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For more information, contact: Department of Educational ... The ability to handle solutions with dissolved-solids ... and Management of Hazards. New ...
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are newly

listed in A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y .

and Spectroscopy Societies. Oct. 30-Nov. 3. Boston. Contact: Paul Lublin, GTE Laboratories, 40 Syl­ van Rd., Waltham, Mass. 02154. 617-890-8460. Page 44 A, Jan.

The 1978 meetings listed earlier ap­ pear in the January issue • Symposium on H P L C w i t h Appli­ cation to the P h a r m a c e u t i c a l and Food Industries. Apr. 10-14. Sun­ derland, England. Contact: R. Den­ nis, School of Pharmacy, Sunder­ land Polytechnic, Chester Rd., Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SRI 3SD, England • 9th International Symposium on Chromatography and Electro­ phoresis. May 15-16. Riva Del Garda, Lake of Garda, Italy. Con­ tact: Alberto Frigerio, Istituto de Ricerche Farmacologiche, Mario Negri, Via Eritrea 62, 20157 Milan, Italy. Page 44 A, Jan. • 5th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in B i o c h e m ­ istry and Medicine. J u n e 19-21. Rimini, Italy. Contact: Alberto Fri­ gerio, Istituto de Ricerche Far­ macologiche, Mario Negri, Via Eri­ trea 62, 20157 Milan, Italy. Page 44 A, Jan. • 6th Discussion Conference on Macromolecules: Chromatogra­ phy of P o l y m e r s and P o l y m e r s in Chromatography. July 17-21. Prague. Contact: P. M. M. Secre­ tariat, clo Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 162 06 Prague 616, Czechoslovakia m Inter/Micro-78. July 24-27. McCormick Inn, Chicago. Spon­ sored by McCrone Research Insti­ tute. Emphasis on new techniques in acoustic, infrared, interference microscopy; uses of laser Raman microprobe; techniques of modula­ tion contrast, and combinations of microscopes and computers. Con­ tact: McCrone Research Institute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 60616. 312-842-7105 • 6th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. Sept. 4-9. Bangalore, India. Contact: J. R. Durig, College of Science & Mathe­ matics, U. of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia, S.C. 29208. 803-777-2505 m 176th A C S National Meeting. Sept. 10-15. Miami Beach, Fla. Contact: A. T. Winstead, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 m I S A / 7 8 . Oct. 15-19. Philadelphia. Contact: Instrument Society of America, 400 Stanwix St., Pitts­ burgh, Pa. 15222. Page 44 A, Jan. • 5th Annual Meeting of the F e d ­ eration of Analytical Chemistry



Short Courses ACS Courses. For more information, contact: Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Column Selection in Gas Chroma­ tography Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. Harold M. McNair and Walter R. Supina. $165, ACS members; $205, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. S t u a r t Cram and Milos Novotny. $245, ACS mem­ bers; $295, nonmembers Thermal Methods of Analysis Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. Wesley W. Wendlandt and Ilya M. Sarasohn. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmem­ bers Statistics for Experimental D e s i g n Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. J o h n Hromi. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmem­ bers T h i n - L a y e r Chromatography Cleveland. Mar. 3-4. Victor W. Rodwell and Donald J. McNamara. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers Solving Problems w i t h Modern Liquid Chromatography Cleveland. Mar. 3-5. J. J. Kirkland a n d Lloyd R. Snyder. $225, ACS mem­ bers; $265, nonmembers Electroanalytical Chemistry Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 10-12. Dennis Evans and Paul Whitson. $225, ACS members; $305, nonmembers Carbon-13 N M R Spectroscopy Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 10-12. George Levy and Paul Ellis. $255, ACS mem­ bers; $305, nonmembers Modern T e c h n i q u e s in Gas Chro­ matography Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 11-12. Harold McNair a n d S t u a r t Cram. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers Statistics for Experimental D e s i g n Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 11-12. J o h n Hromi. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers

SPECTRASPAN III versatility in element analysis from trace to major levels The unmatched versatility and performance of Spectraspan III plasma-emission spectrometers ensure high productivity in a wide variety of analytical applications. In the quantitative mode of operation, a built-in microprocessor and programmed cassettes permit either sequential analysis of single elements automatically, or s i m u l t a n e o u s analysis of up to. 2 0 different e l e m e n t s . No special techniques are required to set up the cassettes, and conversion trom one type of analysis to the other can be achieved quickly. And for rapid, comprehensive qualitative analysis of unknown elements even at trace levels, or for troubleshooting, Spectraspan III converts to operation as a highresolution spectrograph in less than one minute. Other unique features of Spectraspan III total-measurement systems include: • The ability to handle s o l u t i o n s with dissolved-solids c o n t e n t s as high a s 2 0 per cent. • Reduced c h e m i c a l and spectral interferences. Improved d e t e c t i o n limits and wider linear dynamic range. Broad application.

