A Perfect Match Columbia Scientific Industries (CSI) has purchased certain assets of Infotronics Corporation such as the Digital Integrators, to combine with their line of analytical instrumentation.
STONE THERMAL ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTS The 200 series is capable of DTA, DSC andTGA and has a sensitivity of 0.0016°C/inch or 0.01 meal/sec/ inch. A complete selection of sample holders combine to allow pressure operation from 10"6 Torr to 3000 psig and temperature operation from -160°C to 1600"Ο. Also available is the 500 series which is a low cost line for research, education and quality control.
THE INFOTRONICS CRS-200 SERIES OF DIGITAL INTEGRATORS for gas and liquid chromatography and Amino Acid Analyzers are the highest quality of instruments of their type available in the world. They cover a broad line of capabilities and prices from the CRS- 208 at $2,200.00 to the top of the line CRS-204.
A n a l y t i c a l and Industrial Division
COLUMBIA SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES 3 6 2 5 Ed Bluestein Blvd., Austin, Texas 7 8 7 6 2 5 1 2 / 9 2 6 7 8 5 0 CIRCLE 4 2 O N READER SERVICE CARD
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