separate. Draw off and discard the aqueous layer unless it is indicated in the individual specification that the aqueous layer should be saved for the silica determination. Wash the ether layer twice with 10 mL of dilute hydrochloric acid (1:9), drawing off and discarding the aqueous layer each time. Add 0.2 mL of a freshly prepared 2% stannous chloride reagent solution. If the solution is cloudy, shake with a small amount of dilute hydrochloric acid (1:9) to clear. Any blue color should not exceed that produced by a standard containing the concentration of phosphate ion (PO4) cited in the individual test description and treated exactly as is the sample.

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Procedure for Phosphate, Method 3 (Precipitation) Dissolve 20.0 g of sample in 100 mL of dilute ammonium hydroxide (1:4). Prepare a standard containing 0.10 mg of phosphate ion (PO4) in 100 mL of dilute ammonium hydroxide (1:4). To each solution, add dropwise with rapid stirring 3.5 mL of ferric nitrate reagent solution, and allow to stand about 15 min. If necessary, warm gently to coagulate the precipitate but do not boil. Filter and wash several times with dilute ammonium hydroxide (1:9). Dissolve the precipitate by pouring 60 mL of warm dilute nitric acid (1:3) through the filter and catching the solution in a 250 mL glass-stoppered conical flask. Add 13 mL of ammonium hydroxide, warm the solution to 40 °C, and add 50 mL of freshly filtered ammonium molybdate–nitric acid reagent solution. Shake vigorously for 5 min, and allow to stand for 2 h at 40 ± 5 °C. Any yellow precipitate obtained from the sample should not exceed that obtained from the standard.

SILICATE Small amounts of silica or silicate are determined by a molybdenum blue method. Conditions have been established that allow the extraction of the silicomolybdate and thus eliminate any interference from arsenate or phosphate.

SULFATE Note: Use 12% barium chloride reagent solution unless stated otherwise; for reagent monographs for phosphates, use 40% barium chloride reagent solution.

Procedure for Sulfate, Method 1 Unless otherwise stated in the reagent monograph, dissolve 0.005 ÷ % maximum allowable grams of the sample in a minimum volume of water. This gives a sample size that provides 0.05 mg of sulfate ion (SO4) at limit. The standard also contains 0.05 mg of sulfate ion (SO4). To determine the sample weight in grams, divide 0.005 by the maximum allowable (in actual percent). For example, if the maximum allowable is 0.01%, 0.005 is divided by 0.01 to arrive at 0.50 g of sample (use a four-place balance for a sample size less than 1.0 g). Add 1 mL of dilute hydrochloric acid (1:19). Filter through a prewashed small filter paper, and wash with two 2 mL portions of water. Dilute to 10 mL and add 1 mL of barium chloride reagent solution. Any turbidity should not exceed that produced by 0.05 mg of sulfate ion (SO4) in an equal volume of solution containing the quantities of reagents used in the test. Unless otherwise specified, compare turbidity 10 min after adding the barium chloride to the sample and standard solutions.

Procedure for Sulfate, Method 2 Unless otherwise stated in the specification, dissolve 0.005 % ÷ maximum allowable grams of sample in water, and evaporate to dryness on a hot plate (~100 °C). Proceed as in Method 1.

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ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2

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Procedure for Sulfate, Method 3 Unless otherwise stated in the specification, add 10 mg of sodium carbonate to 0.005 % ÷ maximum allowable grams of sample, and evaporate to dryness on a hot plate (~100 °C). Proceed as in Method 1.

Procedure for Sulfate, Method 4

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Unless otherwise stated in the specification, dissolve 0.005 % ÷ maximum allowable grams of sample in water, evaporate to 5 mL, add 1 mL of bromine water, and evaporate to dryness on a hot plate (~100 °C). Proceed as in Method 1.

© 2017 American Chemical Society


ACS Reagent Chemicals ACS Reagent Chemicals; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

DOI:10.1021/acsreagents.2003 ACS Reagent Chemicals, Part 2