News Solving Problems with Modern Liquid Chromatography Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 11-12. J. Kirkland and Lloyd Snyder. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers Effective Writing for Scientists and Engineers Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 15-17. Henrietta Tichy and Sylvia Fourdrinier. $225, ACS members; $275, nonmembers Thin-Layer Chromatography Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 16-17. Victor Rodwell and Donald McNamara. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers Microprocessors and Minicomputers Blacksburg, Va. Mar. 19-24, June 11-16. Raymond Dessy. $425, ACS members; $485, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography Washington, D.C. May 19-20. Stuart Cram and Milos Novotny. $245, ACS members; $295, nonmembers Laboratory Safety—Recognition and Management of Hazards New York City. May 22-24. Norman Steere and Maurice Golden. $255, ACS members; $305, nonmembers Gas Chromatography—Theory and Practice Blacksburg, Va. June 6-9. Harold McNair. $425, ACS members; $485, nonmembers High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography Workshop Boston. June 24-25. David Freeman. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers

Modular construction to permit future expansion.

In addition. Spectraspan III systems are safe and economical to operate because the plasma is sustained in low-cost inert argon which eliminates the need for lamps and explosive gases.

Laser Anemometry: Theory, Application, and Techniques for Researchers New to the Field Houston, Tex., Feb. 13-15; Washington, D.C, Apr. 24-26; Dayton, Ohio, May 22-24. Contact: TSI, Inc., 500 Cardigan Rd., P.O. Box 3394, St. Paul, Minn. 55165. 612-483-0900

So if you want to establish and maintain the high accuracy and productivity that characterize today's analytical requirements, and do it as economically as possible, look to versatile Spectraspan III. It's today's most innovative plasma spectrometer from the acknowledged leader . . .

Applied X-ray Spectrometry and X-ray Powder Diffraction U. of Denver. Mar. 13-17. C. S. Barrett, D. E. Leyden, J. B. Newkirk, C. O. Ruud, and P. K. Predecki. Contact: Mildred Cain, Denver Research Institute, U. of Denver, Denver, Colo. 80208. 303-753-2141


Chicago Gas Chromatography Discussion Group 16th Annual Introductory Course Chicago. Mar. 21-24. Contact: J. B. Himes, Richardson Co., 2701 W. Lake St., Melrose Park, 111. 60160

Low initial cost.


See our New Spectrajet 111 at B o o t h 1146 & 1148 CIRCLE 206 ON READER SERVICE CARD 2 4 2 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 50, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1978

News X-ray Spectrometry State U. of New York at Albany. June 5-16. First week: Basic Principles and Techniques, $400. Second week: Fundamentals and Practical Applications, $400. $750 for both. Contact: Henry Chessin, State U. of New York at Albany, Dept. of Physics, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12222. 518457-8339 Advanced Microcomputer Interfacing and Programming Workshop On board the TSS Carnivale in the Carribean. June 17-24. $975. Contact: Norris Bell, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Continuing Education Center, Blacksburg, Va. 24061 (703-951-6208). Page 54 A, Jan. X-ray Powder Diffraction State U. of New York at Albany. June 19-30. First week: Basic Principles and Techniques, $400. Second week: Fundamentals and Practical Applications, $400. $750 for both. Contact: Henry Chessin, State U. of New York at Albany, Dept. of Physics, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12222. 518-457-8339 Concepts of Radiation Measurement Philadelphia. July 24-28. Lectures and/or laboratory. Contact: Grafton D. Chase, Dept. of Chemistry, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 215386-5800 Radioimmunoassay and Other Competitive Radioassays Philadelphia. July 31-August 11. Lectures and/or laboratory. Contact: Grafton D. Chase, Dept. of Chemistry, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 215386-5800

For Your Information Micrometrics (5680 Goshen Springs Rd., Norcross, Ga. 30093) marks its 15th year in the analytical instrumentation business with the opening of two new district offices in the Chicago and Pennsylvania areas. In addition to manufacturing, selling, and servicing of analytical instruments for measuring pore size and volume, particle size, materials density, etc., Micrometrics produces a line of instruments for liquid chromatographs. Some of these include pulseless flow pumps, injectors, detectors, and complete accessories

SPECTRASPAN IV plasma spectrometry at atomic

absorption prices Spectraspan IV computer-aided plasma-emission spectrometers offer far more capabilities than atomic absorption units, yet are competitively priced. Think about it. For about the cost of an atomic absorption unit, you can have a simple totally-integrated system that performs all common atomic absorption analyses plus analysis of: • Boron and phosphorus • E l e m e n t s which form refractory compounds • C o m p l e x s o l u t i o n s having dissolved-solids c o n t e n t s a s high a s 2 0 per cent • High acid concentrations • Trace t o major e l e m e n t concentrations • Difficult e l e m e n t s including s o m e non-metals All Spectraspan IV systems are compact bench-top units designed for sequential quantitative analysis of most elements automatically. Rapid comprehensive qualitative analysis is also available. Conversion from one mode of operation to the other can be accomplished in seconds. These low-cost systems feature unique Echelle Grating Spectrometers that provide high dispersion of all wavelengths from 190 to 800nm, and powerful dedicated INTEL microprocessors that improve operating efficiency by providing overall control, calibration, monitoring, and reporting with minimum operator attention. In addition, Spectraspan IV systems consume little power, and operate on safe, inert argon which eliminates the need for lamps and explosive gases. If you want to increase your capabilities to meet today's analytical requirements without increasing costs, invest in Spectraspan IV. Call SMI now for details. SMI is an acknowledged leader, and the company that has more plasmaemission spectrometers in use by satisfied customers throughout the world than any other manufacturer.



See our new Spectrajet 111 at the Pittsburgh Conference, Booths 1146 & 1148 CIRCLE 207 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 50, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1978 · 243 A