can your integrator do this? Multiple Tailing Peak Analysis
Manufacturers' Literature
Gas Chromatography. Hotwire, a quar terly newsletter, publishes news of re cent developments in gas chromatogra phy techniques and research, as well as news of product developments by the company. Gow-Mac Instrument Co. 438
QUANTITATION! Presenting QUANTEX-RAY™ The XES answer machine from Kevex.
Catalogs Instruments for Spectroscopy. Includes data sheets on the full line of instru ments and systems for spectroscopy in the VUV, visible, and infrared spectral regions, plus technical information on photoelectron spectrometry. Includes a broad range of accessories. 20 pp. GCA/Precision Scientific Group 440 Chemicals. Offers over 5000 frequently used lab chemicals. Full price list in cluded. 22 pp. Chem Service, Inc. 441
flie SUPERGRATOR can! Does y o u r p r o g r a m m a b l e c o m p u t i n g integrator provide m u l t i p l e tailing peak analysis? The Supergrator can automatically d e t e r m i n e w h e n o n e tailing peak e n d s a n d a n o t h e r tailing peak b e g i n s , a n d skim t h e smaller p e a k s off of b o t h . M u l t i p l e tailing peak analysis is o n l y o n e of t h e d o z e n s of r e a s o n s the S u p e r g r a t o r s s h o u l d be in y o u r lab. W h y not call CSI t o d a y for a d e m o n s t r a t i o n ?
Recorder Supplies. Details a wide vari ety of recorder paper, pens, and other consumable supplies for recorders. 66 pp. Hewlett-Packard, 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, Calif. 9 4 3 0 4 Health Physics Equipment. Features products for general laboratory use, in dustrial radiography, nuclear reactor safety, and nuclear medicine. 24 pp. Nuclear Associates, Inc. 442 Lab Furniture. Illustrates the compa ny's capability in designing, building, and installing laboratory furniture. Fea tures various furniture styles and ar rangements available. 4 pp. Conco In dustries, Inc. 443 Photon Counting Products. Features photon counting systems available and accessories, as well as a section on how the systems work. 19 pp. Prince ton Applied Research Corp. 444 Chemical Test Solutions. Describes ready-to-use chemical testing solutions available including standardized acids, bases, and other titrants; indicators; and standards. 24 pp. Ricca Chemical Co. 445
Θ COLUMBIA SCIENTIFIC I N D U S T R I E S CORP. P.O. Box 9908, Austin, Texas 78766 (512) 258-5191, TWX 910-874-1364 Outside Texas call Toll Free
(800) 531-5003
Instrument Rentals. Features over 140 electronic instruments available for rent including recorders, meters, analyzers, and oscilloscopes. Price list included. 74 pp. U.S. Instrument Rentals, Inc. 446 Plastics Catalog. Offers over 1300 items with product descriptions and usage applications. Chart gives physi cal properties and temperature effects of over 160 chemicals on seven plastic types. 48 pp. Horizon Ecology 447
Quantex-Ray is a completely com puterized X-ray energy spectrometer system for rapid quantitative ele mental analyses. It's an enormously flexible system, allowing both inter active and automatic operation. In fact, operation can be so automatic that all you do is type one simple command to activate a total analysis. What does Quantex give you? In one, totally modular XES system, Kevex provides: • A powerful, versatile digital com puter, capable of independent and simultaneous operation. It identi fies trace elements and major ele ments and automatically removes Si escape peaks. • Easy-to-use software, including Colby's MAGIC V, FRAME B, Bcnce-Albee, and thin film...all for electron column applications. EX ACT handles X-ray fluorescence analyses. Oxide percents? Yes. • The highest-resolution X-ray detec tion subsystem, featuring the new Kevex Mark V 30 mm 2 detector with 148 eV resolution available. You get higher throughput and more useful data per minute than any other XES system. • Human-engineered control console with interactive color coded video display and printer terminal. You c a n " s e e " t h e a n a l y s i s a s it proceeds — with anomalous data clearly flagged. The bottom line? Printout of qualitative and/or quan titative results. Kevex strongly supports QuantexRay with training, service, applica tions and software assistance. Con tact us for more details about the industry's premier XES system.
Kevex Corporation 898 Mahler Road. Builingame, CA 94010 Phone (415) 697-6901 CIRCLE 117 ON READER SERVICE CARD