May 31, 2012 - COLUMBIA SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES CORP. Anal. Chem. , 1978, 50 (4), pp 468A–468A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50026a758. Publication Date: April ...
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can your integrator do this?

Digital Colorimeter

Baseline Forced by Timed Event (Nearest Valley)

Edited bye.D.Muir

the SUPERGRATOR can! Unlike other programmable com­ puting integrators, the Supergrators allow you to force any valley to be identified as baseline, eliminating the effect of an underlying compo­ nent under other components. Timed events forcing the nearest valley to be called a baseline is only one of the dozens of reasons the Supergrators should be in your lab. Why not call CSI today for a demonstration?

2nd Edition

In the five years since the first edition was published, Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory has become established as a vital handbook in all types of laboratory environment. However, over this period many developments have taken place which justify changes in scope and emphasis. This second edition contains completely new chapters on Reactive Chemical Hazards, and Chemical Hazards and Toxicology. The authors of the chapters in the original volume have also brought their contributions up-to-date in the light of changing attitudes and legislative changes that are in progress. The section dealing with hazardous chemicals has been greatly expanded so as to provide detailed information on the properties, warning phrases, injunctions, toxic effects, hazardous reactions, first aid treatments, fire hazards and spillage disposal procedures for all common laboratory chemicals, together with short notes on the hazardous properties and reactions of several hundred other less common chemicals. Brief contents Introduction; Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974; Planning for Safety; Fire Protection; Reactive Chemical Hazards; Chemical Hazards and Toxicology; Medical Services and First Aid; Hazardous Chemicals; Safety in Hospital Biochemistry Laboratories; Precautions Against Radiations. 480 pages (1977) ISBN 0-85186-699-9 hardback $15.75 Distributed by The American Chemical Society Published by The Chemical Society

SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., DC. 20036

COLUMBIA SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES CORP. P.O. Box 9908, Austin, Texas 78766 (512) 258-5191, TWX 910-874-1364 Outside Texas call Toll Free (800)531-5003

Please send copies of Hazards in the Chemical Laboratory: 2nd Edition at $15.75 per copy. Π Check enclosed for $ D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 40 cents elsewhere.

Type 22 digital colorimeter can be used for all general colorimetric determina­ tions and is especially valuable as a teaching aid because of its simple op­ eration and variety of applications. Fea­ tures include digital display calibrated in percent transmittance, front panel con­ trol to select any one of eight narrow band filters with wavelength peaks cen­ tered at 350, 420, 460, 490, 530, 610, and 660 nm, and a tungsten lamp light source. Chemtrix, Inc. 418

Hydrogen Generator Model 8325 produces ultrahigh purity (10 ppb impurity) hydrogen from dis­ tilled water for flame ionization gas chromatography. Pressure can be pre­ cisely regulated at any flow setting. The hydrogen generator is rated at 150 mm/min STP at any pressure up to 60 psig. The hydrogen is generated by dis­ sociating water with electricity and dif­ fusing the hydrogen through a palladium alloy membrane. Matheson 413

Display Module Model 1340A CRT display module is de­ signed to be easily integrated into in­ strument or system consoles and can be purchased with or without controls and power supply. The compact module supplies resolution, viewing area, and brightness suitable for applications such as spectrum, network, and vibra­ tion analysis. Spot size is less than 0.46 mm at center screen, and line res­ olution is about 25 lines/cm. The CRT can write directly from analog circuits or from digital memory on a refreshed basis. $1000. Hewlett-Packard Co. 415

High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography Cell The cell is designed for use in Beckman DB and Cary 118 spectrophotometers and features an 8-mL lightpath volume, path length of 10 mm, and an aperture diameter of 1.0 mm. The cell window is made of UV grade fused quartz and the body formed of 316 stainless steel with flow connections to the cell via two 0.062-in. diameter stainless steel tubes. Inlet flow is split into two streams that enter the optical path by flowing across the window, then combine and leave by a central port. Precision Cells Inc. 420

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